监控 DB2 活动之捕获事件监控数据(3)

http://www.itjxue.com  2015-08-21 22:26  来源:未知  点击次数: 


  Reading C:\mondata\00000000.EVT ...



  Event Monitor name: CONN_EVENTS

  Server Product ID: SQL09000

  Version of event monitor data: 8

  Byte order: LITTLE ENDIAN

  Number of nodes in db2 instance: 1

  Codepage of database: 1208

  Territory code of database: 1

  Server instance name: DB2



  Database Name: SAMPLE

  Database Path: C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00002\

  First connection timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:56:40.086671

  Event Monitor Start time: 06/22/2006 00:56:40.662668


  3) Connection Header Event ...

  Appl Handle: 55

  Appl Id: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045634

  Appl Seq number: 00001

  DRDA AS Correlation Token: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045634

  Program Name : db2bp.exe

  Authorization Id: RSANDERS

  Execution Id : RSANDERS

  Codepage Id: 1252

  Territory code: 0

  Client Process Id: 1992

  Client Database Alias: SAMPLE

  Client Product Id: SQL09000

  Client Platform: Unknown

  Client Communication Protocol: Local

  Client Network Name: rsanders-lxp

  Connect timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:56:40.086671

  4) Connection Event

  Appl Handle: 55

  Appl Id: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045634

  Appl Seq number: 00003

  Record is the result of a flush: FALSE

  Application Status: SQLM_DISCONNECTPEND

  Lock Statistics:

  Lock Waits: 0

  Total time waited on locks (milliseconds): 0

  Deadlocks: 0

  Lock escalations: 0

  X lock escalations: 0

  Lock timeouts: 0

  Sort Statistics:

  Sorts: 0

  Total sort time (milliseconds): 0

  Sort overflows: 0

  Hash Statistics:

  Hash Joins: 0

  Hash Loops: 0

  Hash Join Small Overflows: 0

  Hash Join Overflows: 0

  Buffer Pool Statistics:

  Buffer pool data logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool data physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary data logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary data physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool data page writes: 0

  Buffer pool index logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool index physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary index logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary index physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool index page writes: 0

  Buffer pool xda logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool xda physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary xda logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary xda physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool xda page writes: 0

  Buffer pool read time (milliseconds): 0

  Buffer pool write time (milliseconds): 0

  Time spent waiting for a prefetch: 0 milliseconds

  Unread prefetch pages: 0

  Workspace Statistics:

  Shared workspace high water mark: 0

  Total shared workspace overflows: 0

  Total shared workspace section lookups: 0

  Total shared workspace section inserts: 0

  Private workspace high water mark: 0

  Total private workspace overflows: 0

  Total private workspace section lookups: 0

  Total private workspace section inserts: 0

  Direct I/O Statistics:

  Sectors read directly: 0

  Sectors written directly: 0

  Direct read requests: 0

  Direct write requests: 0

  Direct read time: 0

  Direct write time: 0

  SQL Statement counts

  Commit SQL statements: 1

  Rollback SQL statements: 0

  Dynamic SQL statements: 1

  Static SQL stmts: 1

  Failed SQL statements: 0

  Select SQL statements: 0

  Xquery statements: 0

  Data Definition Language SQL statements: 0

  Update/Insert/Delete SQL statements: 0

  Internal counts

  Internal auto rebinds: 0

  Internal rows deleted: 0

  Internal rows updated: 0

  Internal rows inserted: 0

  Internal commits: 0

  Internal rollbacks: 0

  Internal rollbacks due to deadlock: 0

  Row counts

  Rows deleted: 0

  Rows inserted: 0

  Rows updated: 0

  Rows selected: 0

  Rows read: 0

  Rows written: 0

  Binds/Precompiles: 0

  Rejected block cursor requests: 0

  Accepted block cursor requests: 0

  Package Cache Statistics

  Package Cache Lookups: 1

  Package Cache Inserts: 0

  Section Lookups: 1

  Section Inserts: 0

  Catalog Cache Statistics

  Catalog Cache Overflows: 0

  Catalog Cache High Water Mark: 0

  Catalog Cache Lookups: 0

  Catalog Cache Inserts: 0

  CPU times

  User CPU time: 0.000000 seconds

  System CPU time: 0.000000 seconds

  Memory usage:

  Memory Pool Type: Other Memory

  Current size (bytes): 458752

  High water mark (bytes): 720896

  Configured size (bytes): 2145386496

  Memory Pool Type: Application Heap

  Current size (bytes): 196608

  High water mark (bytes): 196608

  Configured size (bytes): 1245184

  Memory Pool Type: Application Control Heap

  Current size (bytes): 65536

  High water mark (bytes): 65536

  Configured size (bytes): 655360

  Disconnection Time: 06/22/2006 00:56:47.496766

  5) Connection Header Event ...

  Appl Handle: 57

  Appl Id: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045641

  Appl Seq number: 00001

  DRDA AS Correlation Token: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045634

  Program Name : db2taskd

  Authorization Id: RSANDERS

  Execution Id : RSANDERS

  Codepage Id: 1252

  Territory code: 0

  Client Process Id: 1992

  Client Database Alias: SAMPLE

  Client Product Id: SQL09000

  Client Platform: Unknown

  Client Communication Protocol: Local

  Client Network Name: rsanders-lxp

  Connect timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:56:40.650597

  6) Connection Header Event ...

  Appl Handle: 56

  Appl Id: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045640

  Appl Seq number: 00001

  DRDA AS Correlation Token: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045634

  Program Name : db2stmm

  Authorization Id: RSANDERS

  Execution Id : RSANDERS

  Codepage Id: 1252

  Territory code: 0

  Client Process Id: 1992

  Client Database Alias: SAMPLE

  Client Product Id: SQL09000

  Client Platform: Unknown

  Client Communication Protocol: Local

  Client Network Name: rsanders-lxp

  Connect timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:56:40.640740

  7) Connection Event

  Appl Handle: 57

  Appl Id: *LOCAL.DB2.060622045641

  Appl Seq number: 00001

  Record is the result of a flush: FALSE

  Application Status: SQLM_COMMIT_ACT

  Lock Statistics:

  Lock Waits: 0

  Total time waited on locks (milliseconds): 0

  Deadlocks: 0

  Lock escalations: 0

  X lock escalations: 0

  Lock timeouts: 0

  Sort Statistics:

  Sorts: 0

  Total sort time (milliseconds): 0

  Sort overflows: 0

  Hash Statistics:

  Hash Joins: 0

  Hash Loops: 0

  Hash Join Small Overflows: 0

  Hash Join Overflows: 0

  Buffer Pool Statistics:

  Buffer pool data logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool data physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary data logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary data physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool data page writes: 0

  Buffer pool index logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool index physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary index logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary index physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool index page writes: 0

  Buffer pool xda logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool xda physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary xda logical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool temporary xda physical page reads: 0

  Buffer pool xda page writes: 0

  Buffer pool read time (milliseconds): 0

  Buffer pool write time (milliseconds): 0

  Time spent waiting for a prefetch: 0 milliseconds

  Unread prefetch pages: 0

  Workspace Statistics:

  Shared workspace high water mark: 0

  Total shared workspace overflows: 0

  Total shared workspace section lookups: 0

  Total shared workspace section inserts: 0

  Private workspace high water mark: 0

  Total private workspace overflows: 0

  Total private workspace section lookups: 0

  Total private workspace section inserts: 0

  Direct I/O Statistics:

  Sectors read directly: 0

  Sectors written directly: 0

  Direct read requests: 0

  Direct write requests: 0

  Direct read time: 0

  Direct write time: 0

  SQL Statement counts

  Commit SQL statements: 0

  Rollback SQL statements: 0

  Dynamic SQL statements: 0

  Static SQL stmts: 0

  Failed SQL statements: 0

  Select SQL statements: 0

  Xquery statements: 0

  Data Definition Language SQL statements: 0

  Update/Insert/Delete SQL statements: 0

  Internal counts

  Internal auto rebinds: 0

  Internal rows deleted: 0

  Internal rows updated: 0

  Internal rows inserted: 0

  Internal commits: 1

  Internal rollbacks: 0

  Internal rollbacks due to deadlock: 0

  Row counts

  Rows deleted: 0

  Rows inserted: 0

  Rows updated: 0

  Rows selected: 0

  Rows read: 0

  Rows written: 0

  Binds/Precompiles: 0

  Rejected block cursor requests: 0

  Accepted block cursor requests: 0

  Package Cache Statistics

  Package Cache Lookups: 0

  Package Cache Inserts: 0

  Section Lookups: 0

  Section Inserts: 0

  Catalog Cache Statistics

  Catalog Cache Overflows: 0

  Catalog Cache High Water Mark: 0

  Catalog Cache Lookups: 0

  Catalog Cache Inserts: 0

  CPU times

  User CPU time: 0.000000 seconds

  System CPU time: 0.000000 seconds

  Memory usage:

  Memory Pool Type: Application Heap

  Current size (bytes): 65536

  High water mark (bytes): 65536

  Configured size (bytes): 1245184

  Memory Pool Type: Other Memory

  Current size (bytes): 65536

  High water mark (bytes): 65536

  Configured size (bytes): 2145386496

  Memory Pool Type: Application Control Heap

  Current size (bytes): 65536

  High water mark (bytes): 65536

  Configured size (bytes): 655360

  Disconnection Time: 06/22/2006 00:56:47.514160


  Database Name: SAMPLE

  Database Path: C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00002\

  First connection timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:56:53.123490

  Event Monitor Start time: 06/22/2006 00:56:53.522110



  Database Name: SAMPLE

  Database Path: C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00002\

  First connection timestamp: 06/22/2006 00:57:36.727014

  Event Monitor Start time: 06/22/2006 00:57:37.223404



