muduo,姆多  2023-01-04 15:45  来源:未知  点击次数: 


其实在 windows 下已经可以调试 linux 下的程序了。



首先你肯定是要安装 vs 以及 visual GDB ,当然,要写的爽的话,少不了 visual assist x 这个插件。

怎样使用 visual GDB 连接到 linux 自然不必我说,网上有一大票的教程,我要提示一下的是,你需要将 visual GDB 缓存到本地的头文件的目录加入 vax 的搜索目录,这样的话,才能够利用好 vax 的强大补全功能。

还有,一定要在 visualgdb project property 删除 DEBUG=1 这个预先设立的宏,否则会和 muduo 库的某些定义冲突。


虽然我们在平时使用boost库时不必特意去链接 boost 库的 lib ,但是某些时候, boost 库中的某一些东西还是需要我们手动来链接库的.所以我在这里记录一下,以免以后继续踩坑.

我们使用 program_options.hpp 这个文件中的函数的时候还是需要链接库的,这个库叫做 boost_program_options ,更具体的细节,你可以参开这里:

3. Thread.h——封装thread





在 pthread.h 库中,但该库不是c的标准哭,所以在编译的时候需要在后面显式的加上 -lpthread 。


第一个参数是线程id, pthread_t 的结构体。传入后,由函数进行填充。


第三个参数是一个函数指针(也就是函数名)。这个函数必须是 void *func(void *) ,它有一个参数是 void * 类型的。如果有多个参数没那么需要在放在一个结构体中。


是一个结构体,可已通过 pthread_t pthread_self() 来返回当前线程的id。同时使用 int pthread_equal(pthread_t ,pthread_t) 来判断两个线程id是否相同,不同时返回0。


所以,常用 gettid() 来判断似乎否是同一个线程.



其中 SUS_gettid ,在 sys/syscall.h 中。


其中,进程中唯一线程的pid_t和通过 getpid() 的返回值相同。


线程有两种状态 joinable 和 unjoinable 。

unjoinable 下,线程所使用的资源不会被释放,直到 joinable 。

第一个参数是线程id,第二个参数可以是函数的返回值,如果是 NULL 表示我们不关心函数的返回值。如果需要返回值,需要先创建对应的结构体,然后传入指针,让函数填充。


int pthread_atfork(void ( prepare)(void), void ( parent)(void), void (*child)(void));


pthread_atfork()在fork()之前调用,当调用fork时,内部创建子进程前在父进程中会调用prepare,内部创建子进程成功后,父进程会调用parent ,子进程会调用child。


孔丘 (前551年9月28日~前479年4月11日),字仲尼。排行老二, 汉族人,春秋时期鲁国人。孔子是我国古代伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创始人,世界最著名的文化名人之一。编撰了我国第一部编年体史书《春秋》。据有关记载,孔子出生于鲁国陬邑昌平乡(今山东省曲阜市东南的南辛镇鲁源村);孔子逝世时,享年73岁,葬于曲阜城北泗水之上,即今日孔林所在地。孔子的言行思想主要载于语录体散文集《论语》及先秦和秦汉保存下的《史记·孔子世家》。




Confucius (fes before September 28 ~ 479 years before April 11), ZhongNi words. Second, the han people, the spring and autumn period LuGuoRen. Confucius is a great thinker and educator, founder of the Confucian school, one of the most famous cultural celebrities. The first book was compiled by the spring and autumn annals of how two young boys. According to relevant records, Confucius is born in changping township (city state of south shandong ocres today southeast LuYuan village); Michael town, Confucius died at the age of 73 years, when the entire body, namely above surabaya qufu konglin was suggested today. Confucius' thought and main body of sayings in the analects of Confucius and collection of qin and qin chuzi under the preservation, Confucius family ".


The kernel and ritual with Confucius said, in the general rule, he advocated governing with ", "with morality and Confucianism to govern the country is the most noble governing way. The general rule is that "virtue" or "government". This strategy, the ritual in people, in fact, have broken the traditional ritual no creed, broke the noble and ordinary folk original an important boundary.

Confucius said, benevolence, embodies the spirit of humanism, Confucius said, embodies the spirit of etiquette, namely the modern sense of order and system. This is the humanitarian human eternal theme, for any society, any age, any government is suitable, and social order and system is established the basic requirements of the civilization of human society. Confucius's humanitarian and order the spirit of Chinese ancient political thought is of the essence



2.选择 系统安全,点击打开;

3.点击 Windows Update 打开;

4.左边栏选择 更改设置 打开;

5.选择下拉栏 选择 除了“自动更新(推荐)”以外的其它选项,点击确定。


Confucius (551 BC September 28 - 479 BC April 11), surnamed Kong's son, a hill, styled Zhong Ni, the ancestral home in the state of Song Li Yi (now in Henan Province Shangqiu Xiayi county), was born in the state of Lu Zou Yi (now the city of Qufu in Shandong Province). A great thinker, educator, famous China Zhou and the spring and autumn period. Confucius created a private teaching atmosphere, is the founder of confucianism.

Confucius once by in Lao lead some of his disciples traveled around the world for fourteen years, later revised the six classics, namely, "poem", "book", "ritual" and "music" "easy" "spring and autumn." According to legend, he had three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. After Confucius's death, his disciples and his disciples had recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and sorted into Confucian classics.

Confucius in ancient times was enshrined as "Tian Zong San", "day of Muduo", is one of the society was the most learned, was later rulers respected Kongzi, holy, Confucius, Dacheng holy of holies Wenxuan Wang Xianshi, an exemplary teacher for all ages. Confucianism has a profound influence on China and the world, and Confucius is listed as the first of the world's top ten cultural celebrities. Confucius is respected as the founder of Confucianism, with the expansion of the influence of Confucius, ancestor god worship of Confucius has become one with God, and the state of the same level of "worship." In addition to the privilege of Lao Tzu only Confucius just outside the eternal.







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