
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-01-17 22:59  来源:未知  点击次数: 

高分!!!把这篇英文文章改成用自己的话说!!!做成presentation!!! 100分先上!满意再加!

Ruth had six brothers and sisters; she was the fourth child, Chanele, Yankele, and Mala preceded her; brothers Motele, Moshiele, and Laibele followed her. Following the invasion of Poland by the Nazi, her elder brother and sisters fled to Russia. Ruth, her mother and the three younger brothers were forced to live in the Lodz Ghetto. In 1942, her mother was taken away during a Nazi raid, leaving Ruth to take care of her younger brothers. But soon they were rounded up with other Jews and sent to Auschwitz; they eventually ended up at the Mitelsteine labor camp, where Ruth and her brothers were separated forever. She contacted blood poisoning by a cut on her hand and was gravely ill; but she survived through her own courage and the support of other inmates, as well as surprising small sparks of humanity from some German officials.

In 1945, the war ended and Ruth had been liberated by the Russian forces from the Nazi labor camp. Ruth returned to Lodz with friends from the camp, but she soon learned that her struggle was far from over when she and her friends found that their former homes were occupied by people who had acquired the homes after the Jewish removal. As she desperately searched for family and friends, Ruth quickly realized that anti-Semitism remained very strong and that remaining in Lodz, Poland was not safe. So she and her friends decided to flee and they finally ended up staying in an abandoned apartment with other survivors.

One day, Ruth met Moniek Senderowicz by a small water pump while getting water for her small apartment, the two fell in love and married six weeks later. The couple decided to return to Germany to live in a displaced persons camp until they could find a place to live. Eventually Ruth learned that her elder sisters, Chanele and Mala, as well as her elder brother Yankele, had survived the Holocaust and were in different parts of Germany; both Mala and Yankele were married. But Ruth’s husband, Monieck found no survivors of his family. Chanele were able to re-unite with Ruth first and they were later joined by Mala and Yankele.

While living in the displaced persons camp, Ruth bore two sons, Laibele and Avrom. When the babies were born, from the many barracks in the camp, people she had never met came to see the new babies. They brought small gifts, love, good wishes, and they also lent a hand to help; Ruth was very grateful for their presence and their attention.

Many of the survivors hoped that the gates of the free world countries would open to them after the war ended but were bitterly disappointed. But Ruth had always kept the faith: "As long as there is life, there is hope." And true enough, Ruth and Moniek finally were able to make contact with relatives who had moved to the United States before the war and, eventually, after a struggle that lasted over three years, they were able to go to the United States, where two more children, Chaim and Nachele (Nancy), were born. The family settled in Long Island.












