
http://www.itjxue.com  2015-08-06 23:10  来源:未知  点击次数: 


It’s worth mentioning that there actually exist alternative ways of having descriptive names in call stacks. Ways that don’t require one to use named function expressions. First of all, it is often possible to define function via declaration, rather than via expression. This option is only viable when you don’t need to create more than one function:


  var hasClassName = (function(){

    // 定义一些私有变量define some private variables
    var cache = { };

    //使用函数定义 use function declaration
    function hasClassName(element, className) {
      var _className = '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)';
      var re = cache[_className] || (cache[_className] = new RegExp(_className));
      return re.test(element.className);

    // 返回函数return function
    return hasClassName;

This obviously wouldn’t work when forking function definitions. Nevertheless, there’s an interesting pattern that I first seen used by Tobie Langel. The way it works is by defining all functions upfront using function declarations, but giving them slightly different identifiers:

这种方法显然对于多路的函数定义不适用。但是,有一个有趣的方法,这个方法我第一次在看到Tobie Langel.在使用。这个用函数声明定义所有的函数,但是给这个函数声明以稍微不同的标示符。

  var addEvent = (function(){

    var docEl = document.documentElement;

    function addEventListener(){
      /* ... */
    function attachEvent(){
      /* ... */
    function addEventAsProperty(){
      /* ... */

    if (typeof docEl.addEventListener != 'undefined') {
      return addEventListener;
    elseif (typeof docEl.attachEvent != 'undefined') {
      return attachEvent;
    return addEventAsProperty;

While it’s an elegant approach, it has its own drawbacks. First, by using different identifiers, you loose naming consistency. Whether it’s good or bad thing is not very clear. Some might prefer to have identical names, while others wouldn’t mind varying ones; after all, different names can often “speak” about implementation used. For example, seeing “attachEvent” in debugger, would let you know that it is an attachEvent-based implementation of addEvent. On the other hand, implementation-related name might not be meaningful at all. If you’re providing an API and name “inner” functions in such way, the user of API could easily get lost in all of these implementation details.


A solution to this problem might be to employ different naming convention. Just be careful not to introduce extra verbosity. Some alternatives that come to mind are:


  `addEvent`, `altAddEvent` and `fallbackAddEvent`
  // or
  `addEvent`, `addEvent2`, `addEvent3`
  // or
  `addEvent_addEventListener`, `addEvent_attachEvent`, `addEvent_asProperty`

Another minor issue with this pattern is increased memory consumption. By defining all of the function variations upfront, you implicitly create N-1 unused functions. As you can see, if attachEvent is found in document.documentElement, then neither addEventListener nor addEventAsProperty are ever really used. Yet, they already consume memory; memory which is never deallocated for the same reason as with JScript’s buggy named expressions - both functions are “trapped” in a closure of returning one.


This increased consumption is of course hardly an issue. If a library such as Prototype.js was to use this pattern, there would be not more than 100-200 extra function objects created. As long as functions are not created in such way repeatedly (at runtime) but only once (at load time), you probably shouldn’t worry about it.



