
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-04-07 11:00  来源:未知  点击次数: 

毕业后打算做什么 英语的


What are you going to do after graduation?


毕业后after graduation;upon graduation;post-study

打算plan; intend; think; mean; contemplation


毕业后计划 my future planEverybody dreams about the future.There are many

things waiting for us in the future,and sometimes I can't wait to become an

adult.I'm excited about my future because I have big hopes and dreams.


Here's what I want to do.I plan to study hard bacause I want to go to a

school overseas.My dream school is Harvard University.I might be a teacher,a

doctor or a scientist.No matter what,I'll be an expert at what I do so i can be

useful to society.I want to be rich,too.I want to make a lot of money so my

family will be proud of me.I also like to travel,so I want to visit every

country and see the world.I hope to meet many people and make many friends.


I am determined to make my dreams come true.I know it won't be easy,but when

I do make my dreams come true,I'll be the happiest person in the world.


毕业后你打算做什么?谈谈你的理想工作。请以My ideal job 为题,写篇短,不少于80―10


Where there is a will, there is a way. When it comes to ideals, I believe many people have made great wishes: some as managers, some as businessmen, some as scientists... However, my ideal is to be a lawyer.


Leo, Tolstoy said: ideal is the guiding light. There is no ideal, there is no firm direction, there is no direction, there is no life. Indeed, the lofty ideal is the light in the dark, it will become the key to your success. If there is no ideal, there is no motivation. Water will not excite the stone, but people will not excite the ambition.


I think, with the ideal, there is a goal in life, so as not to waste time. However, it is futile to have ideals but not struggle. As a saying goes, "ideal, not put into action, is illusory."


As early as I was in junior high school, whenever I saw those well-dressed lawyers on TV defending their clients in court, I felt a sense of admiration. Since then, I have made up my mind to become a lawyer in the future. Like those lawyers, I can stand in a solemn court and fight for the legitimate rights and interests of my clients with my rich legal knowledge.


In order to realize my ideal when I was young, I took part in the judicial examination called "the first national examination". After three years of unremitting efforts, I finally passed the examination successfully, and finally realized my dream.


I have paid too much for this certificate, and I will certainly live up to my hard work. Therefore, I resolutely gave up nine years of court work and chose the noble profession of lawyer.



After graduation, I want to be a teacher in school. The current employment situation is very grim. Many people can't find jobs they like. I got the teacher's qualification certificate during my university, and I graduated from normal school.

Therefore, when applying for teachers, they will have some advantages. I also participated in supporting teaching activities during the summer vacation of University and accumulated some teaching experience.

I believe I can take my time when teaching students knowledge.



你大学毕业后打算去做什么 英文咋写

What are you going to do after you have graduated from the university?


What are you going to do after your graduation from the university?


毕业 后,同学们都会各奔东西,想要再聚在一起练习英语对话就难了。下面就由我为大家带来毕业后规划 英语口语 对话,供大家参阅!


A:So, Fred, what are your plans for after graduation?


B:Well, I’ve already got a job waiting for me back in my hometown.


A:That’s cool. Have you already found an apartment to live in?


B:I’m planning on living with my parents. Won’t you?


A:I couldn’t even if I wanted to. My parents told me that if I went home, thenI’d have to find my own place.


B:You mean they’re kicking you out?


A:Not really, they just don’t want me living at home. My older sister did that, and she lived at home for seven years. Once she started living at home, it got harder and harder for her to move out.


B:Well, it’s not like my parents want me to live at home the rest of my life. They said that it’s ok if I move back home to begin with, but they want me to find a place of my own after a year or so.


A:My parents just didn’t handle my older sister very well, and because of that, they want me to be more independent. They think that it’s important that I should learn how to live on my own.


B:I know I need to learn that myself, but I just don’t have the money for it at the moment. Living at home allows me to save up some money before I started finding a place.



May:So you are going to graduate from your university. Do you have any plans for the future?


Lisa:I want to look for a job, but I also feel that I need to know more about my subject of study.


May:I think if you feel that way, then going to graduate school is the right path for you.


Lisa:I have considered that. But sometimes I feel that I just don't have the passion for the college life any more.



为什么?Lisa:I don't know. Maybe I am just feeling a little bit tired after so many years of study.


May:Yeah, graduate school is an energy and time consuming endeavor.


Lisa:What's more, I am really busy right now, writing my graduate thesis and preparing for the interview. If I look for a job, I surely will have no time for the graduate school entrance exam.


May:Have you figured out what career you want?


Lisa:No, not yet. But a career that requires advanced education is always my dream: college professor, biologist, lawyer, researcher, doctor…

还没有,但是要求高等 教育 水平的职业一直是我的梦想,比如大学教授、生物学家、律师、研究员、医生等等。

May:You are so ambitious! But which subject do you want to work on?


Lisa:I don't know. I think probably I need to buy a few years while I figure out about my career.


May:Then why not get a job and have someone pay you? You can still go to graduate school later if you need or want to.


Lisa:Yeah, and I think I will be a much better student once I know what I am there for.


May:Yeah, after gaining some work experience, you will be much clearer about what you are doing now.

是啊,等你获得一些工作 经验 以后,你就会更清楚你现在在做什么。

Lisa:Exactly, I need to make a decision at once. Time and tide wait for no man.



A: You'll soon graduate from your university. Do you have any plans for the future?


B: I'm planning to go to graduate school, but I also want to find a job. Otherwise, I'll have nowhere to go if I fail the entrance exam.


A: Do you have a clear career path to follow?


B: career path? I'm not sure.


A: what kind of job do you want after graduation?


B: I want to become a professor, a lawyer, an editor, a civil servant...


A: wait! You can't do so many things at the same time. What exactly do you want?


B: I don't know. Do you have any advice for me?


A: yeah,you should first decide what kind of career you really want, plan your career path, and then try your best to achieve your goal.


B: I think perhaps I need to buy a few years while I figure out about my career.


A: no, you can't waste your time wandering around. If you want a job that requires a higher degree or diploma, you should focus on your graduate school extrance exam;if you want a job that needs working


B: thank you so much for your advice. I'll think it over.



