
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-02-11 18:21  来源:未知  点击次数: 

拐杖糖的来历 要英文版!!!

Meaning and origin of sugar cane

1 lives in Indiana candy maker wanted to do a god can bear witness to the candy. As a result, he created out of today we can be seen everywhere at Christmas, when the cane sugar.

He will merge a number of symbols in such a small cane sugar, including: the birth of Jesus Christ, missionary work and for all humanity and to death.

He started off with the whole white candy sticks, made of rod-like Ying Ying. White, on behalf of a virgin birth and Jesus was born of innocence. On behalf of real candy hard rock, Jesus is the cornerstone of the church, but also the promise of the Kennedy legislation.

Sugar cane shaped like the English letter J, on behalf of Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ) precious holy name, he came to the world in order to save us. Also coincides with the shape of a cane on behalf of the "Good Shepherd" and stick, because he came to earth to locate us, this group of people like sheep have gone astray.

Then, the candy makers feel that the whole white cane sugar, seemed a bit too monotonous. Then he added a few red in the above line. He used three small red line whip on behalf of Jesus suffered injuries. Suffered injuries because of his whip, so we have a cure. The red line is the larger of Jesus on the cross and shed their blood for us. Therefore, we were able to enter eternal life.

Unfortunately, the cane sugar does not make sense reduced to Christmas ornaments. However, the meaning contained therein, it was to "have eyes to see, have ears to hear the news". Wei Yuan will once again be used this candy a wonderful witness to Jesus Christ, and love. He was born at Christmas time in the world, he is dominating the universe today, still has a big king Almighty.


be the sheperd,not the sheep什么意思

Be a shepherd, not the sheep.




