
http://www.itjxue.com  2024-07-03 22:33  来源:IT教学网  点击次数: 


1、正文:My favorite cartoon is called cat and mouse.我最喜欢的动画片叫《猫和老鼠》。In this cartoon, I like Tom best.在这部动画片中,我最喜欢汤姆。Tom has two triangular ears and three long, thin whiskers on both sides.汤姆有两个三角形一样的耳朵,两边都有三根又细又长的胡须。

2、special place in my heart as my favorite hero.通过以上作文示例,你可以描述你的英雄GG猪猪侠,强调他的品质、行为以及对你的影响。你可以使用简单的句子和常用的词汇,同时尽量保持文章连贯和流畅。记得在写作过程中检查语法和拼写错误,并尽量运用丰富的词汇和句式,以展示你的英语水平和表达能力。

3、My favourite cartoon is 《Crayon Shin-chan》(蜡笔小新)。《Crayon Shin-chan》is a very interesting and funny cartoon。 But 《Crayon Shin-chan》’s writer died a few days ago。When I heard this new ,I was very sad,because I like 《Crayon Shin-chan》very much。


1、女孩应该记住的几句英语:The nice men are ugly.好男人不帅。The handsome men are not nice.帅男人不好。The handsome and nice men are gay.又帅又好的男人是同性恋。The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.又帅又好又不是同性恋的男人都结婚了。

2、美貌比金银更容易引起盗心。Beauty than gold and silver were more likely to lead to steal heart.美貌和智慧很少结合在一起。Beauty and wisdom rarely together.美貌可以有,但不以美貌以骄傲。

3、Im not too proud of the movies I made as a grownup except for That Hagen Girl, which nobody remembers but which gave me a chance to act.长大后除了《那个哈根女孩》,我没有为我的任何一部分电影感到非常骄傲,虽然没人记得,但正是它给了我演戏的机会。

4、Afraid of those close friends around, one by one to leave.你真诚地自我肯定,你更有雅量肯定别人。You affirm yourself sincerely, and you are more generous in affirming others.一个女孩必备的两样东西,优雅和美丽。

5、I am convinced that they believe to be strong, optimistic girl is the most beautiful. I also believe that tomorrow will be better. 2爱情总是伴随着风险,我们应当维护爱情的实质——爱不是一时的冲动,而是长久的考验。



