viechle(viechle与car的区别)  2023-02-09 00:57  来源:未知  点击次数: 


in my opinion, police should enforce much harsher laws on distract walking.

everyday, there are many pedastrians injured or even killed due to the fact that they are either listening to music while crossing the road or playing with cell phones then walk straight into a turing viechle.

the public are well aware of this problem, but nobody seems to care more than the tweet they just received of justin bever(bieber) claimed he is still in love with selina. police certianly wants to raise the issue by ticketing distract walking. but I think they they are far too lenient by giving them a 70 dollars ticket. if using handheld devices while driving will get you a 225 dollars ticket(with the motion to raise it to 1000 CDN if passed in Ontario), I think the fine for distract walking should raise to the same amount.

but one will argue that driving using a handheld device is putting others lives to danger as well, then I think if you got injured while playing with cell phones when walking at intersections, then you don't deserve any help at all. if you don't care about your life, why should others?

don't listening while walking! and definitely don't subscribe any tweet from justin bever



viechle发音:英 [?vi:?kl] 美 [?vih?kl]


复数: vehicles



Since July 14, 2006, you had got a traffic accident in Jiaxing area of Shanghai-Hangzhou high way on BMW520i vehicle, in line with the sprit of "customer first", our company offered a BMW530 vehicle for you on July __, 2006, expecting both sides could reach conciliation within a shortest time. Our company had already consulted with you face to face many times hereafter, had put forward many kinds of solutions to you, but you have not been defined to answer even after stalling for a long time, have made the negotiations of both sides make little progress.

Even today, you have already used such vehicle for nearly 4 months, far exceeds normal, rational use date. But you still think unsatisfied with the solution plan, our company feels very sorry.

So, our company hopes you should return the vehicle to our company in 5 workdays after receiving this letters, or pay the using cost reasonable vehicle.

Our company will reserve the right to take other legal means to safeguard our own rights and interests.


一般泛指轿车 car

四门轿车 sedan

二门四座或者两座的轿车 coupe

跑车 sports car

敞篷车 convertible

多功能运动型轿车 SUV (sports utility vehicle)

卡车 truck

房车 RV (recreational viechle)

出租车 taxi (美国人多用cab)

面包车 van(一般指那种比较大的7座及以上的)

小面包车(5座)mini van

公交车 bus

拖车 tow truck

英语翻译 在未来,出现了一种新的交通工具,它可根据环境随意调节其形状和大

In future,a new transportation viechle appears,which can freely change its shape and size according to the environment.

viechle group 是什么意思??

这个要看语境,应该是 车组 的意思



