treatas翻译,treat翻译成中文  2023-01-08 21:52  来源:未知  点击次数: 


1:Rosehasagentlemantostopintheflowershopentrance,heplannedthatsubscribesbunchofflowerstotheflowershop,asksthemtosendtoforfarinthehometownmother.thegentlemanisjustabouttowhenenterstheshopgate,discoveredthathasalittlegirltositontheroadcries,thegentlemanarrivesinfrontofthelittlegirltoaskthatshesaid:“doesthechild,whysitinherecries?”“Iwanttobuyarosetogivemother,butmymoneyisinsufficient.”Thechildsaid.Thegentlemanlistenedtofeellovesdearly.therefore“......thegentlemanpullslittlegirl'shandtoentertheflowershoplikethis”,subscribedmustfirstgivemother'sbouquetofflowers,thenhasboughtarosetothelittlegirl.Goesoutwhentheflowershopthegentlemanproposedtothelittlegirlthatmustdrivedelivershertogohome.“reallymustdelivermetogohome?”“certainly!”“thatyoudeliveredmetogotomothertheretobegood.Butuncle,mymotherlivestheplace,isveryfartohere.”“knewearlydidnotcarryyou.”Thegentlemancrackedajokesaid.Thegentlemansaidaccordingtothelittlegirlhasopened,hadnotthoughtaftergoingouttheurbandistrictbigstreet,alongwithwoundthemountainroadvanguard,arrivedatthememorialparkunexpectedly.Thelittlegirlplacestheflowernearbyanewgrave,forshejustpassedawayforonemonthagothemother,offersarose,buttookabigsectionoflongjourney.Thegentlemandeliversthelittlegirlinthefamily,thenturnsbacktheflowershoponceagain.Hecancelledhaswantedtosendformother'sbouquetofflowers,butchangedbuysinabigwayonehastiedthefreshflower,directlysoaredhasinfivehourdrivingdistancemotherfamilytohere,hemustgivetopersonallytheflowermother.roseisthedeceasedholdsthegrandfuneralrite,wasinferiorwhenheisalive,friendlycompletelyfilialpiety. (1:一朵玫瑰花 有位绅士在花店门口停了车,他打算向花店订一束花,请他们送去给远在故乡的母亲。 绅士正要走进店门时,发现有个小女孩坐在路上哭,绅士走到小女孩面前问她说: 「孩子,为什么坐在这里哭?」 「我想买一朵玫瑰花送给妈妈,可是我的钱不够。」孩子说。绅士听了感到心疼。 「这样啊......」于是绅士牵著小女孩的手走进花店,先订了要送给母亲的花束,然后给小女孩买了一朵玫瑰花。走出花店时绅士向小女孩提议,要开车送她回家。 「真的要送我回家吗?」 「当然啊!」 「那你送我去妈妈那里好了。可是叔叔,我妈妈住的地方,离这里很远。」 「早知道就不载你了。」绅士开玩笑地说。 绅士照小女孩说的一直开了过去,没想到走出市区大马路之后,随著蜿蜒山路前行,竟然来到了墓园。小女孩把花放在一座新坟旁边,她为了给一个月前刚过世的母亲,献上一朵玫瑰花,而走了一大段远路。绅士将小女孩送回家中,然后再度折返花店。他取消了要寄给母亲的花束,而改买了一大束鲜花,直奔离这里有五小时车程的母亲家中,他要亲自将花献给妈妈。 一朵玫瑰花 为逝者举行盛大丧礼, 不如在他在世时, 善尽孝心。) 2:Hasnotcagedgateinthecountrysidehamlet'sremotehutisoccupiedbypairofmotheranddaughter,themotherisbeingveryafraidisrobbedalwaysonetotheeveningthenonthedoorknobthechain-likethreelocks;Thedaughterhasloathedlikelythelandscapepaintingaridandtheirrevocablecountrylife,sheyearnsforthemetropolis,wantstogotohavealookatitselfthatmagnificentworldwhichimaginesbytheradio.Somedayinthemorning,daughtertopursuethatunrealdreamtoleavesidethemother.Shesleepswhilethemothertimeflewfromone'shomesecretly.“themother,youdonottreatasmythisdaughter.”Whatapitythisworldwasinferiorthatsheimaginesbeautifullymoving,sheinunconscious,thetrenddegeneratestheway,thedepthisunableinthemudwhichextricatesoneself,bynowsheonlythencomprehendedhermistake.“mother!”Tenyearslater,alreadygrewupthe**daughtertotowtheheartwhichandthedistressedstatureisinjured,returnedtothehometown.shegetswhenthehomealreadyisthenight,theweaklightseepsbythecrackinadoor.Shetappedlightlyhasknockedonadoor,actuallysuddenlyhadplantstheunluckypremonition.Thedaughtertwistsopenwhenthegateisscaredher.“goodstrange,beforethemother,alwaysnotonceforgotthatthegoalkeeperlocks.”Mother'semaciatedstaturecurlsupintheice-coldfloor,madetheappearancewhichoneloveddearlyfallasleep.“mother......Themother......”hearddaughter'ssobsound,themotherhasopenedtheeye,maintainedtotalsilenceholdsinthearmsthedaughterexhaustedshoulder.Afterthemotherbosomhascriedthelongtime,thedaughteraskscuriouslysuddenly:“hasn'tthemother,howyoulockedadoortoday,howdosomepeoplebreaktorushtoburstmanage?”themotherreplied:“notonlytoday,Ifearedthatyoueveningsuddenlycamebackthemainhousegate,thereforefortenyeargateeverhasnotlocked.”themothertenyearslikeaday,waswaitingforthedaughtercomesback,indaughterroomornamentsonelikesameyear.Thisdayofevening,themotheranddaughterreplytenyearagoappearance,closelylockedthedoortofallasleep.thefamilymember'sloveisthehopecradle,thethankswarmth,givesthepowerwhichgrowsunceasingly. (2:没有上锁的门 乡下小村庄的偏僻小屋里住著一对母女,母亲深怕遭窃总是一到晚上便在门把上连锁三道锁;女儿则厌恶了像风景画般枯燥而一成不变的乡村生活,她向往都市,想去看看自己透过收音机所想象的那个华丽世界。某天清晨,女儿为了追求那虚幻的梦离开了母亲身边。她趁母亲睡觉时偷偷离家出走了。 「妈,你就当作没我这个女儿吧。」可惜这世界不如她想象的美丽动人,她在不知不觉中,走向堕落之途,深陷无法自拔的泥泞中,这时她才领悟到自己的过错。 「妈!」经过十年后,已经长大**的女儿拖著受伤的心与狼狈的身躯,回到了故乡。 她回到家时已是深夜,微弱的灯光透过门缝渗透出来。她轻轻敲了敲门,却突然有种不祥的预感。女儿扭开门时把她吓了一跳。「好奇怪,母亲之前从来不曾忘记把门锁上的。」母亲瘦弱的身躯蜷曲在冰冷的地板,以令人心疼的模样睡著了。 「妈......妈......」听到女儿的哭泣声,母亲睁开了眼睛,一语不发地搂住女儿疲惫的肩膀。在母亲怀里哭了很久之后,女儿突然好奇问道:「妈,今天你怎么没有锁门,有人闯进来怎么办?」 母亲回答说:「不只是今天而已,我怕你晚上突然回来进不了家门,所以十年来门从没锁过。」 母亲十年如一日,等待著女儿回来,女儿房间里的摆设一如当年。这天晚上,母女回复到十年前的样子,紧紧锁上房门睡著了。 家人的爱是希望的摇篮, 感谢家的温暖, 给予不断成长的动力。) 3.inlunch'shairInanimpoverishedage,manyschoolmatesoftenattendsclassanassociationnicelunchabilitywhichtotheschooldonothave,myadjacentseat'sschoolmateisso.Hismealforeveristheblackfermentedsoybean,mylunchactuallyfrequentlyisinstallingthehamandthefriedegg,bothhavethefarapartasheavenandearth.moreoverthisschoolmate,eachtimecanfirstpicksthehairafterthelunch,thencalmlyeatshislunch.Thismakesthepersonwholebodyuncomfortablediscoverytocontinue.“obvioushismotherhassloppily,intheunexpectedlydailyfoodhasthehair.”Schoolmatesarediscussinginsecret.Inordertotakeintoconsiderationschoolmatetheself-respect,cannotdisplay,alwaysthinksdirtily,thereforetothisschoolmate'simpression,alsostartstosellatadiscountgreatly.Afteronedayofschoolclose,thatschoolmatestoppedbycallingoutme:“ifdoesnothaveanymattertogotomyfamilytoplay.”Althoughintheheartnottoowants,butsincethesameclass,hisfirstaperturehasinvitedmetoplaytothefamily,thereforeIrejecthimembarrassed.arrivedalongwiththefriendlocatedattheSeoulsteepestterrainsomepoorvillage.“themother,Iledthefriendtocome.”Afterhearingschoolmatetheexcitedsound,thedooropened.Hisoldmotherappearsintheentrance.“myson'sfriendcomes,letsmehavealook.”Butgoesoutdoor'sschoolmatethemother,isonlyfeelsoutsidedoor'sbeamcolumnwiththehand.Originallysheistheblindpersonwhobotheyesloseone'ssight.Ifeltthatfeelsgrievedtoone,afewwordscannotsay.Althoughschoolmate'slunchvegetableasusualisthefermentedsoybeaneveryday,isactuallytheeyedidnotlookthemother,helpsthelunchwhichcautiouslyheinstalls,notonlythatthelunch,isthemotherManMancompassion,eventhecompanydopesintheinsidehair,isalsomother'sloveequally.firstimpressionsaremostlastingtheidea,willoftenaffectthepersonlifethepattern,themulti-observations,themulti-discussions,willhavemoreaccident'sdiscoveries. (3.便当里的头发 个贫困的年代里,很多同学往往连带个象样的便当到学校上课的能力都没有,我邻座的同学就是如此。他的饭菜永远是黑黑的豆豉,我的便当却经常装著火腿和荷包蛋,两者有著天渊之别。 而且这个同学,每次都会先从便当里捡出头发之后,再若无其事地吃他的便当。这个令人浑身不舒服的发现一直持续著。 「可见他妈妈有多邋遢,竟然每天饭里都有头发。」同学们私底下议论著。为了顾及同学自尊,又不能表现出来,总觉得好肮脏,因此对这同学的印象,也开始大打折扣。有一天学校放学之后,那同学叫住了我:「如果没什么事就去我家玩吧。」虽然心中不太愿意,不过自从同班以来,他第一次开口邀请我到家里玩,所以我不好意思拒绝他。 随朋友来到了位于汉城最陡峭地形的某个贫民村。 「妈,我带朋友来了。」听到同学兴奋的声音之后,房门打开了。他年迈的母亲出现在门口。 「我儿子的朋友来啦,让我看看。」但是走出房门的同学母亲,只是用手摸著房门外的梁柱。原来她是双眼失明的盲人。 我感觉到一阵鼻酸,一句话都说不出来。同学的便当菜虽然每天如常都是豆豉,却是眼睛看不到的母亲,小心翼翼帮他装的便当,那不只是一顿午餐,更是母亲满满的爱心,甚至连掺杂在里面的头发,也一样是母亲的爱。 先入为主的观念, 往往影响人一生的格局, 多观察、多探讨, 会有更多意外的发现。)



I have a friend.His name is Kang Kang.He has a healthy lifestyle.He gets up at 6 o'clock.Then he exercises in front of his house.Next,he es back toroom the to have breakfast.After breakfast,he goes to school by bus.He has 4 classes from 8:00 to 12:00.Then he eats lunch in the dining hall with his clas *** ates.He often does some reading in the classroom after lunch.In the afternoon,he has a P.E. class.It's his favorite subject.At last,he es home from school at half past four.He does his homework until having dinner.He goes to sleep at 8 o'clock.









不过请您放心,我再也不会让您这么操心了,我再也不会不听话了。我会学着做事,少让您为 *** 心了。奶奶,您辛苦了!




Dear paternalgrandmothers: You are good! Paternal grandmother, thanks you continuously to mycare and the attendance! You know? I am how love you. You also remember? When Itake an afternoon nap daily, is who feared I am cold, quietly covers the quiltfor me? Is who the time which catches cold in me cared about looks after me totake a drug gives an injection? Is you.Is you studies in me meets the difficulttime encourages me, does not let me be discouraged.Is you, in under torrentialdownpour time sends the umbrella for me. Paternal grandmother, although ourfamily is not very wealthy, your money are not many, but you always buy thething for me which likes eating, roars me to be happy.Paternal grandmother,after asks you to wait for me to grow up, I also can buy the thing which youlike eating to repay you.Mother has told me, my childhood, also cries to make,is not obedient very much.You hold I loushang louxia walking, after teased meto *** ile, only then hugged me sleeps.But a while, I have cried, you can roarme, let you be exhausted, you were how laborious! Now I have grown up, nolonger that is not obedient.Although I already several years old, but you treatas me the child.When I pour water, you do not let me pour, is feared I havescalded the hand; I cut the vegetable time, you do not let me take the knife,is feared I cut have injuried the hand; My street, you had not always feltrelieved that, one everywhere urges me to have to be careful; You all more than70, daddy always said you are the old child, looks after with my same needperson, paternal grandmother, I must say one to you: Thanks you. But asks youto can rest assured that that, I could not let you again such worry, I couldnot not be obedient again.I can study am working, little let you worry forme.Paternal grandmother, you were laborious! The I herewith offer wishes yourhealth! Your granddaughter

英语作文带翻译,deardr .know一封信


Dear Miss Brown,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last o years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with English under the influence of you. As a student of science and engineering, I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that everything to the last will certainly bee a good thing, if it is not, not yet to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep going.

Above all, I want to say thank you again and please aept my sincere appreciation. Best wishes for you.











给同学的一封信 为英语作文

Dear Robert:

I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.


Dear Annie's parents,

I am your daughter 's penfriend.I 'm a girl .I'm in class 2,Grade 6.

I go to school from Monday to Friday .We have four classes in the morning and o classes in the afternoon .We have many things to do after class .On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have sports.On Tuesday afternoon some of us have a singing class and on Thursday afternoon some have a drawing class .On Friday afternoon we practise speaking English .

On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school .I often go to the park and have a good time with my family there.I want to be your daughter 's good friend .Please write to me soon.

Yours sincerely,



小学作文是小学语文教学的一个重要部分,教学的目的就是要让学生通过文字把自己所看到、想到和听到的表达出来。由于小学生的认知特点,作文水平的提高比起中学生来更有难度。 作文是一种创造性的语言思维活动,写作的过程往往是建立在日积月累的知识、经验和想象之上。因此,如果要让学生写出一篇好作文,就得让他们写起作文来觉得有话可说、有事可写。基于这些原因,在教学中,教师就要十分重视引导学生积累丰富的、生动的、有趣的写作材料,在文章之外下足功夫。一要引导学生有目的地课外多读书、多观察、多交流,广泛涉猎历史、科技、自然等方面的知识。这样不仅可以开阔视野、增长见识,而且会产生描述、书写的强烈愿望。二是多开展一些相关活动,如让一个组的学生把自己最近在课外书籍中读到的优美词句或精彩片断背诵给其他学生听,并每天评出一位优胜者,以激发学生阅读课外书籍的兴趣。为了能够获得好评,他们积极准备、认真背诵,一学期下来,不仅自己读了不少书,积累了不少词句和文章片断,而且从其他同学的背诵中获取了大量有益的知识,拓宽了自己的视野,丰富了自己的知识储备。 学习在于兴趣。有了兴趣学生会有意无意地去学、去记、去运用。那么,作文兴趣如何培养?首先,老师应该让学生写感兴趣的事,安排一些学生有话可说、有事可记的题目,如记自己的同学、家庭成员等。其次,要经常采用一些有趣的教学方式,不仅让学生感觉有话可写,还要安排相当数量的口头作文。如可以利用讲故事,指导学生把故事讲得流利、清晰;或者组织学生续故事,让某一个学生讲故事的开头,其他学生把这个故事连下去,这样由于每个学生的思维方式不同,所表达的意思就有差别,故事的结局就自然不同;或者让同学们注意观察班上的某一位同学,然后不指名地用口语或文字描述其特征,叫另一个同学猜他是谁,猜对了,说明这位同学的描写是准确的。这样通过长期训练,学生的作文兴趣将会大大提高,作文水平也会有所长进。 如何将学生积累的材料组织起来,使其成为一篇完整的作文,这是教师指导学生作文的任务所在。一方面应该要求学生为自己的作文列份提纲。如选择中心思想,然后选择那些能够表达中心思想的材料,再安排和组织这些材料。编写提纲再写作文可以使学生做到胸有成竹,写起来也得心应手,所以是一个写作的好习惯。一方面平时讲解课文时,分析例文的写作方法,通过归纳总结,使学生掌握作文的一般方法,知道如何确定中心思想、如何选材、应先写什么、后写什么、详写什么、略写什么。有了较好的写作指导,学生在完成习作时,就能较为全面地写出该事物的特点,基本上做到条理清楚、层次分明、重点突出、详略得当。 要写好一篇文章,必须进行细致、认真的修改。它包括中心思想的修改、文章结构的修改以及语言文字的修改等诸多方面。形式要力求多样,可以采取集体修改的方法,与学生讨论分析文章的目的和要求;可以讲评学生作文,从不足之处得出写作应当注意的经验;也可以组织学生给自己的作文写评语。这样的修改,不仅文章的质量会明显提高,学生对作文课的兴趣以及参与度也会明显增强。 总之,引导学生写好作文,应当遵循生活积累—艺术构思—写作—修改的过程,在教学中精心安排、巧妙组织,这样,作文教学才可望取得较好的效果。


Dear XXXX,

I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting.

Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.



Dear XXX,I know you have just e into a new class and can hardly get well on your clas *** ates that you are worried about it.I'm very glad to help you. So let me help you to *** yze the reasons and help you to solve the problems.Firstly,maybe you are introverted,so you should change your character and try to chat with others.Then you will find they are very kind and easy to get along with.Secondly,you may be not adapt to the new class.So you just need some time to try to know about the new team.And you will find the new team is very interesting.Finally,I suggest you to introduce yourself to your clas *** ates.Totally,it all depand on yourself.So cheer up!Yours,XXX

A Letter to a Schoolmate

I am delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the weeklong holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute of your stay here.

I know you are fond of swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it will be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. In the meantime, as there is an air-conditioner in every big room of our house, we can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very fortably when we stay at home.

About o miles away from here there is a beautiful mountain. We can get there on foot. I assure you it will be great fun climbing it. When we reach its , we can have a bird’s-eye view of the country for miles around.

Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to bring anything. I’ll prepare everything for you.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.


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Dear paternalgrandmothers: You are good! Paternal grandmother, thanks you continuously to mycare and the attendance! You know? I am how love you. You also remember? When Itake an afternoon nap daily, is who feared I am cold, quietly covers the quiltfor me? Is who the time which catches cold in me cared about looks after me totake a drug gives an injection? Is you.Is you studies in me meets the difficulttime encourages me, does not let me be discouraged.Is you, in under torrentialdownpour time sends the umbrella for me. Paternal grandmother, although ourfamily is not very wealthy, your money are not many, but you always buy thething for me which likes eating, roars me to be happy.Paternal grandmother,after asks you to wait for me to grow up, I also can buy the thing which youlike eating to repay you.Mother has told me, my childhood, also cries to make,is not obedient very much.You hold I loushang louxia walking, after teased meto smile, only then hugged me sleeps.But a while, I have cried, you can roarme, let you be exhausted, you were how laborious! Now I have grown up, nolonger that is not obedient.Although I already several years old, but you treatas me the child.When I pour water, you do not let me pour, is feared I havescalded the hand; I cut the vegetable time, you do not let me take the knife,is feared I cut have injuried the hand; My street, you had not always feltrelieved that, one everywhere urges me to have to be careful; You all more than70, daddy always said you are the old child, looks after with my same needperson, paternal grandmother, I must say one to you: Thanks you. But asks youto can rest assured that that, I could not let you again such worry, I couldnot not be obedient again.I can study am working, little let you worry forme.Paternal grandmother, you were laborious! The I herewith offer wishes yourhealth! Your granddaughter


