revivalism翻译,revival的中文  2023-01-15 10:34  来源:未知  点击次数: 


【Place】 Spain and Madrid, Spain, the most representative one of the places, the central square stands a monument to Spain's great masters in literature Cervantes, Bei Shen, and there are knights Beiqian novel "Don Quixote" in some of the characters, such as the Gentleman Don Quixote rode forward and ride a donkey, followed by a servant Sancho? Panca bronze statue and so on. Cervantes Monument in the positive rear, 2 Bai Yumi is a tall skyscraper?? House and De Madrid, Spain.

【Place】 located in downtown Columbus with heavy traffic, lots, the square of the most important building was built in 1886 by Christopher Columbus monument, for the works of sculptor Melida, the marble statue of Columbus, neo-gothic monument stood on the base . The east of the monument? Discovery park?. And the monument is the record that corresponds to a large stone found in the American continent. Square The following is the cultural center of Madrid, and the multi-storey underground car park.

Door】 【Europe north of the city is located in Madrid, Castilla Plaza, is a two-line shape, the relative tilt of the tower component. 2 floor of 27 floor, 115 meters high angle of about 15 degrees, each floor area of about 1170 square meters. Each floor has eight high-speed elevators, its operating speed of 4 meters per second, with a capacity for 21 people. The top floor are two helipads, bearing the weight of 4 tons. Building project by the United States John? Ceske Architectural Institute of design, structural design by the American Association of Robertson projects completed by the Spanish construction company responsible for its construction. In August 1990 started the whole project was completed 96 years in May.

】 【Royal Theater was founded in 1818 and interrupted several times because of the works, until November 1, 1850 was the first time opened operas. Cause of security reasons in 1925, stopped to perform maintenance after the project lasted 40 years, in 1965 changed to Symphony Hall. In 1991 decided to rebuild Opera House, October 11, 1997 restoration works have been completed, once again enabled. The reconstruction of a total cost of 21 billion pesetas, or about nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars. Of which only stage machinery plant would cost five billion pesetas, or about a quarter of the total investment, is the world's most advanced stage facilities.

The Royal Theater building area of 7.1 million square meters, the stage of 75 meters high, the stage before and after the area of 1030 square meters. In addition to this there is a part of the same size and stage of the rehearsal stage. Band, choir, dance team and other rehearsal spaces comfortable. A total of 1,700 seats, in addition to the Royal box. The entire theater interior luxury, rich and beautiful, both the Royal palace style, but also has a modern style.

Tomb】 【El Escorial is located about 50 kilometers west of Madrid. Zheng-Ming Sheng. Lorenzo monastery is Felipe II to commemorate the 1557 Battle of San Gindin built to defeat the French invaders. The project has taken 22 years, was completed in 1584. From the air, looking down, the entire office complex is like an inverted deduction of the oven rack. According to legend, Saint St. Lorenzo is being baked in this oven on the dead. Battle of San Gindin is precisely the day of victory in San. Lorenzo's name day, so named after him, has his statue at the main entrance.

Solemn architectural style, is a masterpiece of revivalism in the world renowned architectural history. Building complex was four square, from the cathedral, monastery, palace, tomb, libraries, museums composition, four corners to build the tower, a total of 16 within the hospital, 86 group of the stairs, 88 spring wells, two 1000 windows, 13 small chapel. Containing a large number of precious cultural relics. Within the four walls of tomb chamber decorated with copper and dark marble, Spain emperors coffins were placed in here, available for visitors.

【】 Victims of the victims of the valley the valley from the El Escorial is located about 8 kilometers Tomb melon Dalamar Hill, a valley. Was built in 1959, and it took nearly 20 years. Is mainly to commemorate the 1936 to 1939 victims of the Spanish Civil War was built. Because of its beautiful scenery and the outskirts of Madrid is also a more well-known scenic spots. Built monasteries and cathedrals and so on, in particular, built in a hollowing out of the small hill in the cathedral, imposing, spectacular, the zenith of up to 46 meters, decorated with huge portraits of Christ; built on the hill above the cross, up to 150 meters, 46 meters in length beams. Buried inside the Cathedral, the Spanish Phalange Party founder Jose? Antonio and authoritarian rulers Francisco? Franco


Utopia——不现实的,不存在的,虚幻的,贞洁 的,完美的世界



乌托邦思想是理想的一个完善, 当前, 尘世社会,有机, 和谐, 贞洁 , 满意, 有长的历史。 只要基督教, 它象可实现被设想了根本的地方, 它是只在微观世界。 那里这些微小的少数被认可了, 它源于了信念, 圣洁精神能因此带领天堂般的社区的生活进入, 以几英勇灵魂反应, 某事接近永恒状态社会可能被体会的这年龄比教会至此陈列了。


700 个宗教主题我们的名单


这些是eschatological 社区, 以他们的希望的特别联系。 精神道德上给特殊雍容忘记自已和分享两份财产和某人最内在的精神。精神当前在这样的措施并且赠送他的礼物, 所以一个吸引人社区涌现。 在动态阶段这些社区有并且频繁地一个apocalytic 元素。 这样倾吐在精神外面简要后者- 下雨显示表明回归的迫切耶稣基督和迎接supramundane 社区, 或celestital 或millennial 。

能力和技能并且被给。 在它的全部基督徒乌托邦社区被填装用崇拜, 和充满喜悦, 这独特地是上帝住宅地方由精神。


Monasticism 是基督徒乌托邦思想的至尊形式。 在修道院graces 贫穷, 坦白, 守纪, 并且和平被实施。 吸引人活动很大变化了在世纪期间, 但在它最最小方丈或 abbess quasi 占领了A - 预言角色。并且有总是那些象Fiore Joachim, 在他的第十二个世纪西西里人的修道院, 很快认为monasticism 那的标志- 以后的年龄当全世界会是修道院。 如此修道院是窗口入和一种准备为天堂。 当天主教修道院是在与传教士当局的关系, 允许这个乌托邦思想的形式生存和兴旺通过世纪的平衡被给了。 在中世纪有许多乌托邦小组被monasticism 影响, 但他们的 apocalypticism 频繁地驾驶了他们到持异议, 倾向于标记路末端在一个闭合的社会。


在改革之时有权威Protestants, 在他们的反应, 经常拥有了唯一什么的适度期望精神能单独地或公司完成在信徒。 "O 孤苦人基调, 我是," 既使它连续地推动对基督,没有放热巨大意料, 当全部事项吸引人实际上被驱逐了。 结果它是相当一致的, monasticism 应该被溶化, 与其他乌托邦思想一起的形式。

再洗礼派教徒, 另一方面, 给出了很好举动以monasticism 虔诚继续的重点的的更多征兆。 这是特别真实的Hutterites, communitarian 结构在摩拉维亚陈列了家庭- 针对的新教徒monasticism, 和继续做如此对这天在美国平原和加拿大大草原。

当改革进行了, 加尔文教派实现了一些再洗礼派教徒关心被磨练的生活, 并且这来了到特殊表示在英国Puritans 。 他们强烈的关心sanctification 开始创造欲望在一些处所生活如同对完美。 不发现这些志向见面了在主流新教, 清教主义左翼, 在 Cromwellian 空位期期间, 显示了乌托邦思想的lush 精神植被。 或许Quakers 是最适度的, 相信只雍容和正式传教士部手段不再是必要的为那些拥有了精神在这样的直接和丰满度。 有并且相信的primitivists 在他们的精神的年龄私有财产的制约能不再申请, 并且除启示第五个君主制人之外有 antinomian Ranters, 解释了他们的缺乏良心性不规则性作为某一标志他们是被举的远的在世俗制约之外入自由一个新领土在精神上。

多么一位新教徒教皇绝望地必要在这样情况。但无法这样供应, antics 在这些天堂被声称的前庭做一点说服英国人, unspiritual 或简单地较不精神, 乌托邦思想是一个中意的选择。


查寻utopias 在第十八个和第十九个世纪晚期有许多刺激。 18 世纪是乐观的年龄; 在启示的图之中有人的完美的提倡者, 和约翰·Wesley 被到达在改革之后和寻求使道德完美恢复原状在他的教学在完善的爱。 并且当然他有相信罪恶ontological 铲除在那些被赎回和被神晟化的神圣后裔。 用这样设置振动器和欧奈达人社区是唯一乌托邦冰山的要诀。

振动器, 记住最好为他们的人工制品和宁静, 是因此用精神填装有不结婚亦不给在婚姻和那里是罪孽, 社区财产, 和平主义, 平等性 , 和被奉献的工作开放坦白。 他们的乌托邦思想是还吸引人, 以他们的跳舞在精神和创建者, 安 ·李, 是她实际上是神的女性边化身上帝的这样一个独特的先知。 在upstate 纽约是欧奈达人社区, 由Andover 温床毕业生约翰· Humphrey Noyes 指挥。 由revivalism 和基督徒社会改革的明显的成功带领, Noyes 成立了爱精神的礼物是那么所有的一个社区- 包含那它必须甚而性被表达在所有之中, 。 虽然这个表示限于和regimented, 它没有要求许多这样事例带领乌托邦思想进入坏名声。 并且它那里衰弱了许多年。

在20 世纪期间的第一三分之二少数个新和可实行的基督徒乌托邦社区的当中一个是Bruderhof, 仿造了它的生活在Hutterites 以后。 然后来了晚60 年代和早期的70s 和耶稣运动的诞生的社会大变动。 Communitarian 实验倍增了。 一些简单地存在作为中心哺育, 但其他人分享了某事基督徒乌托邦思想梦想。 一些, 采摘后者雨Pentecostalism 思想体系, 相信, 这是上帝的儿子的显示的年龄, 并且他们独特地是在新和光彩的末端的前线- 计时人类。 大多这些社区缺乏抵消和迅速消失了从场面。

但乌托邦基督徒继续表达他的挑战: 那里是更多, 更多, 将被解开在地球上上帝的生活




As a large-scale comprehensive entertainment centre featuring service provided in a countryside style, Jiangnan Fishing Village, which means a fishing village at the south of lower reaches of the Yantzge River, combines the countryside view sighting, entertainment, vacation, folk culture and delicate styled foods in one place, and all of this is with a theme of green life and health preserving. Currently, it has an area of more than 50,000 m2, and is capable to provide meal service for a total of 500 persons at one moment.

It mainly provides the countryside style dishes which materials are produced by itself, and, it has ponds with lotus that are capable to hold 200 persons to fishing and sight viewing. Besides, it includes a 1,500m2 swimming pool with modern facilities meeting international standards, clean and convenient BBQ facilities, horse race field, Tailand crocodile raising and viewing park, and a system of producing meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables for its own consumption. And it also has several multi-purposes halls and open gardens that are ready for holding various commercial conferences, parties or banquets.

All buildings of Jiannan Fishing Village are in a style of revivalism, the exclusive banquet rooms are made mainly by bamboo or woods. Scattered in the ponds, the pond lilies are blossoming in pink, light yellow and pure white colours, and the bamboo corridor zigzags its way over the bonds with bamboo pavilions in its middle, the windmills built on the ponds keep rotating against the background of paths on the ponds side shuttered by the green wickers. The wonderful beauty you can find everywhere in this entertainment centre.

The elegant scenes are blended with the abbreviated countryside views, facing which you cannot but be taken into a clean, simple, classic and elusive mood against the complicated and bored thoughts when you are outside, at here your heart is able to be away from the raucous cities, and to be immersed by the natural beauty of a fishing village.

说明: 你村的池塘是一个还是多个?我用的是复数,若是一个,请自行修改。

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信仰belief faith believe in conviction . 展开《新汉英大辞典》 . 折叠《新汉英大辞典》 信仰 [xìn yǎng] faith; belief; conviction; believe in: 例句: political conviction; 政治信仰 break [violate] faith; 背弃信仰 短语 1. 信仰疗法 faith cure [healing]; 2. 信仰论 gnositicism; 3. 信仰调和论 syncretism; 4. 信仰危机 crisis of [in] belief; crisis in moral convictions; 5. 信仰学 pistology; 6. 信仰医士 faith healer; 7. 信仰主义 {哲} fideism; 8. 信仰主义者 fideist 以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》 网络释义 展开 折叠 信仰.. 1. faith 大家论坛-大家学习网论坛 ... fetishism 拜物教 faith 信仰 worship, adoration 崇拜 ... 基于314个网页 2. believein 成人高考高起点英语词组复习资料一 ... atthebeginningof…的起初 believein. 信仰 belongto(介词)属于 ... - 基于94个网页 3. belief 天主教字典:B ... Belial:贝里雅耳;彼列(基):新约中撒旦之名(格后六15)。 belief : 信仰 ;信赖;信心:对真理心悦诚服。 bell, book and candle:鸣钟、掩卷、熄烛:中世纪开除教籍的步骤。 ... - 基于91个网页 4. der Glaube, n 「德语等级考试」-「DSH」-「DaF」-「... ... der Gips, e 石膏 der Glaube, n 信仰 ;认为 der Gliederschmerz, en 关节炎 ... - 基于83个网页 信仰 | believein | belief | der Glaube, n 信仰 1. faith 大家论坛-大家学习网论坛 ... fetishism 拜物教 faith 信仰 worship, adoration 崇拜 ... 基于314个网页 2. believein 成人高考高起点英语词组复习资料一 ... atthebeginningof…的起初 believein. 信仰 belongto(介词)属于 ... - 基于94个网页 3. belief 天主教字典:B ... Belial:贝里雅耳;彼列(基):新约中撒旦之名(格后六15)。 belief : 信仰 ;信赖;信心:对真理心悦诚服。 bell, book and candle:鸣钟、掩卷、熄烛:中世纪开除教籍的步骤。 ... - 基于91个网页 4. der Glaube, n 「德语等级考试」-「DSH」-「DaF」-「... ... der Gips, e 石膏 der Glaube, n 信仰 ;认为 der Gliederschmerz, en 关节炎 ... - 基于83个网页 信仰者..adoptionist | revivalist | votary | The Believer 信仰者 ..adoptionist | revivalist | votary | The Believer 信仰者 1. adoptionist 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(4) ... adoptionism 学说 adoptionist 信仰者 adoptive 收养关系的 ... 基于33个网页 2. revivalist 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(117)(3) ... revivalism 信仰复兴运动 revivalist 信仰者 revivatory 复活的 ... - 基于22个网页 3. votary 【转帖】经典的易混词终结1 ... voluminous 丰满的 votary 信仰者 seminary =神学院, ... - 基于11个网页 4. The Believer ...ane,我最爱的事 (My Favorite Things),爵士大师经典 (Soul Trane),星尘 (Stardust),华丽人生 (Lush Life), 信仰者 ( The Believer ),黑珍珠 (Black Pearls),名作决定盘 (The Best Of John Coltrane),非洲印象 (Afro Blue Impressions),名作决定盘 (The Best Of J... 基于4个网页 无信仰..Faithless | infidelity | Non-Religious | pflichtvergessen 无信仰 ..Faithless | infidelity | Non-Religious | pflichtvergessen 无信仰 1. Faithless 艺名来自传说中的迦太基女皇的蒂朵,原本浸淫于古典世界却在九五年加入哥哥Rollo所组的电气乐团“ 无信仰 ”( Faithless ),五百万乐迷就这样与她的歌声作了奇妙的第一类接触。 基于22个网页 2. infidelity B2B门户外贸知识工具,外贸词典 ... infestation 群袭 infestation 横行 infidelity 无信仰 ... - 基于12个网页 3. Non-Religious 佛罗里达州 ... 犹太教(Jewish) 其他(Other Religions) 无信仰 ( Non-Religious ) ... 基于6个网页 4. pflichtvergessen Chinesisch - Deutsch Wrt... ... 无保证 = unbefugt 无信仰 = pflichtvergessen 无偏= agonisch ... - 基于3个网页 保持信仰..Keeping the Faith | Kepping the Faith 保持信仰 ..Keeping the Faith | Kepping the Faith 保持信仰 1. Keeping the Faith 《 保持信仰 》( Keeping The Faith )是爱德华.诺顿自《角斗俱乐部》之后再次主演并导演的一部浪漫喜剧 . 基于39个网页 2. Kepping the Faith 科技词典字母K25页 ... keramovitrons玻璃粘结陶瓷制品 keramzite素烧粘土填料 陶结块 keratalgia角膜痛 ... - 基于1个网页 信仰治疗..faithcure | Faith Healing 信仰治疗 ..faithcure | Faith Healing 信仰治疗 1. faithcure 心理学英语词汇第167页 ... faith信仰 faithcure信仰治疗 faithhealing信仰治愈 ... 基于32个网页 2. Faith Healing 我最近参加了一个有关 信仰治疗 ( faith healing ) 的会议。在会上,许多受过良好教育的人举出了许多奇闻轶事,来说明他们或其他人拥有一种神奇的治病力量,并试图说明他们在这个问... 基于7个网页 信仰治愈 healing 信仰治愈 healing 信仰治愈 faith healing 社会工作专业英语词汇(F) ... faith cure 信仰治疗 faith healing 信仰治愈 fake 伪造 ... - 基于35个网页 放弃信仰..apostatize 放弃信仰 ..apostatize 放弃信仰 apostatize 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A4)a ... apostatic 背教的 apostatize 放弃信仰 aposteriori 归纳的 ... - 基于34个网页 信仰破灭 no more | Faith No More 信仰破灭 no more | Faith No More 信仰破灭 1. faith no more 作为今天十大重金属乐队之一,Korn一直超凡脱俗,除了集Jane’s Addiction(简之毒瘾)、Tool(工具)、 Faith No More ( 信仰破灭 )这些乐队优点于一身的优势外,他们的整体声效更确切地说气氛更是他们最独特的卖点。 - 基于30个网页 2. Faith No More 避避风! ... Fats Dimino 胖子多米诺 Faith No More 信仰破灭 Falconer 养鹰者 ... - 基于3个网页 唯一信仰..What you believe in 唯一信仰 ..What you believe in 唯一信仰 What you believe in 商品描述 ... Ain\'t on sense in love 爱情零规则 What you believe in 唯一信仰 Mancunian 曼彻斯特大街 ... - 基于20个网页 基督信仰..Christianity 基督信仰 ..Christianity 基督信仰 Christianity 教区渐渐形成,反映著帝国的行省地区,新的结构及管理方式出现, 基督信仰 ( Christianity )便成了基督帝国( Christendom),把宗教、文化、政治囊括无余,使得精神界与社会物质界的分野模糊不清。 - 基于20个网页 相关词组 隐藏相关词组 例句与用法 1. 他们被迫发誓放弃自己的 信仰 。 They were compelled to abjure their faith. 《新汉英大辞典》 2. 别试图把你的 信仰 强加在别人头上。 Do not try to impose your belief upon others. 3. 给最简陋的大厦添加宗教 信仰 ,你便拥有一所教堂。 Add religion to the humblest of edifices and you have a sanctuary.


