
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-02-24 14:29  来源:未知  点击次数: 


The property right is the economical system of ownership relations lawmanifestation. It the universal property property rights, holds thepower, the right to control, the right of use, the usufruct and thehandling power. Manifests the system of ownership relations by thelegal jurisdiction form the science reasonable property right system,is uses for consolidated and in the standard commodity economy theproperty relations, restrains person's economic activities, maintainsthe commodity economy order, the guarantee commodity economy smoothmovement legal jurisdiction tool.

First, property right content:

1. The property right first refers to the specific object, namely anyproperty right all is take the specific object as the premise and thefoundation, in the property right "produces" is an object, does nothave the specific object the existence, produces the expedientdefunct; The similar any property right all is by relies on thespecific object property right, also only can some specific objectproperty right. The object had the many kinds of manifestation likethis in the real life, like property, property, capital, commodity andso on.

2. Property right next is refers to the main body to the object right,namely main body and specific object relations. This kind of relationsoften displays in the real life for by the property rights and so on.Mainly including to the property property rights, holds the power, theright of use, the right to control, the usufruct and the handlingpower and so on, may say the property right is the main body ties toobject a series of rights always called.

3. The property right also should include, the different main bodybased on to the specific object right, various economical relationswhich mutually between occurs. If the common leadership with is led,supervises with is supervised, producer, operator, consumer betweenand so on reciprocity. Displays makes in the enterprise in the moderncompany, frequently is company's owner and company's superintendent aswell as the company various benefits correlation relations and so on,the constitution modern company legal principle theory of law theoryimportant content.

4. Says from the right itself content, the property right contentincluding two aspects, one is the specific main body to the specificobject and other main bodies powers, namely the specific main bodymakes any to the specific object either the host physical ability notto be able to make any or to adopt any behavior the authority, two isthis main body through adopts this kind of behavior to this specificobject and the main body to be able to obtain any type the income.Therefore the property right calls the rights and interests. Thetraditional economic stresses on the research income dispositionmechanism, but the modern economic stresses on the research authoritydisposition mechanism.

Second, property right manifestation

Specifically says, the property right contains three meanings:

1. Primitive property right, also is called the property the propertyrights, is refers the legal confirmation and the protection economicmain body to the property exclusive ownership relations, legallyenjoys including the owner to own property holds the right which, theuse, the income, punishes;

2. The legal person property right, namely the legal person propertyrights, including the operating right, are the fingering personenterprise award its management to the property owner the property toenjoy hold the right which, the use, the income and punishes. Thelegal person property right is following one kind of right which thelegal person system establishment produces;

3. The stockholder's rights and the creditor's rights, namely afterpractice the legal person system, because the enterprise has to theproperty legal person property rights, causes the primitive propertyright to transform into the stockholder's rights or the creditor'srights, or calls the ultimate property rights. The primitiveinvestment can using the shareholder (or creditor) each right has theinfluence to the legal person enterprise, but cannot directlyintervene the enterprise management.

Third, other manifestations

The property right may carry on the classification from thedifferent angle, generally has six kind of forms:

1. Moves the shape according to the property right historicaldevelopment the different classification: Real right, creditor'srights, stockholder's rights. 2. Belongs to and holds the main bodyaccording to the property right the different classification:Primitive property right, government property right and legal personproperty right.

3. Holds the main body archery target different classificationaccording to the property right: Private property right, governmentproperty right and legal person property right. 4. According toproperty right object mobile way different classification: Fixed assetproperty right and current assets property right.

5. According to object shape different classification: Tangible assetproperty right and intangible asset property right. 6. According toproperty right concrete realization shape different classification:The property rights, hold the power and the handling power.

In addition, but also may differently divide into the nationalproperty rights, the collective ownership, the citizen property rightsaccording to the property right system of ownership nature and so on.


产权property rights

土地使用权land use rights

建筑物所有权property ownership

property rights是什么意思

property rights




Whether europe can actually force china to enforce intellectual property rights is another matter.



“侵犯知识产权”的英文翻译英语为:Infringement of intellectual property rights 望采纳


问题一:知识产权用英语怎么翻译? 知识产权[zhī shi chǎn quán][名]intellectual property right ;

问题二:知识产权用英语怎么说 知识产权

intellectual property right



知识产权[zhī shi chǎn quán]

intellectual property right

问题三:“知识产权”英文怎么说 “知识产权”

Intellectual property

英 [?pr?p?ti] 美 [?prp?ti]

n. 特性,属性; 财产,地产; [戏]道具; 所有权;

问题四:知识产权用英文怎么说?多谢 intellectual property rights

问题五:知识产权用英文怎么说 知识产权

intellectual property right;

问题六:"自主创新"和"自主知识产权"英语分别怎么说 “自主创新”:self-dependent innovation;independent innovation;

“自主知识产权”:Independent intellectual property rights,proprietary intellectual property rights。

问题七:上海知识产权代理有限公司的英文怎么说 Shanghai Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.

问题八:知识产权诉讼用英语怎么说 intellectual property litigation


[例句]Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system.



