thelottery的人物象征(the lottery人物性格分析)  2023-03-04 16:48  来源:未知  点击次数: 

the lottery 任意一人的人物分析,字数尽量多点!!!在线等!!!!好的给加分!!!!

英文还是中文的?The short story Lottery is the classic work of famous American novelist Shirly Jackson.It narrators the story about the people of a small town held an aniversal activity of lottery , and the person who got the lottery would be hit to death by stones for the sake of harvest of the following year. The narrator centers on the actions and simple language of each town people from an obejective perspective to reflect the blind obedience, less of rationality and cruel coldness of human nature of the whole town people.

. The difference between The Lottery and other stories is that there is no clear clue to define who are the leading roles and who are the supporting roles. In other words , the whole town people is the a complete protagonist.

In the story, the narrator shows us the whole process the lottery activity just like a professional reporter, she described each plot with calm attitude and we could not see any personal feeling or expectation of the writer from any character of the whole town people.

In the small town , the activity of lottery was presented by a man who was named Mr Summers, who had time and energy to devote to the civic activities. He was a round-faced,jovial man and he ran the coal business,and people were sorry for him,because he had no children and his wife was a scold.

The name Summers has implied us the social status and influences of Mr Summers, he was the owner of the coal business and had power on the whole town people. Every living summer, he gathered the people together and held the lottery ceremony which cost one human being' life to keep the stupid superstitious saying:lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. The group of people like Mr Summers had controls not only on the whole process of the lottery but also the economic resources even destinies. The lottery was only a kind of ritual which was used to blind their souls, transfer their dissatisfy about the real life and take out their anger on the much more unlucky person-t-he lottery winner.

The old man Mr Warner was the eldest person in the town who was supposed to the wisdom in common sense, instead he was the representative of the most fatuous and cruel human beings. He has been in the lottery for 77 years quoted what he said: "Seventy-seventh year I been in the Lottery" as he went through the crowd :Seventy seven times. We can understand from a different view: He has been taking part in killing people to death for more than seventy times. The luckiness of he could escape from each fe-risk in the lottery has been transformed into huge zealous passion to keep this convention and defend anyone who even thought about abandoning this ritual in head.

The lottery tradition has been kept year by year, there was a human being was hit to death year by year, until this year when the narrator reported to us , we still could not see a sign that it would be changed.

So the lottery winner Tessie in this year was just like everyone in the past,she was the victim for others to keep their blind ritual. We don't know why the writer chose Tessie to be the victim. There was no any signal which implies Tessie would be the one who got the lottery. She was like everyone who came for this ceremony as a participant and a vindicator as well.

The lottery 的大概意思

《The Lottery》是Larry Yust导演的一部剧情电影。





美国女作家Shirley Jackson的短篇《摸彩》的电影版。

Shirley Jackson's superb short story "The Lottery" has been filmed three times, most notably in 1969 as an acclaimed short film which director Larry Yust made for an Encyclop?dia Britannica educational film series. The Academic Film Archive cited Yust's short as "one of the two bestselling educational films ever".

Larry Yust's short film, The Lo...

参考资料:百度百科,The Lottery

The Lottery 一文中"the black box"象征着什么?

The black box是村民们与传统之间连接的实物体现。它本身就是腐朽的惯例的象征。比如说盒子明明很旧了,但是人们却迟迟不换。这暗指着人们对于已经过时的传统死死不放手的表现。

另外the black box也可以理解为生与死之间的中途。它掩藏着过去所有已犯下的罪恶和将来源源不断的罪恶。黑色,就可理解为邪恶与死亡的化身。

The black box还有一个解释。它是人类行使罪孽、脱卸责任的工具。黑色代表着没有情感,逃避真理和答案的行为。The black box是让村民们不用感到内疚的容器,它可以让人们认为发生什么事情都是超出他们自己的控制的。


The Lottery的时代背景及人物个性分析

The short story Lottery is the classic work of famous American novelist Shirly Jackson.It narrators the story about the people of a small town held an aniversal activity of lottery , and the person who got the lottery would be hit to death by stones for the sake of harvest of the following year. The narrator centers on the actions and simple language of each town people from an obejective perspective to reflect the blind obedience, less of rationality and cruel coldness of human nature of the whole town people.

. The difference between The Lottery and other stories is that there is no clear clue to define who are the leading roles and who are the supporting roles. In other words , the whole town people is the a complete protagonist.

In the story, the narrator shows us the whole process the lottery activity just like a professional reporter, she described each plot with calm attitude and we could not see any personal feeling or expectation of the writer from any character of the whole town people.

In the small town , the activity of lottery was presented by a man who was named Mr Summers, who had time and energy to devote to the civic activities. He was a round-faced,jovial man and he ran the coal business,and people were sorry for him,because he had no children and his wife was a scold.

The name Summers has implied us the social status and influences of Mr Summers, he was the owner of the coal business and had power on the whole town people. Every living summer, he gathered the people together and held the lottery ceremony which cost one human being' life to keep the stupid superstitious saying:lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. The group of people like Mr Summers had controls not only on the whole process of the lottery but also the economic resources even destinies. The lottery was only a kind of ritual which was used to blind their souls, transfer their dissatisfy about the real life and take out their anger on the much more unlucky person-t-he lottery winner.

The old man Mr Warner was the eldest person in the town who was supposed to the wisdom in common sense, instead he was the representative of the most fatuous and cruel human beings. He has been in the lottery for 77 years quoted what he said: "Seventy-seventh year I been in the Lottery" as he went through the crowd :Seventy seven times. We can understand from a different view: He has been taking part in killing people to death for more than seventy times. The luckiness of he could escape from each fe-risk in the lottery has been transformed into huge zealous passion to keep this convention and defend anyone who even thought about abandoning this ritual in head.

The lottery tradition has been kept year by year, there was a human being was hit to death year by year, until this year when the narrator reported to us , we still could not see a sign that it would be changed.

So the lottery winner Tessie in this year was just like everyone in the past,she was the victim for others to keep their blind ritual. We don't know why the writer chose Tessie to be the victim. There was no any signal which implies Tessie would be the one who got the lottery. She was like everyone who came for this ceremony as a participant and a vindicator as well.

从哪些角度可以分析女性形象比如Shirley Jackso的小说The lottery中的女性形象

额,我个人觉得要是真真了解和分析女性形象,会涉及很多的方面。比如:人物所处的社会环境、文化教育、言语举止、神态动作等等的方面。如果是小说的话,我觉得主要还是看作者所要表达或者他想赋予他小说中的人物的特点与形象。因为每一位作者都有他们个人或者他们所处环境的感与悟、还有形象化的想象空间的相结合。要想了解分析的话,就要了解作者的思想。但是很抱歉我没看过这本小说,所以不了解你所说的Shirley Jackso的小说The lottery中的女性形象。

SHIRLEY JACKSON "摸彩"(The Lottery)的一些小问题

《摸彩》的故事发生在仲夏时节的一个美国小镇上,村庄的人们集合在广场上举行一场古老传统仪式——一年一度的摸彩活动。在萨莫思先生(Mr. Summers)和格瑞午思先生(Mrs. Graves)草草宣誓就职之后,摸彩终于开始。先由萨莫思先生按照字母顺序叫名字,被叫到的那户人家的男性家长, 就代表全家走到箱子前面来摸彩。不知不觉间,气氛开始紧张起来。有人开始小声议论说,有些村子已经废除了摸彩,村里最年长的沃内老人(Old Man Warner)马上斥责道:只有“年轻的傻瓜”才会这么做。老话说,“六月摸彩,玉米快熟”('Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.');不按传统办事,只会有麻烦。当每个家长都摸到一张纸条后,所有的人都安静下来,那是“长久的停顿,屏住呼吸的停顿”(a long pause, a breathless pause),直到萨莫思先生宣布可以打开纸条。摸彩结果是,哈太太(Mrs. Hutchinson)的丈夫比尔(Bill)摸到了那个画着黑点的纸条,那张“彩票”。哈太太开始抗议,她说给比尔抽奖的时间不够长,而德拉克柔太太则劝她要“有点风度”(Be a good sport),格瑞午思太太则说“大家的机会是一样的”。显然,哈太太的抗议没有任何效果。她甚至还要求嫁出去的女儿也参加下一轮的摸彩,但也无人理会。第二轮摸彩在哈太太、哈先生和小女儿、小儿子四人当中进行。这一次摸彩,是哈太太摸到了那个带黑点的“彩票”。在哈太太“这不公平,这不对”的抗议声中,急于结束摸彩活动的人们纷纷拿起石头,甚至还有人用双手抱起大大的石块,更有甚者还向哈太太的小儿子手里塞石子。接着,他们就一边听从老沃内的招呼“来,来,一起上”,一边由亚当思(Adams)和格瑞午思带领着,一起涌向哈太太。那第一块砸中哈太太的石头, 就落到她的脑袋上。



