
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-02-24 19:03  来源:未知  点击次数: 


英文:password description

中文:密码 描述







(1)打开cmd,输入sqlplus /nolog,回车。其他用户方式同理2.(1)在cmd中启动sqlplus; (2)用sqlplus/as sysdba登录,使其连接到: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production (3)执行ALTER USER DBSNMP ACCOUNT UNLOCK; (4) 从新用SQL/PLUS登录,设置用户名、密码; 附:Oracle 10g 默认安装带来的用户名/密码 UsernamePasswordDescriptionSee AlsoCTXSYSCTXSYSThe Oracle Text accountOracle Text ReferenceDBSNMPDBSNMPThe account used by the Management Agent component of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage the databaseOracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationLBACSYSLBACSYSThe Oracle Label Security administrator accountOracle Label Security Administrator's GuideMDDATAMDDATAThe schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router dataOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceMDSYSMDSYSThe Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator accountOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceDMSYSDMSYSThe Oracle Data Mining account.Oracle Data Mining Administrator's GuideOracle Data Mining ConceptsOLAPSYSMANAGERThe account used to create OLAP metadata structures. It owns the OLAP Catalog (CWMLite).Oracle OLAP Application Developer's GuideORDPLUGINSORDPLUGINSThe Oracle interMedia user. Plug-ins supplied by Oracle and third party format plug-ins are installed in this schema.Oracle interMedia User's GuideORDSYSORDSYSThe Oracle interMedia administrator accountOracle interMedia User's GuideOUTLNOUTLNThe account that supports plan stability. Plan stability enables you to maintain the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts as a role to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.Oracle Database Performance Tuning GuideSI_INFORMTN_SCHEMASI_INFORMTN_SCHEMAThe account that stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image StandardOracle interMedia User's GuideSYSCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform database administration tasksOracle Database Administrator's GuideSYSMANCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager database administration tasks. Note that SYS and SYSTEM can also perform these tasks.Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationSYSTEMMANAGERAnother account used to perform database administration tasks.



用SYS (或SYSTEM)用户登录。 CONN SYS/PASS_WORD AS SYSDBA; 使用如下语句修改用户的密码。 ALTER USER user_name IDENTIFIED BY newpass; 注意:密码不能全是数字。并且不能是数字开头。否则会出现:ORA-00988: 口令缺失或无效 二、忘记SYS用户,或者是SYSTEM用户的密码。 如果是忘记SYSTEM用户的密码,可以用SYS用户登录。然后用ALTER USER 密令 修改密码。 CONN SYS//PASS_WORD AS SYSDBA; ALTER USER SYSTEM IDENTIFIED BY newpass; 如果是忘记SYS用户的密码,可以用SYSTEM用户登录。然后用ALTER USER 密令 修改密码。 CONN SYSTEM//PASS_WORD ; ALTER USER SYSTEM IDENTIFIED BY newpass; 三、如果SYS,SYSTEM用户的密码都忘记或是丢失。 这一项尤其重要。 方法一、

可以使用ORAPWD.EXE 工具修改密码。 开始菜单-运行-输入‘CMD’,打开命令提示符窗口,输入如下命令: orapwd file=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\pwdctcsys.ora password=newpass 这个命令重新生成了数据库的密码文件。密码文件的位置在ORACLE_HOME目录下 的\database目录下。 这个密码是修改sys用户的密码。除sys和system其他用户的密码不会改变。 方法二、 1.如果不记得sys用户的密码了,采用如下方法可以修改密码:

(1)打开cmd,输入sqlplus /nolog,回车。

(2)输入“conn / as sysdba”;

(3)输入“alter user sys identified by 新密码;”(新密码必须以字母开头,另外每条SQL语句后得分号不能忘)

其他用户方式同理2.(1)在cmd中启动sqlplus; (2)用sqlplus/as sysdba登录,使其连接到: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production (3)执行ALTER USER DBSNMP ACCOUNT UNLOCK; (4) 从新用SQL/PLUS登录,设置用户名、密码; 附:Oracle 10g 默认安装带来的用户名/密码 UsernamePasswordDescriptionSee AlsoCTXSYSCTXSYS The Oracle Text accountOracle Text ReferenceDBSNMPDBSNMPThe account used by the Management Agent component of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage the databaseOracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationLBACSYSLBACSYS The Oracle Label Security administrator accountOracle Label Security Administrator's GuideMDDATAMDDATAThe schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router dataOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceMDSYSMDSYS The Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator accountOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceDMSYSDMSYS The Oracle Data Mining account.Oracle Data Mining Administrator's GuideOracle Data Mining ConceptsOLAPSYSMANAGERThe account used to create OLAP metadata structures. It owns the OLAP Catalog (CWMLite).Oracle OLAP Application Developer's GuideORDPLUGINSORDPLUGINS The Oracle interMedia user. Plug-ins supplied by Oracle and third party format plug-ins are installed in this schema.Oracle interMedia User's GuideORDSYSORDSYS The Oracle interMedia administrator accountOracle interMedia User's GuideOUTLNOUTLNThe account that supports plan stability. Plan stability enables you to maintain the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts as a role to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.Oracle Database Performance Tuning GuideSI_INFORMTN_SCHEMASI_INFORMTN_SCHEMAThe account that stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image StandardOracle interMedia User's GuideSYSCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform database administration tasksOracle Database Administrator's GuideSYSMANCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager database administration tasks. Note that SYS and SYSTEM can also perform these tasks.Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationSYSTEMMANAGERAnother account used to perform database administration tasks.



本人的是 2011 年产的最新版的华硕笔记本电脑,我在设置 blos 时发现全是英文,怎奈本人英语水平太。 而我在百度 上收索却找不到我这最新式 blos 设置的翻译讲解,我发了 些力气和时间多方学习和请教! 终于摸清这些意思。如有 不对之处 还请广大电脑爱好者指正 谢谢! 我的是华硕 K42 主板! Main(基本设定)Blos Information(blos 信息) Blos vendor(blos 供应商) Version(主板版本) Vbios version Ec version Uncore information Total memory(内存容量) System date (系统日期) Syste time Access level (系统时间) (访问权) (总内存) 年/月/日 时/分 ( 用户名) American megatrendsm 1 Adrenced(高级设置) Start Easy flash (刷 bios 专用) Play post sound(播放开机声音) [NO](否) Speaker volume (电脑喇叭声音级别) [4] (可自己按需求调) Asus fancystart(开机图片自定义设置) [disabled](关闭) Post logo type (开机图标显示类型) [static](静止的) Internal pointing device(内部定点设备)[Enabled](开启) Sata configuration(sata 配置) 2 Boot(启动设备) Boot configuration(启动设备设置) uefi boot Pxe pom [disabled](关闭) [disabled](关闭) Boot option priorities(开机启动项顺序设置) Boot option #1 Boot option #2 (第一项启动)按回车键可自设 (第二项启动) 同上 [sata:matshitadvd] Hard drive bbs priorities (硬盘驱动器优先) CD/DVD rom drive bbs priorities (CD/DVD 光驱优先) Add new boot option(增加一个新的启动项) Delete Boot Option (删除启动项) 3 Security(安全设置) Password description If only the administrator’s password is set then this only limits access to setup and is only asked for when entering Setup if only the user’s password is set , then this is a power on password and must be entered to boot or enter setup. In setup,the user will have administrator rights. (这段英文的意思大概是:如果你设定了管理员密码 那么你就只能通过密码进入 设置, 管理员拥有管理 权限。) Setup administrator passwor 设置管理员密码 user password 用户密码 Not Installed Not Installed( (没有安装) Setup administrator pass word(设置管理员密码) User password(用户密码) I/0 interface security(界面安全) HDD Security configuration(硬盘安全配置) HDD 0:wpc wp3200BP 4


