德国小红伞系列防病毒软件Avira V10 Beta(5)
四、 性能实测
【提示】 目前该测试版仅建议运行在WinXP 32位 SP2及以上版本中,Win7、Vista下可能会出现异常,希望大家注意!
图18 扫描用时对比
图19 病毒库扫描结果
First, we need to know how stable and performing the system is. Avira AntiVir ProActive monitors numerous interfaces of the operating system. Thus, problems with other programs or with certain system configurations cannot be excluded. We would like the testers to report any crashes or serious loss in performance, relating to such incompatibilities, they might observe.
Secondly, we expect feedback about the detection performance of the program. For the beginning, the test program has just a basic set of rules. So it is to be expected, that only a few files will be reported as malware. Please turn your attention mainly to false positives, i.e. to programs falsely identified as malware. During this phase, the system sends us data, which help us enhance and fine-tune the set of rules (see also “Data transfer and data protection”). These extended rules sets will be made available in a further phase of the beta test.
图20 资源占用率对比
从测试来看,小红伞V10 Beta在病毒查杀率及扫描速度上,均与V9版别无二致。同时资源占用率也没有传出什么好消息,由于进程数增加到了7个,使得小红伞V10较老版更占内存,仅仅开机就占用了约85MB内存空间,较上一版高出20MB。