
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-02-03 17:27  来源:未知  点击次数: 















































;▲ the psychological constitute a crime

Haoyielao, seeking ease and comfort to enjoy "Pirates Liangqiang a" crime of subjective reasons. Loss of the moral, cultural dross is induced by the impact of "Pirates Liangqiang a" crime of objective reasons. Haoyielao, inertia, the desire for them to enjoy the pleasure-seeking in the minds of the rapid formation of a serious distortion of the concept of money, the consumption of deformity, decadent enjoy the optimism, sense of shame, guilt decline, thus to meet the desires and a transgression Choi criminal activities. These are generally low education level, have a weak legal concept, the hot-headed, self-binding poor, the lack of a rational way, do not do things in mind the consequences.

Liangqiang stolen in a robbery and snatch the difference

Robbery refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of the use of violence, coercion or other means, forced Jiequ public and private property act. Snatch the crime refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of openly seize large amount of public and private property act. The main difference between the two is:

1, not an objective of the same

Robbery performance of the spot for the use of violence, coercion or other coercive methods, forced Jiequ public and private property, and snatch the performance of crimes by people not prepared to openly seize large amount of property, so that others could not resist;

2, the object is not exactly the same

Robbery not only violated the property rights of others, but also violated the personal rights of others, and snatch the crimes are generally only a violation of property rights;

3, the consequences of crime require different

Robbery on the amount of property not required, and snatch a snatch of property crimes require larger amounts. According to judicial interpretation, snatch the public and private property value of 500 to 2,000 yuan and above, in order to "greater amount."

4, the contents of different subjective deliberately

Robbery is to prepare or use of force or of a similar nature to the power to force the victims lost their property in the hope that the victims can not resist or unable to resist the case of obtaining property and snatch the crime of obtaining property by the sudden implementation of deliberately in the hope that by taking advantage of Victims do not prepare and obtaining property, rather than hope that through the use of force threatened to force the victims lost their property.

How to guard against bootlegging a Liangqiang

To guard against burglary and robbery cases, the public should be strengthened to prevent the following areas:

First, do a good job in the neighbourhood relations between each other Reference, there are lingering near their home in strangers, must be more careful, if necessary, to ask the police or call 110.

Second on-site maintenance, inspection, fees, shipping, gifts, to identify their exact identity. We must educate the children do not easily open the door to a stranger.

Third, it is not kept at home a lot of cash, jewellery and other valuables, even if the family is also not entirely safe insurance. Books on the account number, password must bear in mind the other secret, not the same identity cards, accounts and other documents in this together.

Fourth, do a good job in anti-theft technology. Reinforced doors and windows to prevent theft is very important, to install anti-theft door must select good quality and high safety factor, the credibility of a good product.

Five key is to never are. Do not the keys to the child or not sensible allocation of others, once lost for the keys to immediately lock.

6 Institute is facing "scam or." When they go out at night the whole family a short period of time, preferably at home on a bright lamp, or open TV. Long period of time the whole family when they go out, in some clothes drying on the balcony so that the lawless elements difficult to judge whether someone in the monk and therefore dare not rashly start.

7 is to protect the scene. Found in the home were stolen, the head of the household are best not to panic and not to worry entered the house, an inventory of stolen goods, and shall protect the scene and quickly playing 110 report, when police officers arrived, the situation promptly to the police, together with police Investigation at the scene.

Speed snatch, which is emerging in recent years a new type of crime, illegal criminals generally two to ride a motorcycle gang crime, in the streets against the women or the elderly, and snatch their handbags, cell phones or gold and silver jewelry, then quickly run away Away from the scene, it is very difficult to prevent. However, according to coaster snatch criminals characteristics and laws of the modus operandi, the police to the public to the masses a few suggestions:

First, unless very necessary, go as far as possible not to carry valuables and important documents;

The second is walking as far as possible take the sidewalk, do not leave cars mixed Road, stickers and more street walking;

Third, it is best not to single handbag, or single-Kua in the shoulders, and the bag should be placed in the position deviated from the side of the road;

The fourth is to not a single bank teller, after the withdrawal from the vicinity of attention should be paid to observe whether there are suspicious circumstances, try to avoid carrying cash walk;

Fifth, if found in a motorcycle next to circulate on the streets, we must be cautious, probably start looking for culprits in the favorable opportunity;

Once the bag is six or cell phone stolen, to maintain calm and see the culprits by riding a motorcycle licence and the model number and direction of escape, and quickly dial 110 telephone warning.

Robbery of motor vehicle crime prevention measures: private car owners should raise the awareness of prevention, not Luantingluanfang vehicles, as far as possible to stop professional car parking lot. Left the car, each fan must lock the doors, windows Guan Yan. Drivers are not on board, the ignition switch must not leave keys in the car to prevent theft of Pochuang the door, away car. Furthermore, the car park to the licensing, certification, the card should carry, not on the car, so as to avoid theft elements then, the car will be out openly and car parks. There are two more than the best anti-theft measures, for example, install a security system, install safety locks, conditional, it can take in the firing line added only know the hidden switches, etc.








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