教您10个Google Chrome的使用技巧(2)

http://www.itjxue.com  2015-08-02 16:41  来源:未知  点击次数: 

 7. 拖放Tab可以建立新窗口哦!

  8. 下载完文件后,你可以用拖放的方式将文件放到任何一个地方.

  9. 如果站点支持OpenSearch,那么情况会更妙了,你可以在地址栏中直接开始该站点的搜索.


  Name - Wikipedia
  Keyword - wiki (that's what you need to type in the address bar)
  URL - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s

  You can also use the keywords for other kinds of services: for translating web pages, for bookmarking pages online or simply as aliases for web pages (omit "%s" from the URL).

  Name - Google Translate (English)
  Keyword - trans
  URL - http://translate.google.com/translate?u=%s

  10. 你可以随时下载最新的Chromium开源工程来升级你的浏览器内核.请访问这里.


