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Nature , 20 January 2022, VOL 601, ISSUE 7893

《自然》 2022年1月20日,第601卷,7893期

天文学 Astronomy

Star formation near the Sun is driven by expansion of the Local Bubble


作者:Catherine Zucker, Alyssa A. Goodman, Jo?o Alves, Shmuel Bialy, Michael Foley, Joshua S. Speagle, et al.




研究组利用新的空间和动力学约束,对太阳200 pc范围内致密气体和年轻恒星的三维位置、形状和运动进行了分析。他们发现,太阳附近几乎所有的恒星形成复合体都位于局部气泡的表面,它们的年轻恒星主要垂直于气泡表面向外扩张。



For decades we have known that the Sun lies within the Local Bubble, a cavity of low-density, high-temperature plasma surrounded by a shell of cold, neutral gas and dust. However, the precise shape and extent of this shell, the impetus and timescale for its formation, and its relationship to nearby star formation have remained uncertain, largely due to low-resolution models of the local interstellar medium. Here we report an analysis of the three-dimensional positions, shapes and motions of dense gas and young stars within 200?pc of the Sun, using new spatial and dynamical constraints. We find that nearly all of the star-forming complexes in the solar vicinity lie on the surface of the Local Bubble and that their young stars show outward expansion mainly perpendicular to the bubble’s surface. Tracebacks of these young stars’ motions support a picture in which the origin of the Local Bubble was a burst of stellar birth and then death (supernovae) taking place near the bubble’s centre beginning approximately 14?Myr ago. The expansion of the Local Bubble created by the supernovae swept up the ambient interstellar medium into an extended shell that has now fragmented and collapsed into the most prominent nearby molecular clouds, in turn providing robust observational support for the theory of supernova-driven star formation.

Black-hole-triggered star formation in the dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10

矮星系Henize 2-10中黑洞触发恒星形成

作者:Zachary Schutte Amy E. Reines




Henize 2-10是一个矮星暴星系,此前有报道称其中心有一个大质量黑洞,但由于某些观测证据与超新星残骸一致,这种解释一直存在争议。在大约9 Mpc距离处有一个机会可了解中心区域,并确定是否有证据表明黑洞流出影响恒星形成。

研究组报道了Henize 2-10的光学观测结果,其线性分辨率为几秒差距。他们发现了一条约150 pc长的电离丝状物,将黑洞区域与一个最新恒星形成区域连接起来。光谱学揭示了一种类似正弦波的位置-速度结构,通过一个简单的进动双极流出进行描述。研究组得出结论,黑洞流出触发了恒星的形成。


Black-hole-driven outflows have been observed in some dwarf galaxies with active galactic nuclei, and probably play a role in heating and expelling gas (thereby suppressing star formation), as they do in larger galaxies. The extent to which black-hole outflows can trigger star formation in dwarf galaxies is unclear, because work in this area has previously focused on massive galaxies and the observational evidence is scarce. Henize 2-10 is a dwarf starburst galaxy previously reported to have a central massive black hole, although that interpretation has been disputed because some aspects of the observational evidence are also consistent with a supernova remnant. At a distance of approximately 9?Mpc, it presents an opportunity to resolve the central region and to determine if there is evidence for a black-hole outflow influencing star formation. Here we report optical observations of Henize 2-10 with a linear resolution of a few parsecs. We find an approximately 150-pc-long ionized filament connecting the region of the black hole with a site of recent star formation. Spectroscopy reveals a sinusoid-like position–velocity structure that is well described by a simple precessing bipolar outflow. We conclude that this black-hole outflow triggered the star formation.

物理学 Physics

Topological triple phase transition in non-Hermitian Floquet quasicrystals


作者:Sebastian Weidemann, Mark Kremer, Stefano Longhi Alexander Szameit








Phase transitions connect different states of matter and are often concomitant with the spontaneous breaking of symmetries. An important category of phase transitions is mobility transitions, among which is the well known Anderson localization, where increasing the randomness induces a metal–insulator transition. The introduction of topology in condensed-matter physics lead to the discovery of topological phase transitions and materials as topological insulators. Phase transitions in the symmetry of non-Hermitian systems describe the transition to on-average conserved energy and new topological phases. Bulk conductivity, topology and non-Hermitian symmetry breaking seemingly emerge from different physics and, thus, may appear as separable phenomena. However, in non-Hermitian quasicrystals, such transitions can be mutually interlinked by forming a triple phase transition. Here we report the experimental observation of a triple phase transition, where changing a single parameter simultaneously gives rise to a localization (metal–insulator), a topological and parity–time symmetry-breaking (energy) phase transition. The physics is manifested in a temporally driven (Floquet) dissipative quasicrystal. We implement our ideas via photonic quantum walks in coupled optical fibre loops. Our study highlights the intertwinement of topology, symmetry breaking and mobility phase transitions in non-Hermitian quasicrystalline synthetic matter. Our results may be applied in phase-change devices, in which the bulk and edge transport and the energy or particle exchange with the environment can be predicted and controlled.

Quantum logic with spin qubits crossing the surface code threshold


作者:Xiao Xue, Maximilian Russ, Nodar Samkharadze, Brennan Undseth, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, et al.








High-fidelity control of quantum bits is paramount for the reliable execution of quantum algorithms and for achieving fault tolerance—the ability to correct errors faster than they occur. The central requirement for fault tolerance is expressed in terms of an error threshold. Whereas the actual threshold depends on many details, a common target is the approximately 1% error threshold of the well-known surface code. Reaching two-qubit gate fidelities above 99% has been a long-standing major goal for semiconductor spin qubits. These qubits are promising for scaling, as they can leverage advanced semiconductor technology. Here we report a spin-based quantum processor in silicon with single-qubit and two-qubit gate fidelities, all of which are above 99.5%, extracted from gate-set tomography. The average single-qubit gate fidelities remain above 99% when including crosstalk and idling errors on the neighbouring qubit. Using this high-fidelity gate set, we execute the demanding task of calculating molecular ground-state energies using a variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. Having surpassed the 99% barrier for the two-qubit gate fidelity, semiconductor qubits are well positioned on the path to fault tolerance and to possible applications in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.

Fast universal quantum gate above the fault-tolerance threshold in silicon


作者:Akito Noiri, Kenta Takeda, Takashi Nakajima, Takashi Kobayashi, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, et al.








Fault-tolerant quantum computers that can solve hard problems rely on quantum error correction. One of the most promising error correction codes is the surface code, which requires universal gate fidelities exceeding an error correction threshold of 99 per cent. Among the many qubit platforms, only superconducting circuits, trapped ions and nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond have delivered this requirement. Electron spin qubits in silicon are particularly promising for a large-scale quantum computer owing to their nanofabrication capability, but the two-qubit gate fidelity has been limited to 98 per cent owing to the slow operation. Here we demonstrate a two-qubit gate fidelity of 99.5 per cent, along with single-qubit gate fidelities of 99.8 per cent, in silicon spin qubits by fast electrical control using a micromagnet-induced gradient field and a tunable two-qubit coupling. We identify the qubit rotation speed and coupling strength where we robustly achieve high-fidelity gates. We realize Deutsch–Jozsa and Grover search algorithms with high success rates using our universal gate set. Our results demonstrate universal gate fidelity beyond the fault-tolerance threshold and may enable scalable silicon quantum computers.

地球科学 Earth Science

Historical glacier change on Svalbard predicts doubling of mass loss by 2100


作者:Emily C. Geyman, Ward J. J. van Pelt, Adam C. Maloof, Harald Faste Aas Jack Kohler




研究组将 历史 冰川和现代冰川的观测联系起来,预测21世纪冰川变薄的速度将是1936-2010年的两倍多。利用1936和1938年的 历史 航拍图像存档,他们通过运动结构摄影测量法重建了斯瓦尔巴群岛上1594条冰川的三维几何形状。


研究组发现融化速率对温度有很强的依赖性,即平均夏季温度每升高1 ,面积归一化质量平衡每年减少0.28 m的水当量。最后,研究组设计了一个时空替代方案,将他们的 历史 冰川观测与气候预测相结合,并对斯瓦尔巴群岛的21世纪冰川变化做出一级预测。


The melting of glaciers and ice caps accounts for about one-third of current sea-level rise, exceeding the mass loss from the more voluminous Greenland or Antarctic Ice Sheets. The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, which hosts spatial climate gradients that are larger than the expected temporal climate shifts over the next century, is a natural laboratory to constrain the climate sensitivity of glaciers and predict their response to future warming. Here we link historical and modern glacier observations to predict that twenty-first century glacier thinning rates will more than double those from 1936 to 2010. Making use of an archive of historical aerial imagery from 1936 and 1938, we use structure-from-motion photogrammetry to reconstruct the three-dimensional geometry of 1,594 glaciers across Svalbard. We compare these reconstructions to modern ice elevation data to derive the spatial pattern of mass balance over a more than 70-year timespan, enabling us to see through the noise of annual and decadal variability to quantify how variables such as temperature and precipitation control ice loss. We find a robust temperature dependence of melt rates, whereby a 1? C rise in mean summer temperature corresponds to a decrease in area-normalized mass balance of 0.28 m yr 1 of water equivalent. Finally, we design a space-for-time substitution to combine our historical glacier observations with climate projections and make first-order predictions of twenty-first century glacier change across Svalbard.


fault,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误”,作及物动词时意为“(通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔”,作不及物动词时意为“弄错;产生断层”。


active fault 活断层 ; 活动断裂 ; [地质] 活动断层

Page fault 页缺失 ; 页面失效 ; 页错误 ; 页面错误

Fault Tolerance 容错 ; 容错性 ; 故障包容 ; 容错能力

Double fault 双发失误 ; 两次失误 ; 发球双错误 ; 两次发球失误

Fault management 故障管理 ; 错误管理 ; 障碍管理 ; 进行故障管理

fault detection [计] 故障检测 ; 探伤 ; 故障监测 ; 故障探测

fault plane [地质] 断层面 ; 断面 ; 断层面上 ; 断层带

fault liability 过失责任 ; 过错责任 ; 过失赔偿责任 ; 过失责任险

拜占庭共识算法RBFT:Redundant Byzantine Fault Tolerance


RBFT : Redundant Byzantine Fault Tolerance




N= 3f+1个nodes(f为拜占庭节点最大数),每个node里并行跑f+1个(why?:如果f个实例的primary都是坏节点,那么系统将无法识别拜占庭错误。当f+1个的时候就能保证,见下面的定理或者引理)BFT实例(PBFT协议),只有一个为master,其他的实例为backup。每个实例都有自己的replica,f+1个实例的primary必须满足:每个node最多只是一个实例的primary。每个实例都会对请求排序,但是只有master才会真正的执行,backup只排序与master性能作比较。每个node会运行一个监控程序,监控所有f+1个实例的吞吐量。如果2f+1个node发现master和最佳的backup实例性能差达到一定阈值则此master的primary节点会被认为是恶意节点,将会选出新的primary,还可以选择将表现最好的backup升级为master不过这样需要一个机制在切换master的时候保证各个实例状态的同步(机制参考文献11)。RBFT正确的工作需要f+1个实例接收到的是同样的客户端请求。不过当一个node收到req的时候并不会直接给他自己的f+1个实例运行,而是先转发给所有的其他节点。当他收到2f+1(why?:一定会收到2f+1个,不过应该只需要f+1就可以确定好节点一定都收到了这个请求)个客户端请求copy时(包括自己的)此节点会每一个好节点最终都会接收到请求(因为请求至少发送给了一个好节点)然后再将请求发给f+1个实例去执行。与Aardvark不同的是,RBFT的view change是又监控策略控制并且应用到所有f+1个实例里,而Aardvark由协议发起。









每个节点维护一个计数器来记录每个实例的变更信息。如果节点发现需要变更primary则会发送INSTANCE CHANGE消息给所有的节点,MAC认证。节点接收到传来的INSTANCE CHANGE消息后验证MAC,然后跟自身的计数器比对,如果自身的更大,则忽略,如果传来的更大则查看自己是否也需要传播INSTANCE CHANGE消息(也是比较master和backup的性能),如果收到2f+1个有效的INSTANCE CHANGE消息则计数器加1然后启动view change流程(就是改primary,PBFT也是)。此后每个实例的primary都得到了更新,当然也包括master 的。(更新策略如果又换到了坏的呢?那会触发再次更新。。 前面提到的直接换最好的backup为master可能会更好点)



此时:坏节点的目标是尽可能降低master实例的性能而不触发协议变更(why要不触发协议变更?: 论文里有证明,当primay of master为好节点时不会触发,主要是master的吞吐量比backup的平均吞吐量低达到一定阈值的这个阈值是不是随意定的是根据理论算出来的)。






