lanting,兰亭序古筝谱  2023-01-20 22:13  来源:未知  点击次数: 



In the beginning of late spring in the ninth year of Yonghe, namely the GuiChou year, there was a meeting held in Lanting, which is in the Shanyin Town of Kuaiji County, for executing the Xiuxi ceremony. The celebrities in the county, including the young and old, all came to attend this ceremony. Around the place, there are high mountains and lofty hills, flourishing woods and tall bamboo bushes, and clear streams full of the rushing water from both the left and right sides. All guests sat by a winding canal in a row and drank with one wine cup floating on it so as to wash away minousness. Although without the grand situation of string and wind instruments, however some were drinking and some were expressing their heart feelings in verse or song, so that it was also enough to talk cheerfully their intense emotions.


This day had clear and fresh air under the blue sky and a gentle breeze was freely blowing. Facing up to look at the vast expanse of the universe and bowing down to examine the flourish matter category, skimming over every thing in the universe and giving free rein to extend their range of vision, then people can be enough to get the pleasure of seeing through and hearing about to the extreme. Actually, it should look as very happy.

夫人之相与,俯仰一世, 或取诸怀抱,晤言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。虽取舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至。及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀。况修短随化,终期于尽。古人云:“死生亦大矣。”岂不痛哉!

Yet, people deal and cope with others in all their lives. When alive, they get each other in embracing; or talk freely what are on their hearts in a room; or place their emotions to others as to be unrestrained out of the formality. Although fetch or abandon of each one is very different, and their tempers may be not alike, for instance, or quiet or impetuous, when enjoying for getting something from opportunity, they may think that they have obtained achievements and feel self-sufficiency. However, they do not know old and death will come before long. Until they are tired of what have been obtained and their emotions changed together along with what have happened,and then sighs with emotion have to be approached. The joy of them in the past,in an instant, have become an old trace,unable to give rising to their new desire. Moreover,the length of life lies on luck and at last must be finished. Therefore, the ancients had said, "One person's life and death is the most important thing for himself." Isn't that painful?


While viewing the reasons of the sighs with emotion of the ancients, if it evokes my sympathy,I always sigh of sorrow but cannot explain why it is? I originally understand that the thoughts such as "life is equated with death" is only an absurd and so-called that "no body has long age more than a died young child'' and "Pangzu,who lived to the age of eight hundred,is also merely a short age person'' are the preposterous opus. I consider, that the later generations regard contemporary is same as the contemporary regard their ancients!How sad it is? So in this paper,I appraised the current people on a list and wrote down their brilliant expositions. Though their experiences and affairs were very different, from the viewpoint of sighs with emotion, their results are the same. The readers of later generations, I consider,would have the same feeling that I expressed in this preface.


【1】Wang Xizhi (321~ 379 A.C.) , styled Yishao, was born in Langya of Linyi (Linyi is a city in Shandong Province today) and resided in Shanyin Huaiji (Shaoxing is a city in Zhijiang province today) in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was skilful in painting and calligraphy, and the Chinese characters he wrote is graceful, exquisite and statuesque. He, as a famous calligraphist in our country has exerted tremendous influence on the later generations. Therefore, he acquired the title of “Calligraphy Sage” in China. He was a man of broad-minded, and very fond of the scenery with hills and water . He had taken up the office of Inner Historian in Huaiji and had promoted to the office of the General of Right Side Army, so that the people of later ages often called him as Wang Right General.中文:王羲之(公元321~379年)字逸少,东晋琅琊临沂(今山东临沂市)人,居会稽山阴(今浙江绍兴市)。他擅长书画,字写得峻拔挺秀,为我国著名的书法家,对后世的影响很大,有“书圣”的称号。为人胸怀旷达,爱好山水。曾任会稽内史,官至右军将军,故世称王右军【7】。

【2】 Ninth year of Yonghe(353 A.C.): Yonghe was the title of Emperor Mu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty; the ninth year of Yonghe is equivalent to 353 A. C. in the Christian era. 中文:永和九年:即公元353年。永和是东晋穆帝的年号。

【3】GuiChou: Gui is the last of the Ten Heavenly Stems; Chou is the second of Twelve Earthly Branches; In the lunar calendar, the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, the cycle of the way of counting years in the system of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches is sixty years. 中文: 癸丑,癸是中国天干地支记元中天干(12个)中的最后一个,丑是地支(10个)中的第二个,在中国用天干地支记年、月、日,周期为六十。

【4】Lanting: Lanting is located at the foot of the Lanzhu Mountain in the West-South of Shoaling city in China. Wang Xizhi, a famous calligraphist in the East Jin Dynasty ; he invited 41 persons with literary reputation here to execute a local memorial ceremony named Xiuxi in the ninth year of Yonghe (353 A.C.) . And then,a famous article named Preface to the Lanting Collection was written by him. The existing building and garden in Lanting were rehabilitated in the twenty-seventh year of Jiaqing (1548 A.C.) . There is a little stream of water passing through this place, called the crooked water. Nearby the water can find the Liuchang pavilion, Wang Xizhi's statue is standing in the ancestral temple of Wang Right General. In the temple, there are Mohua Pond and Mohua Pavilion,which has two corridors and on its walls the stone carvings were embedded and the practicing calligraphy by the calligraphists in successive Dynasties after the handwriting of Wang Xizhi are shown there. Behind the Liuchang pavilion, there is the Emperor Stele Pavilion, where standing Lanting Stele written by the Emperor Kangxi (Qing Dynasty). Thirty meters before this pavilion is the Goose Pond and a stone tablet is standing in the pavilion. On the tablet two large Chinese characters “鹅池”(the Goose Pond)were written. According to legend, these two large Chinese characters are the true handwriting of the famous calligraphist, Wang Xizhi.中文:兰亭,位于中国浙江省绍兴市西南的兰渚山下。东晋书法家王羲之在永和九年( 353 )邀请名士41人在兰亭修禊,由王作《兰亭序》。现存建筑和园林是明嘉靖二十七年(1548 )重建的。有小溪流经此处,称为曲水。临溪有流觞亭,亭内有王右军祠,祠内正殿中有王羲之像,内有墨华池、墨华亭,两廊壁上嵌有历代书法家临王羲之书法的石刻。流觞亭后有御碑亭,内立有清康熙书兰亭碑一块。亭前30米处为鹅池。 庭中立有刻有“鹅池”两大字的石碑一块,相传为王羲之书。

【5】Xiuxi: Xiuxi was a custom in ancient China. The ancient Chinese people set the up the Ji day (Ji is the sixth of the Twelve Earthly Branches) of the first ten-day of the third month as the day of Xiuxi (After the Wei Dynasty, adopted the third day of the third month) . On this day, people held a kind of memorial ceremony. They kept closed to the river, washing for eliminating the ill omens. 中文: 修禊是中国古代的一种风俗,中国古代老百姓设置了一个名为“巳”的日子,即地支中的第六天。一般把农历三月中第一个十天中的第六天定为“修禊”日,在魏朝后,这一天改为三月份的第三天。在这一天里,人们在河边举行祭奠仪式,洗涤沐浴以清除不祥。

【6】Pangzu: An ancient old man in the Chinese legend; he lived to the age of eight hundred. 中文:彭祖,相传古代中国的一位老人,他活到了800岁。

【7】The General of Right Side Army: From the Dynasty Wei, Jin to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the central authority of China government had set up some positions of the army as the middle, front and back generals. However, those positions were not the official position for really commanding the army. 中文:王右军,中国古代从魏、晋到南北朝,朝廷设置了像军队里将军名称的官职,如“中将军”、“前将军”。“后将军”等。但这类官职并非真正用来指挥军队的。王羲之曾担任过“右将军”的官职。

墨华:Mohua: In Chinese words, Mohua has the meaning of Chinese ink stick cream.

康熙:Kangxi: The title of Emperor Shengzu of the Qing Dynasty.

嘉庆:Jiaqing: The title of Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty.





【兰亭】的意思是:兰亭lán tíng 1. 亭名。在浙江省绍兴市西南之兰渚山上。 东晋永和九年(公元353年)王羲之之谢安等同游于此,羲之作《兰亭集序》。 2. 指《兰亭帖》。 唐李约《萧子云飞白萧字赞序》:比获《兰亭》之书,世情观之,未若野人之块,不阙于世,在世为无用之物,茍适余意,于余则有用已多。宋陆游《太平时》词:临罢《兰亭》无一事,自修琴,明陶宗仪《<兰亭集>刻》:《兰亭》一百一十七刻,装褫作十册,乃南宋理宗内府所藏,每版有内府图书钤缝玉池上,后归贾平章。郁达夫《寄映霞》诗之二:欲撰西泠才女传,苦无椽笔写《兰亭》。 3. 见「兰亭春」。兰亭在《汉语大词典》第13146页 第9卷 629兰亭在《汉语辞海》的解释参见:兰亭

兰亭的拼音lán tíng



lán tíng1.亭名。在浙江省绍兴市西南之兰渚山上。东晋永和九年(公元353年)王羲之之谢安等同游于此,羲之作《兰亭集序》。2.指《兰亭帖》。唐李约《萧子云飞白萧字赞序》:比获《兰亭》之书,世情观之,未若野人之块,不阙于世,在世为无用之物,茍适余意,于余则有用已多宋陆游《太平时》词:临罢《兰亭》无一事,自修琴。明陶宗仪《<兰亭集>刻》:《兰亭》一百一十七刻,装褫作十册,乃南宋理宗内府所藏,每版有内府图书钤缝玉池上,后归贾平章。郁达夫《寄映霞》诗之二:欲撰西泠才女传,苦无椽笔写《兰亭》。3.见兰亭春。

兰亭在《汉语大词典》第13146页 第9卷 629 兰亭在《汉语辞海》的解释




1.传说唐太宗李世民对《兰亭序》十分珍爱,死时将其殉葬。2.俯仰之间,已为陈迹。(晋 王羲之《兰亭集序》)3.俯仰之间,已为陈迹。(晋·王羲之《兰亭集序》)4.汇诗成集,羲之即兴挥毫作序,这便是有名的《兰亭序》。此帖为草稿,28行,324字。5.况兰亭定武,更宣和书谱,老笔霜花艳吐,写得鸾飞凤舞。(清 吴梅《霜厓曲录 北越调斗鹌鹑 黄蔷薇》)6.况兰亭定武,更宣和书谱,老笔霜花艳吐,写得鸾飞凤舞。(清·吴梅《霜厓曲录·北越调斗鹌鹑·黄蔷薇》)7.兰亭,因王羲之与《兰亭序》而闻名于世,书法活动长盛不衰。8.王羲之《兰亭序》墨迹入宫经过辨析9.王羲之诸体皆能。行楷《兰亭序》最具有代表性。


这三个字用拼音说叫lian ting xu而且你这好像是错别字吧有一篇文章叫兰亭序

请问哪位大大们有兰亭景区英文版导游词啊 急求!!

Fellow tourists,?everyone?in?the spring season,?Xiao Shao?welcome all friendscome to our?beautiful Shaoxing,?today we are going to?visit?attractions?is Lanting Pavilion,?Lanting Pavilion,?a lot of people?know?is?because of Wang Xizhi's"preface",?you?said right??In fact,?1600 years ago,?Lanting Pavilion is the?order multiple?men of literature and writing?the?wandering,?talk?poetry and paintingplace,?due to?Wang Xizhi's?"preface"?make the?Lanting Pavilion more?is known to the world,?and?is known to the?overseas,?of course,?to visit the Lanting Pavilion,must first?know?the owner of the Lanting Pavilion?--?Wang Xizhi.

Today.?When Wang Xizhi?came to Lanting Pavilion,?here,?please?allow easy?to introduce?Wang Xizhi.?Wang Xizhi,?he was born?(303?- 361),?the word?Yi,Shandong origin?Langya,?after?living in?Shanyin?(now the Zhejiang?Shaoxing,?was born in?a family of scholar,?at the age of seven?and?calligraphy?home?until?herteacher,?twelve years old,?he?practiced that?in block letters,?is the use oftraditional?stroke to?write?out,?in her?old age,?he began to?create their own?style,future generations?will?his calligraphy?called "such as?the clouds of heaven?thedragon"?is known as the?"sage of calligraphy",?Wang Xizhi?48 year old?history?inKuaiji,?in 353 ad,?invited?41?famous calligrapher?held?an activity,?known as the?-Xiuqi,?all?drinking?poems,?the poems were collected,?Wang Xizhi is?the best in all the land?under the?impromptu?brush,?write?"script"?--?Preface to?"Lanting Pavilion",?this is his?calligraphy art?peak,?till today,?this?the order?is known as?the history of Chinese calligraphy?is the greatest works,?due to?illness?resign,?died at the age of 58,?was buried in Shengzhou?Jin ting.

Dear visitors?we?saw before?is our?area of the?gate,?we?handle?ticket?ready,?we will?enter the scenic area,?we see?we?compared to the previous?pretty big change,?at present,?the total area of?Lanting Pavilion?is more than 30000?square meters,?12?kilometers away from Shaoxing,?but?a year?may be the?modernLanting Pavilion,?first?Lanting Pavilion?to 4?- 5 times?in?the expansion of investment,?capital of 86000000?yuan.

Sambo?Lanting Pavilion,?the first?is the?goose pond?monument,?when?Wang Xizhi was?kuiji?NEISHI,?had?the?goose pond?at all,?but?unfortunately?just wrote?a?gooseword,?because?the imperial,?nothing?imperial life?is more than a day,?sign off?by decree,?when his son Wang Xianzhi?see?father out,?the pen?write?a?pool,?so?each has its own merits.?The?monument of the?word?goose?word,?slender,?pool?wordhypertrophy,?because it is?from?the hands of two people's sake,?today?said Cibeifather and son monument,?tablet?or?two.?The Lanting Pavilion?monument?second treasure?is,?Qin Shihuang is said?to come here?a?orchid,?the Han Dynasty?andset up here?a?post,?so?called Lanting Pavilion,?the?monument?has obvious?crack,because?the Cultural Revolution?when?the red guards?destroyed,?now the Lanting Pavilion?monument?blue?words missing?words missing?head?tail?pavilion.

Many people see?this?road?have a question,?is?now technology?is so good,?whynot repair?is not complete,?there are two reasons for this:?let?people?understand the?destruction?of the cultural revolution,?and remember?the?lessons of history,the other?one is his?two words is the?emperor Kangxi?had written,?but now?we?canlook at the?the word,?has?obvious signs?up,?this is because there are manyvisitors?to hear these two words?were written by Kangxi,?is to?touch,?from thecultural?point of view,?this?is not possible,?because of this?monument?has been called the?"Jun?min?bei".

The third?in March in the?monument?diagonally opposite?is the lunar calendar,Wang Xizhi?and?the 41 poet?held?winding rivers?place.?"Pipa"?vulgar?it was our country ancient times?in addition to?a?ceremony?in?the Qin and Han Dynasties,the root cause,?and even more?with?the Han Dynasty,?it?sure?is a?festival.?On this day the?civilians,?the imperial family?have held?this activity?gradually?becamewater?feast.?A custom?that?Wang Xizhi was?held in the "Pipa"?is?derived,?then?the 42 poets in the?activities?after sitting?next to?the glass?in the upstream?channel,placement,?the term?down?stream,?cup?stops in?front of the?WHO?and who have?apoem,?so,?at that time?many poets?in public,?11 people?of poetry?the first two,?15 people?to write a poem,?the rest are?monastic,?when Wang Xizhi?is in?like non drunk drunk?situation to write,?according to legend,?after?the event,?Wang Xizhi also?wanted to?write?this?preface?better works?but has been unable to?transcend.A?fan-shaped figure?in?places?booth,?vividly depicts the?activities of the day,1981,?the third in March,?Shanghai and Zhejiang?Province?27 calligraphers?twogathered in?Lanting Pavilion,?recommended the establishment of?"Lanting Pavilion?book"?after 82 years of Zhejiang?Federation of literary and art circlesformally approved the establishment of?a?so now?every?March junior?to holdLanting Pavilion?Calligraphy Festival,?China?the calligrapher?to?this,?drinkingpoems.?More?to win that year.

Chapter?three?is the Lanting Pavilion?Town Park Po?--?the Royal Beiting,?Cibeibook?in?both positive and negative,?positive is the?Lanting Pavilion sequencebehind?emperor Kangxi?wrote?"is 1751,?Emperor Qian Long?Jiangnan?wrote?a song?that?poem,"?Lanting Pavilion?"28 lines of?positive?sequence,?324 words,?one of the most?essence?is the 20?words,?each have different?font,?stroke?of each word?are not?similar,?this?monument?intact,?here?was once home to?severaldoctors,?is to their credit,?the?two?emperor?stele?text book?hit?not a pity,?they?want a way?painted?white walls.?Write down?the?sayings of?Mao Zedong?"never forget class struggle",?wrote?"Mao Zedong?sent?pestilence"?word.?Therefore?preservedintact.

Dear visitors,?we see in the?side of?Wang Youjun Temple?Monument?is?now,?this temple?is named after?Wang Xizhi's?rank,?copying?the?inside?there are?various dynasties?of Ming and Qing Dynasties?of the?gallery,?the?image is?copied by Feng Chengsu?dragon,?then?a genuine Wang Xizhi?now in where??In Tang Taizong?Li Shimin?'.?Li Shimin was,?like?calligraphy?very much,?he ordered?peopleto steal,?died?under the?edict?after again?to?be buried,?so now we?see here?is thecopy.

Held?once a year?in Lanting Pavilion?Lanting Pavilion?Calligraphy Festival?every year,?at the same time in the?nearby scenic spot?also specially openedcalligraphy art school,?if you?catch?on?calligraphy?interested you can?go there tovisit,?of course,?can also go to?learn,?everybody,?time passed so quickly,?and soon we?Lanting Pavilion?calligraphy?upcoming trip?end,?I hope you?here?tourismalso?can edify sentiment,?improve their?cultural accomplishment,?at the same time,?Xiao Yang?and I hope you can?again?come to Shaoxing?to play,?I wish you a pleasant journey!




























永和九年,岁在癸丑 ,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。

谢:At the beginning of the late spring in the ninth year of the Yonghe period, which corresponded to year Guichou, we gathered at Lanting of ShanyinCounty in Kuaiji Prefecture to have festivities at the waterside to abate illomens.

孙:At the beginning of late spring in the ninth year of Yong-he when the primordial signs of the calendar combine as Guichou, we meet at OrchidArbour in the xian Shanyin of Guiji fu for washing off ill luck.

罗:At the beginning of the late spring in the ninth year of Yonghe,that is, the year of Guichou according to the lunar calendar, a group of learned scholars, old and young, are gathered at the Orchid Pavilion in the Shanyin County of Kuaiji Prefecture to celebarate the festival of Xi

永和九年,岁在癸丑 ,暮春之初



所以先说“暮春之初”,“初”就是“开始”的意思,短语很基本,at the beginning of


连起来,“暮春之初”:at the beginning of the late spring


“永和九年”倒也不难,即“永和的第九个年头”:in the ninth year of Yonghe





谢:which corresponded to the year Guichou

孙:when the premordial signs of the calendar combines as Guichou

罗:that is, the year of Guichou according to the lunar calendar

先看谢的说法。correspond to……:和……一致。等于是画了一个等号。

且跳过孙,我们看罗的说法。that is在英文中起解释作用,翻译成“也就是”。后面再给出癸丑的解释,这里面比较关键的是这么一个说法:according to the lunar calendar(根据农历),这并不是文章里带的,但是翻译有时候就需要做一些必要的注解,Peter认为此处的添加很有必要。




谢:we gathered at Lanting of Shanyin County in Kuaiji Prefecture

孙:we meet at Orchid Arbour in the xian Shanyin of Kuaiji fu

罗:a group of learned scholars, old and young, are gathered at the Orchid Pavilion in the Shanyin County of Kuaiji Prefecture

“会”就是“会面”,meet 我们最容易想到,gather也未尝不可,此处不做赘述


所以“会稽山阴”连起来:in the Shanyin County of Kuaiji Prefecture



孙的翻译是:Orchid Arbour。orchid是兰花,arbour是凉棚,而且根据朗文的解释,其形成多是由植物生长所致,这和中国古代的亭子并不一致

罗的翻译Peter最喜欢:Orchid Pavilion。pavilion就是亭子的意思,本来嘛,这个东西也并非中国人独有,自然有对应的表达。至于罗表达前半部分那么一大块其实是把后面的“群贤毕至,少长咸集”前置了,我们此处暂且不论

所以,“会于会稽山阴之兰亭”:we met at the Orchid Pavilion at the Shanyin County of Kuaiji Prefecture














