
http://www.itjxue.com  2023-02-24 18:28  来源:未知  点击次数: 


Humpback Whale

The Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from 12–16 metres (40–50 ft) and weigh approximately 36,000 kilograms (79,000 lb). The Humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. It is an acrobatic animal, often breaching and slapping the water. Males produce a complex whale song, which lasts for 10 to 20 minutes and is repeated for hours at a time. The purpose of the song is not yet clear, although it appears to have a role in mating.

Found in oceans and seas around the world, Humpback Whales typically migrate up to 25,000 kilometres each year. Humpbacks feed only in summer, in polar waters, and migrate to tropical or sub-tropical waters to breed and give birth in the winter. During the winter, Humpbacks fast and live off their fat reserves. The species' diet consists mostly of krill and small fish. Humpbacks have a diverse repertoire of feeding methods, including the spectacular bubble net fishing technique.

Like other large whales, the Humpback was and is a target for the whaling industry. Due to over-hunting its population fell by an estimated 90% before a whaling moratorium was introduced in 1966. Stocks of the species have since partially recovered, however entanglement in fishing gear, collisions with ships, and noise pollution also remain concerns. There are at least 70,000 humpback whales worldwide. Once hunted to the brink of extinction, Humpbacks are now sought out by whale-watchers, particularly off parts of Australia and the United States. On November 18, 2007 a Japanese fleet set off for the first time in decades to hunt the humpback in the South Pacific[2].

Humpback Whales are rorquals (family Balaenopteridae), a family that includes the Blue Whale, the Fin Whale, the Bryde's Whale, the Sei Whale and the Minke Whale. The rorquals are believed to have diverged from the other families of the suborder Mysticeti as long ago as the middle Miocene.[3] However, it is not known when the members of these families diverged from each other.

Though clearly related to the giant whales of the genus Balaenoptera, the Humpback has been the sole member of its genus since Gray's work in 1846. More recently though, DNA sequencing analysis has indicated both the Humpback and the Gray Whale are close relatives of the Blue Whale, the world's largest animal. If further research confirms these relationships, it will be necessary to reclassify the rorquals.

The Humpback Whale was first identified as "baleine de la Nouvelle Angleterre" by Mathurin Jacques Brisson in his Regnum Animale of 1756. In 1781, Georg Heinrich Borowski described the species, converting Brisson's name to its Latin equivalent, Balaena novaeangliae. Early in the 19th century Lacépède shifted the Humpback from the Balaenidae family, renaming it Balaenoptera jubartes. In 1846, John Edward Gray created the genus Megaptera, classifying the Humpback as Megaptera longpinna, but in 1932, Remington Kellogg reverted the species names to use Borowski's novaeangliae.[4] The common name is derived from their humping motion while swimming. The generic name Megaptera from the Greek mega-/μεγα- "giant" and ptera/πτερα "wing",[5] refers to their large front flippers. The specific name means "New Englander" and was probably given by Brisson due the regular sightings of Humpbacks off the coast of New England.[4]

Humpback Whales can easily be identified by their stocky bodies with obvious humps and black dorsal colouring. The head and lower jaw are covered with knobs called tubercles, which are actually hair follicles and are characteristic of the species. The tail flukes, which are lifted high in the dive sequence, have wavy rear edges.[6]

The long black and white tail fin, which can be up to a third of body length, and the pectoral fins have unique patterns, which enable individual whales to be recognised.[7][8] Several suggestions have been made to explain the evolution of the Humpback's pectoral fins, which are proportionally the longest fins of any cetacean. The two most enduring hypotheses are the higher maneuverability afforded by long fins, or that the increased surface area is useful for temperature control when migrating between warm and cold climates.

Humpbacks have 270 to 400 darkly coloured baleen plates on each side of the mouth. Ventral grooves run from the lower jaw to the umbilicus about halfway along the bottom of the whale. These grooves are less numerous (usually 16–20) and consequently more prominent than in other rorquals. The stubby dorsal fin is visible soon after the blow when the whale surfaces, but has disappeared by the time the flukes emerge. Humpbacks have a distinctive 3 m (10 ft) bushy blow.

Newborn calves are roughly the length of their mother's head. A 50' mother would have a 20' newborn weighing in at 2 tons! They are nursed by their mothers for approximately six months, then are sustained through a mixture of nursing and independent feeding for possibly six months more. Some calves have been observed alone after arrival in Alaskan waters. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of five with full adult size being achieved a little later. According to new research, males reach sexual maturity at approximately 7 years of age. Fully grown the males average 15–16 m (49–52 ft), the females being slightly larger at 16–17 m (52–56 ft), with a weight of 40,000 kg (or 44 tons); the largest recorded specimen was 19 m (62 ft) long and had pectoral fins measuring 6 m (20 ft) each.[9] The largest Humpback on record, according to whaling records, was killed in the Caribbean. She was 88 feet long, weighing nearly 90 tons!

Females have a hemispherical lobe about 15 centimetres (6 in) in diameter in their genital region. This allows males and females to be distinguished if the underside of the whale can be seen, even though the male's penis usually remains unseen in the genital slit. Male whales have distinctive scars on heads and bodies, some resulting from battles over females.

Females typically breed every two or three years. The gestation period is 11.5 months, yet some individuals can breed in two consecutive years. Humpback Whales were thought to live 50 - 60 years, but new studies using the changes in amino acids behind eye lenses proved another baleen whale, the Bowhead, to be 211 years old. This was an animal taken by the Inuit off Alaska. More studies on ages are currently being done.

The varying patterns on the Humpback's tail flukes are sufficient to identify an individual. Unique visual identification is not possible in most cetacean species (exceptions include Orcas and Right Whales), so the Humpback has become one of the most-studied species. A study using data from 1973 to 1998 on whales in the North Atlantic gave researchers detailed information on gestation times, growth rates, and calving periods, as well as allowing more accurate population predictions by simulating the mark-release-recapture technique. A photographic catalogue of all known whales in the North Atlantic was developed over this period and is currently maintained by Wheelock College.[10] Similar photographic identification projects have subsequently begun in the North Pacific by SPLASH (Structure of Populations, Levels of Abundance and Status of Humpbacks), and around the world.

Social structure and courtship:

Humpbacks frequently breach, throwing two thirds or more of their body out of the water and splashing down on their back.

Humpbacks frequently breach, throwing two thirds or more of their body out of the water and splashing down on their back.

The Humpback social structure is loose-knit. Usually, individuals live alone or in small transient groups that assemble and break up over the course of a few hours. Groups may stay together a little longer in summer in order to forage and feed cooperatively. Longer-term relationships between pairs or small groups, lasting months or even years, have been observed, but are rare. Recent studies extrapolate feeding bonds observed with many females in Alaskan waters over the last 10 years. It is possible some females may have these bonds for a lifetime. More studies need to be done on this. The range of the Humpback overlaps considerably with many other whale and dolphin species — whilst it may be seen near other species (for instance, the Minke Whale), it rarely interacts socially with them. Humpback calves have been observed in Hawaiian waters playing with bottlenose dolphin calves.

Courtship rituals take place during the winter months, when the whales migrate towards the equator from their summer feeding grounds closer to the poles. Competition for a mate is usually fierce, and female whales as well as mother-calf dyads are frequently trailed by unrelated male whales dubbed escorts by researcher Louis Herman. Groups of two to twenty males typically gather around a single female and exhibit a variety of behaviours in order to establish dominance in what is known as a competitive pod. The displays may last several hours, the group size may ebb and flow as unsuccessful males retreat and others arrive to try their luck. Techniques used include breaching, spy-hopping, lob-tailing, tail-slapping, flipper-slapping, charging and parrying. "Super pods" have been observed numbering more than 40 males, all vying for the same female. (M. Ferrari et. al)

Whale song is assumed to have an important role in mate selection; however, scientists remain unsure whether the song is used between males in order to establish identity and dominance, between a male and a female as a mating call, or a mixture of the two. All these vocal and physical techniques have also been observed while not in the presence of potential mates. This indicates that they are probably important as a more general communication tool. Recent studies showed singing males attract other males. Scientists are extrapolating possibilities the singing may be a way to keep the migrating populations connected. (Ferrari, Nicklin, Darling, et. al.) Studies on this are ongoing.


A group of 15 whales bubble net fishing near Juneau, Alaska

A group of 15 whales bubble net fishing near Juneau, Alaska

The species feeds only in summer and lives off fat reserves during winter. Humpback Whales will only feed rarely and opportunistically while in their wintering waters. It is an energetic feeder, taking krill and small schooling fish, such as herring (Clupea harengus), salmon, capelin (Mallotus villosus) and sand lance (Ammodytes americanus) as well as Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), pollock (Pollachius virens) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in the North Atlantic.[11][12][13] Krill and Copepods have been recorded from Australian and Antarctic waters.[14] It hunts fish by direct attack or by stunning them by hitting the water with its flippers or flukes.

A pair of Humpback Whales feeding by lunging.

A pair of Humpback Whales feeding by lunging.

The Humpback has the most diverse repertoire of feeding methods of all baleen whales.[15] Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net fishing: a group of whales blows bubbles while swimming in circles to create a ring of bubbles. The ring encircles the fish, which are confined in an ever-tighter area as the whales swim in a smaller and smaller circles. The whales then suddenly swim upwards through the bubble net, mouths agape, swallowing thousands of fish in one gulp. This technique can involve a ring of bubbles up to 30 m (100 ft) in diameter and the cooperation of a dozen animals. Some of the whales take the task of blowing the bubbles through their blowholes, some dive deeper to drive fish towards the surface, and others herd fish into the net by vocalizing. It is one of the more spectacular acts of collaboration among marine mammals.[16]

Humpback Whales are preyed upon by Orcas. The result of these attacks is generally nothing more serious than some scarring of the skin, but it is likely that young calves are sometimes killed.[17]


Both male and female Humpback Whales can produce sounds, however only the males produce the long, loud, complex "songs" for which the species is famous. Each song consists of several sounds in a low register that vary in amplitude and frequency, and typically lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.[18] Songs may be repeated continuously for several hours; Humpback Whales have been observed to sing continuously for more than 24 hours at a time. As cetaceans have no vocal cords, whales generate their song by forcing air through their massive nasal cavities.

Whales within an area sing the same song, for example all of the Humpback Whales of the North Atlantic sing the same song, and those of the North Pacific sing a different song. Each population's song changes slowly over a period of years —never returning to the same sequence of notes.[18]

Scientists are still unsure of the purpose of whale song. Only male Humpbacks sing, so it was initially assumed that the purpose of the songs was to attract females. However, many of the whales observed to approach singing whales have been other males, with the meeting resulting in a conflict. Thus, one interpretation is that the whale songs serve as a threat to other males.[19] Some scientists have hypothesized that the song may serve an echolocative function.[20] During the feeding season, Humpback Whales make altogether different vocalizations, which they use to herd fish into their bubble nets.[21]

Population and distribution:

The Humpback whale is found in all the major oceans, in a wide band running from the Antarctic ice edge to 65° N latitude, though is not found in the eastern Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea or the Arctic Ocean. There are at least over 70,000 humpback whales worldwide, with 10,000-25,000 in the North Pacific, nearly 12,000 in the North Atlantic, and over 50,000 in the Southern Hemisphere, down from a pre-whaling population of 125,000[citation needed].

The Humpback is a migratory species, spending its summers in cooler, high-latitude waters, but mating and calving in tropical and sub-tropical waters.[18] An exception to this rule is a population in the Arabian Sea, which remains in these tropical waters year-round.[18] Annual migrations of up to 25,000 kilometres (16,000 statute miles) are typical, making it one of the farthest-travelling of any mammalian species.

A 2007 study identified seven individual whales wintering off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica as those which had made a trip from the Antarctic of around 8,300 km. Identified by their unique tail patterns, these animals have made the longest documented migration by a mammal.[22]

In Australia, two main migratory populations have been identified, off the west and east coast respectively. These two populations are distinct with only a few females in each generation crossing between the two groups.[23]


One of the first attempts to hunt the humpback whale was made by John Smith in 1614 off the coast of Maine. Opportunistic killing of the species is likely to have occurred long before, and it continued with increasing pace in the following centuries. By the 18th century, the commercial value of Humpback Whales had been recognized[citation needed], and they became a common target for whalers for many years.

By the 19th century, many nations (and the United States in particular), were hunting the animal heavily in the Atlantic Ocean — and to a lesser extent in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. However, it was the introduction of the explosive harpoon in the late 19th century that allowed whalers to accelerate their take. This, coupled with the opening-up of the Antarctic seas in 1904, led to a sharp decline in all whale populations.

It is estimated that during the 20th century at least 200,000 Humpbacks were taken, reducing the global population by over 90%, with the population in the North Atlantic estimated to have dropped to as low as 700 individuals.[24] To prevent species extinction, a general moratorium on the hunting of Humpbacks was introduced in 1966 and is still in force today. In his book Humpback Whales (1996), Phil Clapham, a scientist at the Smithsonian Institute, said "This wanton destruction of some of the earth's most magnificent creatures [is] one of the greatest of our many environmental crimes."

By the time the International Whaling Commission (IWC) members agreed on a moratorium on Humpback hunting in 1966, the whales were so scarce that commercial hunting was no longer worthwhile. At this time, 250,000 were recorded killed. However, the true toll is likely to be significantly higher. It is now known that the Soviet Union was deliberately under-recording its kills; the total Soviet Humpback kill was reported at 2,820 whereas the true number is now believed to be over 48,000.[25]

As of 2004, hunting of Humpback Whales is restricted to a few animals each year off the Caribbean island Bequia in the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.[15] The take is not believed to threaten the local population.


Internationally this species is considered vulnerable. Most monitored stocks of Humpback Whales have rebounded well since the end of the commercial whaling era,[1] such as the North Atlantic where stocks are now believed to be approaching pre-hunting levels.[29] However, the species is considered endangered in some countries where local populations have recovered slowly, including the United States.[30]

Today, individuals are vulnerable to collisions with ships, entanglement in fishing gear, and noise pollution.[1] Like other cetaceans, Humpbacks are sensitive to noise and can even be injured by it. In the 19th century, two Humpback Whales were found dead near sites of repeated oceanic sub-bottom blasting, with traumatic injuries and fractures in the ears.[31]

The ingestion of saxitoxin, a PSP (paralytic shellfish poison) from contaminated mackerel has been implicated in Humpback Whale deaths.[32]

Some countries are creating action plans to protect the Humpback; for example, in the United Kingdom, the Humpback Whale has been designated as a priority species under the national Biodiversity Action Plan, generating a set of actions to conserve the species. The sanctuary provided by National Parks such as Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Cape Hatteras National Seashore, among others, have also become a major factor in sustaining the populations of the species in those areas.[33]

Although much was known about the Humpback Whale due to information obtained through whaling, the migratory patterns and social interactions of the species were not well known until two separate studies by R. Chittleborough and W. H. Dawbin in the 1960s.[34] Roger Payne and Scott McVay made further studies of the species in 1971.[35] Their analysis of whale song led to worldwide media interest in the species, and left an impression in the public mind that whales were a highly intelligent cetacean species, a contributing factor to the anti-whaling stance of many countries.



一个矢量函数在笛卡尔坐标系下可以表示成三个正交方向分量(是标量)的和。 表示符号是F上面一横。同样一个并矢dyadic在笛卡尔坐标系下可以表示成三个正交方向上的三个矢量函数组成。 表示符号是F上面两横。dyadic 有九个标量元素叫做dyads,不满足交换律。




系谱重建 colony 使用指南




Colony可用于估计全同胞和半同胞关系、推断克隆或重复个体、分配亲子关系、重建亲本基因型、推断交配系统(多配偶/一夫一妻制、自交率)和生殖偏斜,以及重新估计每个标记位点的基因分型错误。 它适用于二倍体和单倍体二倍体物种,雌雄同株和雌雄异株物种。只要稍微修改数据,它也可以应用于多倍体物种(Wang和Scribner,2014年)。它可以使用有或无基因分型错误的共显性和显性标记数据。Colony的windows-gui版本也可以用来模拟具有特定亲子关系结构的基因型数据,模拟的基因型数据可以用来检查各种系谱重建方法的准确性和标记信息的充分性。

简言之,该方法假设将个体样本细分为3个子样本:后代(OFS)、候选雄性(CMS)和候选雌性(CFS)。 OFS是必不可少的,而CMS和CFS都是可选的。 OFS中的个体被分配(聚集)到K1父系和K2母系(其中K1和K2未知),而CMS和CFS中的个体(如果可用)被分配或未分配到这些K1和K2家庭中。假设子代个体是重复的(或克隆体的成员)、全同胞(共享双亲)、半同胞(仅共享双亲中的一个)或不相关的(不共享双亲),而候选个体【亲本】被假定为彼此不相关,或者是双亲或不相关的。给后代。假设标记处于连接平衡状态。违反这些假设可能会降低分析的能力,但可以通过使用更多的信息性标记进行补偿(Wang,2004年)。例如,关于被抽样个体的性别和年龄的信息可能不可用。在这种情况下,允许每个个体出现在所有3个子样本中,并且在某些情况下,亲子关系和亲子关系仍然得到令人满意的推断(WangSanture 2009)。同样,背景关系的存在(如表亲关系和avunculate关系,这些关系被认为是不存在的或与该方法无关的)可能会降低准确性。然而,随着标记信息量的增加,其精度迅速提高。目前的模型解释了哈代-温伯格平衡的偏差。如果需要,近亲交配(由于近亲交配或自交,或由于种群结构)可以与关系结构一起计算和估计。


软件包Colony包括Windows的可执行文件、用户指南、示例数据集和示例分析结果。Colony程序的计算部分用Fortran 90/95编写,GUI前端用Visual Basic编写。Windows GUI允许用户准备输入数据和分析参数,运行程序,查看分析结果,并在运行期间监控和绘制中间结果。Linux和Mac平台的Colony软件包与Windows软件包在同一个网站上提供。

当前版本的Colony有以下特点:允许亲本多配。换言之,允许后代为母系半同胞、父系半同胞、全同胞、克隆(或重复)和无亲缘关系,并且所有这些关系都是共同推断的;根据兄弟关系推断克隆(或重复),考虑基因分型错误;允许利用同胞关系同时推断亲子关系;利用Bayes定理,通过考虑3个子样本中和之间重建的关系同时估计群体等位基因频率;考虑关系重建数据中的基因分型错误和突变;检测单个基因型中的基因分型错误和突变;精炼估计每个基因座的基因分型错误率;推断没有基因型数据的个体(后代和推断的父母)的基因型;适用于二倍体和单倍体物种,适用于雌雄同株和雌雄同株物种;适用于二倍体后代、单倍体后代或两者的样本;允许和估计近交,推断雌雄同株物种的自交率;全似然法和新似然评分法的选择(Wang 2012);同胞分配的不同先验或无先验的选择;根据同胞分配估计当前有效种群大小;同时使用共显性和显性标记;利用已知关系与标记数据;允许使用多个核/CPU进行并行计算(通过OpenMP和MPI);模拟具有已知关系的2代或1代基因型数据集,以便通过群体或其他系谱重建程序进行分析;Windows GUI;多个数据集的批处理运行。

本节介绍如何使用Colony的Windows GUI设置经验数据集的Colony项目。在GUI中,所有输入和输出文件都被组织成“项目”。用户在设置新项目时提供项目名称,并在安装colony程序的目录中创建具有此名称的文件夹。所有随后的输入文件和运行colony之后,项目的输出文件都放在这个项目文件夹中。无法将项目文件夹移动到其他位置,以便Colony处理它。



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单击File New Project(或者,单击新建项目工具菜单按钮)打开新建项目设置向导(图1)。要求您提供一个项目名称,该名称应该是一个包含少于40个字母和数字的字符串(项目名称中不允许有空格、逗号、句号、前斜杠和后斜杠等)。您还被问及项目类型,这里应该选择“经验数据分析”。单击“确定”按钮时,将在安装了Colony的目录中创建一个具有项目名称的文件夹。所有输入和输出文件将存储在此文件夹中。所有输出文件将使用相同的项目名,但扩展名不同(可自行解释)。下次运行colony加载项目时,可以使用File Open Project(或者,File Recent Projects,如果项目是最近的项目)打开项目文件夹。

在上一步中单击“OK”按钮时,将显示一个以“New Project Wizard: Input an empirical dataset”为首的新窗口。在新窗口中,提供了10页来输入数据。这些页面中的输入是连续的,因此只有在完成并选中所有以前的页面后,才能访问下一页。同样,如果返回到上一页并在那里进行任何更改,则下一页可能会丢失已输入的数据,或不选中。这是因为上一页中的数据输入可能会影响下一页中的数据输入(有效性)。如果某个页面中的数据或数据格式有任何问题,您可以(1)退出“新建项目向导”,使用Colony的内置文本文件编辑器(在File Open File中)更改数据,然后重新运行Colony;或者更方便地(2)使用外部编辑器(如记事本)更改和保存数据,然后继续设置项目。



(1)Mating system-I交配系统-I:请指定雄性和雌性交配系统。在这个特定的背景下,男性的“一夫一妻制”意味着在OFS样本中的两个有不同母亲后代的必须由两个不同的男性生育。换句话说,男性“一夫一妻制”规定在OFS样本中不存在父系半同胞。请注意,本文中的交配系统是针对所分析的样本而定义的,而不是针对采集样本的种群或物种。例如,考虑一个种群,其中雄性在繁殖季节与雌性单独交配,但在不同繁殖季节与不同雌性交配。来自多个繁殖季节个体的OFS样本可能包含来自不同母亲但来自单一男性(即父系半同胞)的后代。因此,为了进行群体分析,雄性交配系统仍应设置为“一夫多妻制”。雌性交配系统也有类似的定义。还要注意的是,当男性和女性都被定义为一夫多妻制时,标记物很少并且有基因分型错误,并且没有使用之前的亲子关系时,FL方法的计算会变得非常缓慢,因为ofs中的所有子代(相关或不相关)都可以被推断为在系谱中相关(例如,见图2a),并且必须是在计算配置的可能性时一起考虑。


当所有的位置都具有相同的通用标记名/id(第1行)或当所有的位置具有相同的值(2-4行)时,可以极大地 简化输入 。在这种情况下,每行只需要一个输入项。例如,上面的示例输入被简化为每行一项:


(3)Allele frequency等位基因频率。如果群体等位基因频率未知,并且将根据当前数据集(在该数据集内推断关系)进行估计,则单击“unknown”单选按钮,Colony将从当前样本中估计等位基因频率。如果已知种群等位基因频率或已从另一个更大、更合适的样本中估算出种群等位基因频率,请单击“known”单选按钮,然后单击“load”按钮加载等位基因频率文件。在加载之前,应按以下格式准备文件。

每个位点连续两行。第一行列出等位基因的名称/标识(使用唯一整数1~99999999),第二行列出等位基因的对应频率。同一行的等位基因(或等位基因频率)应该用逗号或空格隔开。前两行用于位点1,第三行和第四行用于位点2,…。在一个基因座内,等位基因的名称/识别必须是唯一的,但 不一定是有序的或连续的 。不同基因座的等位基因可以有相同的识别号。在后代和候选父母的基因型数据中,必须使用相同的等位基因名称/基因座标识。


在输入所有必需的信息后,您需要单击“Check Data”按钮来检查当前页面中输入的有效性以及与以前页面的兼容性。只有单击此按钮并通过检查后,才允许转到下一页进行输入。以下页面中的复选按钮的功能类似。


(1)Number of offspring后代数量。在文本框中提供OFS样本中包含基因型的后代数量。最小值为1。

(2)Offspring genotypes后代基因型。单击“Load Genotype”按钮,将子代基因型文件加载到项目中。该文件应包含每个位点的个体ID和基因型(图4)。每个个体只需一行。第一列给出了个体的ID(最多包含20个字母和/或数字的字符串,不允许使用其他字符),第二列和第三列给出了在第一个位点观察到的个体等位基因,第四列和第五列给出了在第二个位点观察到的个体等位基因。等位基因由一个1~99999999的整数来识别。如果基因座是显性标记,那么该标记只需要一个(而不是2)列,基因型的值应该是1( 显性表型 ,带的存在)或2(隐性表型,带的缺失)。缺失的基因型用0表示共显性标记,用0表示显性标记。注意子代ID应该是唯一的。它们区分大小写,这意味着,例如,“offspring2”和“Offspring2”被视为不同的。 所有基因座缺失的后代(完全没有标记信息)不应包含在后代基因型文件中。****还建议排除标记信息很少的个体(即基因型不缺失的少数基因座)。


示例子代基因型文件的一部分如下所示,当加载到群体中时,它看起来像图4。注: 列名不应包括在后代基因型文件中。它们在加载时由Colony自动添加。





(1)Number of candidate males候选男性个数。在文本框中提供CMS样本中包含的候选男性人数。注意,已知父亲也包括在CMS样本中。 最小值为0【不预设父本】,在这种情况下不推断父子关系。


(1)Number of candidate females候选女性个数。在文本框中提供CFS样本中包含的候选女性人数。最小值为0,在这种情况下,不推断母子关系。

(2)Female genotypes (optional)女性基因型(可选)。当候选女性数量大于0时,要求用户加载包含候选女性基因型的文件。女性基因型文件的格式与后代基因型文件的格式相同,但如果已包含在后代基因型文件中的个体存在于候选女性文件中,则无需提供其基因型,只需提供其个体ID的第一列即可。



(1)Number of known paternal sibship/paternity已知父子关系的数量。在文本框中提供样本中包含或不包含已知父亲的已知父子关系数,最小值为0。已知的父子关系在OFS样本中包含1个或多个已知共享同一父亲的后代,无论父亲是否已知并包含在CMS中。例如,在图6所示的示例中,有4个已知的父子关系。第一个同胞包含两个后代,O1和O2,他们共享一个已知的父亲M1。第三个同胞包含2个后代,O23和O25,其父亲未知(即不包括在CMS中),因此在父代字段中以“0”表示。

(2)Mismatch threshold (optional)错配阈值(可选)。如果已知父子关系的数目大于零,将要求给出错配阈值,该阈值应为范围[0,位点个数]内的整数。它用于确定一个已知的父子二分体是否被接受。如果已知父-子二代的一对多基因型显示的不匹配(孟德尔不相容性)大于阈值,那么这种假定的已知父-子关系将被拒绝。否则,它是可以接受的,并且不会从基因型数据中推断出来。

(3)Known paternal sibship/paternity (optional)已知父子关系(可选)。如果已知父子关系的数量大于零,则要求您加载已知父子关系的文件。在文件中,每个已知的父子关系/父子关系都是一行,第一列包含父亲ID/姓名(如果男性已知并包含在CMS中),或者值为0表示父亲未知或不包含在CMS中。在上的第2列中,列出了父子关系的每个成员的ID/名称。



(1)Number of known maternal sibship/maternity已知的母系/母系数量。在文本框中提供样本中包含的已知母系同胞或母系数量。最小值为0。

(2)Mismatch threshold (optional)不匹配阈值(可选)。与3.7中定义的相同。

(3)Known maternal sibship/maternity (optional)已知的母系同胞/母系(可选)。如果已知的母子/母子数量大于零,则需要为已知的母子/母子加载一个文件。在文件中,每个已知的母系同胞都是一行,第一列包含母亲ID/姓名(如果女性已知并包含在CFS中),或者值为0表示母亲未知或不包含在CFS中。在上的第2列中,列出了sibship的每个成员的ID/名称。

在某些情况下,我们从年龄或其他信息中知道,某些候选男性绝对不可能成为某个特定后代的父亲。这些信息可以作为输入,帮助更准确地推断父母的年龄。 在第8页中,您可以为每个后代输入被排除为父亲的候选雄性。










所有这些模拟数据文件和分析输出文件都在项目文件夹中,并且可以被任何文本编辑器读取。它们可以导入到Excel或任何其他测试编辑器中。最好,它们可以由柯罗尼的图形用户界面查看,以表格和图形的形式显示结果。通过选择单元格并按“ctrl c”,可以将这些表复制到剪贴板。同样,可以通过右键单击图形将图形复制到剪贴板。

柯罗尼推断出的完整sib-dyads列在一个名为“*的文件中。全西比亚德”。可以通过单击Windows中的“查看结果”“fullsib-dyad”加载结果。在每一行上,列出了完整sib-dyad的ID,然后是这样一个dyad的概率。示例如下所示。在Windows版本中,可以通过单击相应的列标题,根据子代ID或概率对Dyads进行排序。如常见问题13.4所述,计算完全SIB Dyad的概率。注意,对于一对SIB个体A和B,只列出了A、B和B这两个可能的无序二元中的一个

求!英语高手 帮忙翻译一篇文章


AgencyFROM 的国家研究所的护理研究事项: Predementia 人格可以预测徘徊吗?当一个人患痴呆症有总是一种可能性,他或她汤逃离家庭或医疗设施,可以带来严重后果的事件。在美国中西部的长期护理设施 (护养院和协助的生活设施) 的最近的研究,研究人员试图发现关系之间是否存在的个性和行为的病人之前他们制定痴呆和流浪的风险。这些结果支持漫步在痴呆症可以反映 premorbid 人格特质和终身模式应付工作压力的自适应行为的视图。这项研究的结果可能会帮助医护人员计划,并为每一个人提供更有效的个性化的护理。随机群集 108 护养院居民及家庭成员夫妻被抽选从 28 地盘进行更大规模的研究。游荡的最强预测了较高程度的痴呆症,并年龄增长、 哪都显著预测少游荡行为。控制年龄和痴呆的学位后不过,两个 premorbid 的特性、 对"过去的人格特质"和"负面描述信息",在响应强调,评估分数较低的外向显著预测更游荡行为。虽然很多人处理压力与别人谈话或让自己忙起来,曾少外向性格之前他们开发了痴呆的痴呆患者可以不选择任一。相反,它们可能看起来一个专用的安全的地方,他们可以是单独和纾解压力以其他方式。找到这样一个地方,但是,可能会很难对他们而言,他们当前的认知状态,这可能会导致游荡。


AgencyFROM事情护理研究全国学院: Predementia个性能预言漫步?当人遭受老年痴呆时总有可能性她或他从家或疗养所将漫步,可能有严重后果的事件。 在中西部的长期疗养所(老人院和协助的生存设施的)一项最近研究,研究员寻求发现关系是否存在患者之间个性和行为,在他们开发老年痴呆和他们的漫步之前的风险。这些结果借支持到看法漫步在人以老年痴呆可以是一种适应性行为反射的premorbid个性特征和应付的终身样式重音。 这项研究的研究结果也许帮助照料者为每个人计划和提供更加有效的被赋予个性的关心。108老人院居民和家庭成员二一个任意群样品从被举办在28个站点的一项更大的研究被挑选。 漫步的最坚强的预报因子是高度老年痴呆和晚年,两个极大预言较少漫步的行为。 在控制为年龄和程度以后老年痴呆,然而,二个premorbid特征、更低的外向性比分在评估“通过个性特征”和“消极动词化”以回应重音,显著被预言的更加了不起的漫步的行为。虽然许多人应付重音通过谈话与其他或保持繁忙,有较不extroverted个性的老年痴呆患者,在他们开发了老年痴呆之前可能不选择。 相反,他们也许寻找一个私有,安全地方,他们可以是单独的和解除重音用其他方式。 发现这样地方,然而,也许是困难的为他们给出他们的当前认知状态,可能导致漫步。



一个矢量函数在笛卡尔坐标系下可以表示成三个正交方向分量(是标量)的和。 表示符号是F上面一横。

同样一个并矢dyadic在笛卡尔坐标系下可以表示成三个正交方向上的三个矢量函数组成。 表示符号是F上面两横。

dyadic 有九个标量元素叫做dyads,不满足交换律。

满足交换律的dyadic叫做symmetrical dyadic .

满足负的交换率的叫做antisymmetrical dyadic。

还有dyadic的转置 transpose。

A dyadic by itself, like a matrix, has no algebraic property. It plays the role of an operator when certain products are formed.





1 Journal of personality and social psychology 人格与社会心理学杂志 美

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology publishes papers in all areas of personality and social psychology and emphasizes empirical reports, but may include specialized theoretical, methodological, and review papers.

The journal is divided into three independently edited sections.

Attitudes and Social Cognition addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays a major role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, affect, and motivation.

Among topics covered are the formation, change, and utilization of attitudes, attributions, and stereotypes, person memory, self-regulation, and the origins and consequences of moods and emotions insofar as these interact with cognition.

Of interest also is the influence of cognition and its various interfaces on significant social phenomena such as persuasion, communication, prejudice, social development, and cultural trends.

Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes focuses on psychological and structural features of interaction in dyads and groups.

Appropriate to this section are papers on the nature and dynamics of interactions and social relationships, including interpersonal attraction, communication, emotion, and relationship development, and on group and organizational processes such as social influence, group decision making and task performance, intergroup relations and aggression, prosocial behavior and other types of social behavior.

Personality Processes and Individual Differences publishes research on all aspects of personality psychology. It includes studies of individual differences and basic processes in behavior, emotions, coping, health, motivation, and other phenomena that reflect personality.

Articles in areas such as personality structure, personality development, and personality assessment are also appropriate to this section of the journal, as are studies of the interplay of culture and personality and manifestations of personality in everyday behavior.

2 Psychological bulletin 心理学公报 美

《心理学公报》(Psychological bulletin双月刊)由美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)主办并出版,是享誉国际的心理学领域顶级期刊。研究及评论心理学的最新发展情况。所载论文既反映了心理学研究领域的最新发展,同时也成为沟通心理学所属各研究领域、心理学与相关学科关系的桥梁。研究内容涉及实验心理学的社会影响、心理学的目标建设,大脑不对称的视觉空间频率模式、精神分裂症的社会认知、宗教和心理治疗过程及心理治疗成果方面的实验研究。

Psychological Bulletin publishes evaluative and integrative research reviews and interpretations of issues in scientific psychology. Primary research is reported only for illustrative purposes.

Integrative reviews or research syntheses focus on empirical studies and seek to summarize past research by drawing overall conclusions from many separate investigations that address related or identical hypotheses. A research synthesis typically presents the authors' assessments of

the state of knowledge concerning the relations of interest;

critical assessments of the strengths and weaknesses in past research; and

important issues that research has left unresolved, thereby directing future research so it can yield a maximum amount of new information.

Both cumulative and historical approaches (i.e., ones that organize a research literature by highlighting temporally unfolding developments in a field) can be used. Integrative research reviews that develop connections between areas of research are particularly valuable.

Manuscripts dealing with topics at the interface of psychological sciences and society are welcome, as are evaluations of applied psychological therapies, programs, and interventions. Expository articles may be published if they are deemed accurate, broad, clear, and pertinent.

Methodological articles that previously were submitted to Psychological Bulletin should now be submitted toPsychological Methods. Original theoretical articles should be submitted to Psychological Review, even when they include summaries of research. Research syntheses should be submitted to Psychological Bulletin even when they develop integrated theoretical statements.

3 Psychological review 心理学评论 美

《心理学评论》(Psychological Review季刊)由美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)主办并出版,是心理学最富盛名的期刊之一。旨在对科学心理学进行理论上的探讨和研究。刊载在心理学各个领域取得重大理论成就的研究性文章,也涉及某一特定领域的非主流理论的系统性评价。

ISSN: 0033-295X,季刊,1894年创刊;2008年影响因子为11.765


Psychological Review publishes articles that make important theoretical contributions to any area of scientific psychology, including systematic evaluation of alternative theories. Papers mainly focused on surveys of the literature, problems of method and design, or reports of empirical findings are not appropriate.

There is no upper bound on the length of Psychological Review articles. However, authors who submit papers with texts longer than 25,000 words will be asked to justify the need for their length.

Psychological Review also publishes, as Theoretical Notes, commentary that contributes to progress in a given subfield of scientific psychology. Such notes include, but are not limited to, discussions of previously published articles, comments that apply to a class of theoretical models in a given domain, critiques and discussions of alternative theoretical approaches, and meta-theoretical commentary on theory testing and related topics.

4 Behavioral brain sciences 行为和脑科学杂志 英

BBS is the internationally renowned journal with the innovative format known as Open Peer Commentary. Particularly significant and controversial pieces of work are published from researchers in any area of psychology, neuroscience, behavioural biology or cognitive science, together with 10-25 commentaries on each article from specialists within and across these disciplines, plus the author's response to them. The result is a fascinating and unique forum for the communication, criticism, stimulation, and particularly the unification of research in behavioural and brain sciences from molecular neurobiology to artificial intelligence and the philosophy of the mind.

5 Psychological reports 心理学报告 美

6 Journal of consulting and clinical psychology咨询心理学与临床心理学杂志

7 Perceptual motor skills 感知与运动技能 英

8 Psychological medicine 心理医学 美

9 Journal of cognitive neuroscience 认知神经科学杂志 美

10 Journal of experimental psychology.Learning,memory,and cognition 实验心理学杂志.学习、记忆和认识 美

11 Journal of abnormal psychology 变态心理学杂志 美

12 Developmental psychology 发展心理学 美

13 Psychosomatic medicine 身心医学 美

14 Journal of experimental psychology.Human perception and performance实验心理学杂志.人类知觉与行为 美

15 Personality and individual differences 个性与个体差异 英

16 Psychophysiology 心理生理学 英

17 Annual review of psychology 心理学年度评论 美

18 Behaviour research and therapy 行为研究和治疗 英

19 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior 药理学、生物化学和行为 美

20 Journal of applied psychology 应用心理学杂志 美

21 Journal of memory and language记忆与语言杂志 美

22 The Journal of child psychology and psychiatry allied disciplines儿童心理学、精神病学及相关学科杂志 英

23 Journal of affective disorders 情感紊乱杂志 荷兰

24 Cognitive psychology 认知心理学 美

25 Psychological science 心理科学 美

26 Cognition 认知 荷兰

27 Health psychology 健康心理学 美

28 Brain research 大脑研究 荷兰

29 Perception psychophysics知觉与心理学 美

30 Personality social psychology bulletin 个性与社会心理学公报 美

31 Vision research视觉研究 英

32 Psychopharmacology bulletin 精神鞠理学公报 美

33 Journal of studies on alcohol酒精研究杂志 美

34 Psychology and aging心理学与衰老 美

35 Brain and language 大脑与语言 美

36 Memory and cognition 记忆与认知 美

37 Journal of psychosomatic research身心研究杂志 美

38 Journal of experimental psychology. General 实验心理学杂志.总论 美

39 International journal of eating disorders 国际进食障碍杂志 美

40 Journal of educational psychology 教育心理学杂志 美

41 American psychologist 美国心理学家 美

42 Professional psychology, research and practice专业专理学,研究及实践 美

43 Child abuse neglect 虐待与忽视儿童研究 英

44 Neuropsychology 神经心理学 美

45 Organizational behavior and human decision processes组织行为与人类决策过程 美

46 Behavioural brain research 行为大脑研究 荷兰

47 Journal of applied behavior analysis应用行为分析杂志 美

48 Perception 知觉 英

49 Behavior therapy 行为治疗 美

50 Psychological assessment 心理评价 美

51 Journal of abnormal child psychology 变态儿童心理学杂志 美

52 Journal of counseling psychology咨询心理学杂志 美

53 Journal of personality assessment个性评估杂志 美

54 Journal of traumatic stress 创伤应激反应杂志 美

55 Cognitive neuropsychology 认知神经心理学 英

56 Ethology 行为学 德

57 Ergonomics 人机学 英

58 Journal of experimental child psychology 实验儿童心理学杂志 美

59 Law and human behavior 法律和人类行为 美

60 Sex roles性别作用 美

61 Journal of vocational behavior职业行为杂志 美

62 Journal of personality 个性杂志 美

63 Addictive behaviors成瘾行为 英

64 Journal of experimental social psychology实验社会心理学杂志 美

65 Journal of comparative psychology 比较心理学杂志 美

66 The International journal of psycho-analysis 国际心理分析杂志 英

67 Cognitive therapy and research 认知治疗与研究 美

68 Clinical psychology review 临床心理学评论 英

69 Journal of sport exercise psychology运动与训练心理学杂志 美

70 Educational and psychological measurement 教育与心理测量 英

71 British journal of clinical psychology英国临床心理学杂志 英

72Journal of experimental psycholoy Animal behavior processes实验心理学杂志.动物行为过程 美

73 British journal of psychology 英国心理学杂志 英

74 Behavior research methods,instruments computers 行为研究方法、仪器与计算机 英

75 Social psychology quarterly 社会心理学季刊 美

76 European journal of social psychology欧洲社会心理学杂志 英

77 Infant behavior development 婴儿行为与发育 美

78 Neuropsychologia神经心理学 英

79 Journal of pediatric psychology 儿科心理学杂志 英

80 Behavioral neuroscience 行为神经科学 美

81 The Journal of social psychology 社会心理学杂志 美

82 Cognitive science 认知科学 美

83 Journal of clinical child psychology临床儿童心理学杂志 美

84 Biological psychology 生物心理学 荷兰

85 Psychobiology 心理生物学 美

86 American journal of psychology 美国心理学杂志 美

87 Brain and cognition 大脑与认知 美

88 Language and cognitive processes 语言与认知过程 英

89 Memory 记忆 英

90 Scandinavian journal of psychology 斯堪的纳维亚心理学杂志 英


