2023-02-10 15:24  来源:未知  点击次数: 




All basic sets (所有基本系列)

All Portal sets (所有入门系列)

All extensions of the basic set (所有外传系列)

All promotional cards released by Wizards of the Coast (所有Wotc的宣传卡)


库兹的护符{Amulet of Quoz} (IA, ante)

先人的召还{Ancestral Recall} (Un)

均势{Balance} (4Th)

巴格达集市{Bazaar of Baghdad} (AN)

黑莲花{Black Lotus} (Un)

暗黑老虎钳{Black Vise} (4Th)

青铜箔片{Bronze Tablet} (4th, ante)

魔力通道{Channel} (4Th)

混沌法球{Chaos Orb} (Un)

暗地协商{Contract from Below} (Re, ante)

黑暗契约{Darkpact} (Re, ante)

恶魔辩护人{Demonic Attorney} (Re, ante)

恶魔协商{Demonic Consultation} (IA)

邪魔导师{Demonic Tutor} (Re)

操地术{Earthcraft} (TE)

陨星{Falling Star} (LG)

急速扩张{Fastbond} (RE)


狂搜乱寻{Frantic Search} (UL)

鬼怪征兵员{Goblin Recruiter} (VI)

灰黑巨岩{Grim Monolith} (UL)

宣泄{Gush} (MM)

隐者德鲁依特{Hermit Druid} (ST)

幻影面具{Illusionary Mask} (Beta)

玉玺{Imperial Seal} (P3)

宝石鸟{Jeweled Bird} (AN)

地税{Land Tax} (LG)

亚历山大图书馆{Library of Alexandria} (AN)

魔法力墓穴{Mana Crypt} (Pro)

魔法力吸收{Mana Drain} (LG)

魔法力库{Mana Vault} (Re)

记忆瓶{Memory Jar} (UL)

心灵扭曲{Mind Twist} (4Th)

心之所欲{Mind's Desire} (SC)

米斯拉的工作间{Mishra's Workshop} (AN)

翡翠马克{Mox Emerald} (Un)

黑玉马克{Mox Jet} (Un)

珍珠马克{Mox Pearl} (Un)

红宝石马克{Mox Ruby} (Un)

青石马克{Mox Sapphire} (Un)

死冥权能{Necropotence} (IA)

德鲁依特之誓约{Oath of Druids} (EX)

{Rebirth} (LG)

{Shahrazad} (AN)

备忘夹{Skullclamp} (DS)

太阳指环{Sol Ring} (Un)

废矿{Strip Mine} (4th)

{Tempest Efreet} (4th, ante)

时间漩涡{Time Spiral} (US)

时间拓展{Time Walk} (Un)

时间扭曲{Timetwister} (Un)

{Timmerian Fiends} (HL, ante)

打造{Tinker} (UL)

陶拉里亚大学院{Tolarian Academy} (US)

吸血鬼导师{Vampiric Tutor} (VI)

命运之轮{Wheel of Fortune} (Un)

横财{Windfall} (US)

吞世龙{Worldgorger Dragon} (JU)

约格莫夫式交易{Yawgmoth's Bargain} (UD)

约格莫夫式意志{Yawgmoth's Will} (US)


Constructed decks must contain a minimum of sixty cards. There is no maximum deck size; however, you must be able to shuffle your deck with no assistance. If a player wishes to use a sideboard, it must contain exactly fifteen cards.With the exception of basic land cards, a player’s combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, counted by its English card title equivalent. All cards named Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest are basic. (The five Ice Age snow-covered lands -- Snow-Covered Plains, Snow-Covered Island, Snow-Covered Swamp, Snow-Covered Mountain, and Snow-Covered Forest -- are also basic lands. Note that snow-covered lands are permitted only in formats that allow the Ice Age set to be used.)The following cards are banned in Legacy tournaments:Amulet of Quoz

Ancestral Recall


Bazaar of Baghdad

Black Lotus

Black Vise

Bronze Tablet


Chaos Orb

Contract from Below


Demonic Attorney

Demonic Consultation

Demonic Tutor

Dream Halls



Falling Star



Frantic Search

Goblin Recruiter

Grim Monolith


Hermit Druid

Illusionary Mask

Imperial Seal

Jeweled Bird

Land Tax

Library of Alexandria

Mana Crypt

Mana Drain

Mana Vault

Memory Jar


Mind Twist

Mind's Desire

Mishra's Workshop

Mox Emerald

Mox Jet

Mox Pearl

Mox Ruby

Mox Sapphire


Oath of Druids




Sol Ring

Strip Mine

Tempest Efreet

Time Spiral

Time Walk


Timmerian Fiends


Tolarian Academy

Vampiric Tutor

Wheel of Fortune


Worldgorger Dragon

Yawgmoth's Bargain

Yawgmoth's Will



3. caters to the Chinese consumers to pay great attention the outward appearance and the entertainment function characteristic, the improvement tradition monotonous outward appearance, increases the fashionable feeling and the more arcade game application project. PRICE, price: Sells the foundation goal fixed price: 1. Is coordinated with the operator, promotes the new graduation fees meal, assaults the small and medium-sized enterprise and individual market existing fees meal price is high, in view of the high-end group customer, guarantees the high grade service and the information security; Promotes in the present foundation in view of the small and medium-sized enterprise and individual user's medium price fees meal, attracts the small and medium-sized enterprise and the individual consumption group by the low price. 2. Transfers to the top level high-end price handset the terminal handset price by the top level to be few in the Chinese market the audiences, transfers to the top level the price, maintained the black raspberry consistent high-end intelligence commerce handset image, ties up the high-end sale crowd; Simultaneously is advantageous in expanding the white-collar and other intermediate deck distributor market, increases with match competition and so on iPhone and Nokie abilities as well as ability which contends with the parallel import market. PLACE, channel: First, cooperates with the operator, the advancement service moves, the Chinese telecommunication as well as China Unicom with China cooperates, promotes the pointed handset mail service the sale and the correlation software product sale Second, with the IT channel business cooperation, opens the market choice to have retailing to make an honest deposition ability channel business to cooperate. For instance, through and is similar to the divine land numerical code such IT channel's cooperation, sells the black raspberry handset through the divine land numerical code's retailing channel, opens the IT channel's sale directly. Third, with appropriate nationwide specialized handset chain-like, electrical appliances chain-like cooperation, unfolds the national market like, signs the strategic agreement with Su Ning, sells in the national electrical appliances chain-like channel by Su Ningdu. Fourth, sets up the exclusive agency, enters the key region market to set up the exclusive agency fast in the national key city market, provides services and so on sale, service and service consultation, enters the key region market fast. Promotion: First, advertisement 1. By the plane and the specialized magazine advertisement primarily, plays the family and the high-end commerce public figure in view of the specialized handset, establishes rational, the wisdom internationalization commerce brand image; 2. The television advertisement propagandizes the enterprise, enhances brand popularity and the familiar degree in the common populace's between. Second, the promotion promotion acts according to the Chinese consumer's consumption habit, moves the email service and the handset terminal bundle type sale, will cut the handset price indirectly by the phone bill subsidy way



