SEO教程:SEO2.0的核心思想  2015-08-02 11:09  来源:未知  点击次数: 

SEO 2.0 Link building, manually adding them, submitting static websites to directories, link exchange, paying for links

  链接建设,大多是手工添加,如提交目录,友情链接,付费链接 Getting links, enhancing it by certain actions like blogging, writing pillar content, creating link bait, socializing

  获得链接的方式主要通过写博客,分享优质内容,链接诱饵,社会化等 On site optimization for spiders: example repetitive page titles concentrating (solely) on keywords

  SEO优化的对象是搜索引擎蜘蛛,目标页面的标题是针对关键词优化的 On site optimization for users. Example: Kick ass post titles

  不太“在意”标题的写法,标题是为了读者,而不是搜索引擎,关键词丢在一边 Competition: You compete with others to be on the first page/in the Google top 10 for keywords

  你的竞争对手大多是那些在Google关键词排名前十位的网站 Cooperation: You cooperate with each other submitting fellow bloggers to social media or voting for them, you link to them

  与那些订阅你博客的读者进行合作,为他们投票,链向他们 Barter: You give me link and only then I will give you one

  交换,链接一对一地交换 Giving: I link you regardless whether you link back, but in most cases you will, more than once

  主动给于,通常不止一次,不会在意反向链接 Hiding: We’re not doing SEO, we can’t show our client list publicly, impersonal SEO company

  掩饰,不会公开客户列表,个人SEO Being open: Welcome our new client xyz, we are proud to work together with them, Rand Fishkin and his team

  全开放,团队合作,愿意分享 keywords 关键词 tags 标签 Optimization for links 链接制胜 Optimization for traffic 不太看重链接,流量制胜 clicks, pageviews, visits 流量统计的IP及PV conversions, ROI, branding 转化率及品牌度 DMOZ 开放目录 主流社会化书签 Main traffic sources: Google, Yahoo, MSN

  主要依赖Google,Yahoo,MSN三大搜索引擎的流量 Main traffic sources: StumbleUpon, Niche social news sites, Blogs 更多地来自一些社会化新闻网站,博客 one way communication 交流的方式单一 dialog, conversation 对话交流 top down 自上而下 bottom up 自下而上 undemocratic 非民主, who pays most is on top democratic 民主, who responds to popular demand is on top 50% automated 10% automated technocratic 技术层面 emotional 情感化层面

  通过以上我们可以看到,SEO最核心的关键词分析部署及链接建设的方式在SEO2.0完全被颠覆了,SEO2.0已经脱离了对搜索蜘蛛(搜索算法)的依赖控制,而是面向读者的、由用户评 选出来的搜索引擎排名优先,关注点也不仅仅是普通流量,而是转化率及品牌认同感。SEO 2.0应该是最热心的分享者。

