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Teaching Aims(教学目标)


学生可理解使用句型:Are you Kitty? Yes,I am./No,I am not.

Teaching Importances(教学重点)


Teaching Difficulties(教学难点)

Are you Kitty? Yes,I am./No,I am not.

Cultivation Education Training Points(养成教育训练点):


Teaching Methods(教学方法)


Teaching Tools(教学用具)


Teaching Procedures(教学过程)

Pre—task preparations

1.播放音乐,带领学生朗读儿歌,感受Are you …?句型。

Are you a boy?

Are you a boy?

Yes,I am.

Yes.I am.

Are you a girl?

Are you a girl?

No,I'm not.

No,I'm not.


S1:Hi,I'm…(name).I'm a… (boy/girl).

While-task procedures

1.出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音或多媒体动画,让学生跟读对话。板书句型Are you …? Yes ,I am./No,I'm not.让学生跟读,然后通过提问帮助学生理解该句型的用法。

T: Are you…?

S1:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.

2.再次播放Listen and say的录音,让学生跟读。然后请一个学生上来戴上眼罩,再请另外三个学生和教师一起参与游戏,在游戏中不断重复问Are you…?

S1:Are you…?

S2:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.

S1:Are you…?

S3:Yes.I am./No.I’m not.

3.Listen and guess:猜谜游戏。通过游戏帮助学生操练句型Are you…?先让学生看Play a game栏目的对话,然后请一个学生蒙上眼罩,站在讲台上,另一个学生与他/她打招呼,蒙眼罩的学生根据声音猜猜是谁在打招呼。

S1:Hello! I'm a girl/boy.

S2:Are you…?


S2:Are you…?

S1:Yes,I am./No.I'm…

4.出示Kitty, Alice,Joe,Peter的图片,每次请一位学生上来选择一张人物图片并扮演人物作自我介绍,请其他学生猜猜他/她是谁。

Sl:(pick the card of Kitty)I'm a girl.

Ss:Are you Alice?

S1:No.I'm Kitty.

Post-task activities

1.学生四人一组分角色朗读Listen and say的对话。鼓励学生仿照Listen and say的内容玩捉迷藏游戏,邀请一组学生上来玩游戏。

S1,S2S3:One,two,three! Come and catch me.

S1:I’m a…

S4:Are you…?

S1:Yes,I am./No.I'm…

S2:I’m a…

S4:Are you…?

S2:Yes。I am./No.I'm…



2.把学生分为四人一组,发给每个小组四张人物图片,请每个组员挑选一张,然后根据图片扮演角色。要求学生用Are you…?句型互相询问对方的身份。

S1:(to S2)Are you Mr…?

S2:Yes,I am./No,I'm not.I'm…

Blackboard Design(板书设计):

Unit3 Are you Kitty?

Are you…?

Yes,I am./No,I'm not.





学生能听、说、读短语及单词:family,parents,aunt,uncle,babybrother能运用 how many......进行口语交际。










1. 教法设计 根据英语这门课本身的特点及四年级学生的兴趣,我通过设计具体形象的情景,以旧带新,不断滚动知识点,以此来分散教学难点,让学生直观地感知与理解。同时创设数个任务活动,从单词到短语到句子到对话到片断,使学生在师生、生生之间的多向交流中进行有意义的练习与实践,充分发挥他们的学习主体性,培养他们学习致用的能力。

2. 学法指导 引导学生通过比较、观察、猜测的方法逐渐感悟新语言项目的功能,让学生在多层次的练习中体会到学习英语时“运用”的必要性,鼓励学生积极思维,大胆尝试。

3. 教学手段 根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特征,为了更好地激发学生学习兴趣,从而能积极主动参与学习。教学中运用多媒体课件、图片等教学辅助手段,置抽象的句型于一个个生动的情景、游戏之中,不仅使学习过程自然轻松,更能较好地启智开思。


1.热身( Warm up)



2. 单词学习(word learning)




第四,memory game的游戏。

[设计意图] 该部分有两处亮点,一是,依然重视四线格的书写,为我的学生打下一个良好的英语基础。

3. 单词游戏(memory game)

[设计意图] 既增添课堂气氛又争取让我的学生限度的当堂掌握新学的单词。记不过不要紧,目的不是必须当堂掌握,而是限度的提升课堂效率,并限度的挖掘学生潜能。


4.课文学习 (text learning)

以问题导入“我们知道Ammy 的家庭有六位成员,可Ammy却说有七位,这是为什么呢?” 接下来利用视频学习课文并找出答案。

[设计意图] 让学生带着问题学课文找答案,增强目的性。本环节有两处特色,第一是,所选视频是实景实人视频而不是动画,增强真实感,限度的再现英语环境。第二是,由老师进一步解释Ammy为什么把狗也看作是家庭成员,以此培养跨文化意识。

5.语法学习(grammer learning)

此环节学习方式:小组竞赛。以座位分成四个参赛小组,按每个同学的课堂表现为本组加星,课末评出WINNER。本节课所教授的句子是“How many people are there in your family?”

[设计意图] 学习方式的宣布让学生对本节课充满了兴趣,激起了他们的斗志和为本组争星的表现欲。提高他们的表达能力,反复练习语法知识,学以致用。

6. 知识拓展(Extra tips)

由老师补充搜集课本上没有的知识,如,本课中其实爸爸妈妈在英语国家还有其他的口语化叫法mammy dady等。


7.课后作业(Homework today)

(1) “说出你的爱”:回家后用英语称呼你的家人,如“Mom,I love you!"

(2) “我学我用”:准备下节课带自己的全家福一张,向你的同学介绍你的家庭成员。

[设计意图] 巩固所学,将课内的学习延伸到生活。

8. 结束(the ending)

最后以I love my family 歌舞表演结束本课。

[设计意图] 第一,号召同学们stand up and move your body! 让同学们站起来一起唱一起跳。因为这首歌曲是精心挑选的,并且会配以动作教学。第二,从另一个侧面向孩子们昭示,只要课堂上认真听课,四十五分钟过后必定会有轻松的一刻。第三,使本节课在一个轻松愉快的氛围中结束,让每个人被这首歌所感染,心中充满浓浓的爱意,体会到英语的魅力,使思想境界得到升华。
















1.Sort game Read the flash cards

2.T Show the pictures of partA. T: What can you see in these pictures? Where are these places? What do you know about Lhasa/Egypt/crocodiles?

3.Ss listen to the tape, and match.

4.Discuss the answers with the partners, listen again and check the answers in class.

5.Ask the Ss to read PartB. And listen to the tape.

6.The Ss can make a dialogue in pairs, and act out.

7.Part C Read and answer the questions: When did Marco Polo come to China? Did Marco Polo have an uncle? Where did Kublai Khan send Marco Polo? When did Marco Polo leave China? Did Marco Polo write many stories about China in a book? What’s the name of this boo?

8.Do the exercises, check the answers.

9.Ask the Ss to read Part D, and choose one to think about.

10. Write.

11.Homework: Finish the writing.





为了能更快、更好、更有效地提高学生听力,在教学中,教师要不断摸索听力教学规律,展开适应新课改的听力教学。 初中英语听力教学的现状 虽然听力教学一直被置于外语教学的首位,但是从中学英语各类测试的现状分析,听力较之词汇、语法、阅读等项目仍属弱项。




这可以看出听力过程的交际性和过程性,听力活动的真实性等在听力教学中都没有得到体现。 听力教学中存在的问题 虽然听力教学已经被越来越多的人重视,但其中仍然存在不少问题,值得我们深思。








(4)母语的干扰以及没养成正确的听力习惯。 初中教学中英语听力的环节 目前,我们使用的《新目标》每个单元的section a的1b,2a,2b section b的2a,2b都有听力训练,这些听力材料新颖,取材地道,英语纯正,时代性强,材料内容比较贴近学生生活,趣味性浓厚,但有的材料有点深度。为了提高学生听力效果,这就要求我们教师不能照本宣科,要善于针对不同难度的材料,联系自己的学生做灵活的处理。


(1)听前(pre-listening) 这一阶段主要以确立听力期望,激活背景知识,展开话题,激发动机以及语言和语音微格教学训练为主要手段。教师对学生进行听力训练时,必须从基础的语音入手,逐步过渡到单词短语、句子、对话和语篇。在初始阶段,教师要尽量降低学生答题的难度和要求,做到既顾及学生的理解能力和听力活动的可操作性和趣味性,又达到逐步提高学生听力的目的。就学生而言,要想提高听力能力则必须做到以下几点:①养成良好的听力习惯,边听边作笔记以减轻记忆负担;②平时要加强语音训练,多模仿,培养语感;③多阅读,扩大词汇。

(2)听时(while-listening) 听时阶段是听力的关键时期,也是教师最难控制的阶段,以信息理解和技能训练为主,这一阶段,教师给学生提供形式各样的任务,有助于学生集中注意力,这些任务应该遵循层层递进的原则,有利于培养学生的成就感。另外,教师还应从听力过程入手,注重培养学生听力策略。应授之以“渔”而非“鱼”。对学生而言,听的过程不是被动的,而是主动的过程,即学生要主动去构建新的知识。

(3)听后(post-listening) 听后是听时的延伸,同时为下一次听时做准备,主要是巩固听力信息和技能评估听力效果。这一阶段,教师不仅要核对答案、评估学生对所听内容的理解程度,而且要了解学生听力提高与否,便于及时调整听力训练策略,纠正学生不恰当的听力习惯。

听力结束后,学生自身也应评价自己在听力训练中的得与失及时改正自己的不良习惯。 初中英语听力教学的策略 针对以上的问题,现在我就提高初中英语听力的常用教学策略进行介绍: 任务型听力教学策略。 任务型听力教学是交际教学法的延伸,强调听力学习任务的真实性,通过完成真正的听力任务提高听力理解能力。任务型听力教学包括pre-task,while-task和post-task三个阶段。任务前阶段主要是根据听力材料布置听力任务;任务中阶段由学生集体和个体准备听力任务,并展示成品。比如,让学生听完一个故事后进行角色扮演等;任务后阶段是结合学生听力任务展开所反映的问题进行词汇、语法及听力策略的专项训练。 自我监控策略。 在听一篇课文时,不论是听力强还是听力弱的学习者,都会在听的过程中出现注意力瞬间终止的现象。当出现这种情况时,听力强的学习者会立即意识到其注意力的不集中,并能很快自觉地把注意力重新集中在听力材料上;而听力差的学习者则只顾前不顾后,一旦遇到生词就会停止听音,陷入对生词意思的苦思冥想中,无法使自己的注意力重新回到所听的材料上。 记忆策略。 即使听力理解能力很强的学习者,如不采取一定的策略,也难以记住长段文章或会话中的全部细节。听力强的学习者,在听的过程中一般都善于利用英语特有的呼吸停顿、节奏,抓住有利时机快速记下有用信息诸如年、月、日、星期、钟点、年龄、人名和地点等,必要时,通过笔记即刻激起已有记忆,使音、义、形快速形成联系,从而对语篇作出正确的理解。而听力差的学习者则不善于作笔记,他们不知道应该记下哪些词句,而且常常抓不住做笔记的有利时机,听时不能写、写时不能听,两者不能兼顾。 选择要点策略。 听语篇时,听者没有必要也不可能把整段、整句听得很清楚。听力强的学习者在听语篇时善于通过预测要点选择重点,往往能根据选择项推知听音材料大致涉及什么内容、会出现哪些专有名词、会提出什么样的问题,这样便可争取主动,对即将听到的语篇做到心中有数,听起来就得心应手。此外,段首句和过渡性词语大都是表达段落的内容的,而过渡性词语则会表现出出题人的思路、时间和空间、举例和例证、对照和比较、引申和转折、推论和总结等逻辑关系,它对整篇的理解起着不可忽视的作用。听力差的学习者听语篇时,往往抓不住要点,抓不住文章的主要信息。 小结 除上述几种教学方法外,我们还可以采用语音辨析法、听写并进法、以读促听法等策略。提高听力水平是一个相当复杂的过程,需要教师和学生共同努力,认真研究听力教学的理论和方法,采用多种听力训练方法,展开适应新形势的听力教学。在今后的课堂教学中,将会引起我们更多的关注,我们要踏踏实实地研究“有效性课堂教学”,从学生实际出发,从素质教育的目标出发,充分挖掘自己的教学智慧,使我们的课堂教学更有效。总而言之,教无定法,我们可以根据实际情况运用多种方法提高英语听力。




Unit 1 Will people have robots ?


1、Wordsphrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

2、will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

3、There be 句型的一般将来时. 4、more , less , fewer 的用法.



1、will构成一般将来时态的句式。 2、There be 句型的一般将来时态。

3、more , fewer , less 的用法。 4、How to make predictions .






Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1.Greetings: Welcome to school .

What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?(你喜欢你的'寒假吗?)

Do you finish your Homework(家庭作业) ?(你完成你的假期作业了吗?)

Do you want to live on the moon ?(你想去月球吗?)

Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?(你能猜出十年后将会发生什么吗?)

Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

SB Page 2 ,1a .

1.Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

2.Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

3.Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

4.Do it by themselves .

5.Talk about the answers with the class .

Explain :一般将来时态

构成: will / be going to +动词原形=

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

SB Page 2 ,1b .

1.Practise reading the six predictions .

2.Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

3.Play the tape twice .(放录音,两次)

4.Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

SB Page 2 , 1c .

1、Pay attention to the dialogues .

2、Read the dialogues fluently .

3、Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

4、Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

SB Page 3 , 2a 2b .

1、Read the predictions .

2、Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

3、Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

4、Check the answers .

学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

1、Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

2、Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

Grammar Focus:

1.、Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

2、Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


1、Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .

2、Go over the new words .






Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识) (导入)

1.Greetings and free talk .

2.Check their Homework(家庭作业) :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价)

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

1.Go over what we learnt yesterday .(复习昨天所学的知识)


Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

SB Page 4 , 3a .

1.Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .

2.Read the instructions .

3.Complete filling in the blanks individually .

4.Check the answers .

5.Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .

SB Page 4 , 3b .

1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .

3. Practise reading .

4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

1. Write about yourself .

With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .

2. Complete the work individually .

3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .

Homework(家庭作业) :

Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .






Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. Greetings .

2. Say yourselves :five years ago , today and in five years .

3. Check the Homework(家庭作业).

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

SB Page 5 , 1a .

1. Look at the form and read the headings to the class .Make sure the Ss know what they mean .

2. Read the list of seven words .Explain the new words .

3. Write each word in the correct column .Check the answers.

SB Page 5 , 1b .

1. Read the words already written on the chart .

2. Groupwork: Think about what we learned before .Write some words in the chart above .Divide the class into groups of four ,let them have a competition .

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)

SB Page 5 , 2a .

1. Look at the pictures carefully .Can you guess what we’ll listen ?Talk about them .

2. Read the instructions .We’ll listen to 3 conversations .Number the pictures 1-3 .

3. Play the tape twice .Check the answers .

SB Page 5 , 2b .

This activity is easy ,I think .For we know the conversations are talking about Alexis 10 years ago ,today and in 10 years .

1.Read the instructions .

2. Pay attention to the sentences and the verbs in the box .

3.Play the tape and correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)

1. Read the instructions .

2. Pairwork. One is Alexis, one is Joe .

3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Read it to the Ss .

4. Talk about Joe’s life now , ten years ago and in ten years .

5. Ask some pairs of Ss to say their dialogues .


1. Go over the words .

2. 写一篇50个单词左右的小短文,预测与展望未来我们的学习和生活。






Teaching procedures(教学步骤):

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. Greetings .

2. Ask two Ss to say sth about Joe .

3. Check their Homework(家庭作业) .

Step 2 While-task(任务中活动)

SB Page 6 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Give Ss 3 minutes to read the passage , tick out the new words.

3. Explain the new words and practice reading .

4. Point out the chart .Read the column headings to the class .

5. Read the passage again .Write words from her answers in the correct columns below .

6. Check the answers .

7. Practise reading .

SB Page 6 , 3b .Playing a game :Who write it ?

1. Ss write about their life in ten years on a piece of paper but don’t write names on the paper .

2. Put all the Ss’ papers together .

3. Take turns reading the paper .The other Ss guess who wrote it .

Step 3 Post-task(任务后活动)

SB Page 6 , Part 4 .

1. Read the questions below .

2. Ask two Ss to read the dialogue .

3. Answer the questions .

4. Pairwork. Get your partner’s answers .

5. Share a few Ss’ conversations .


1. Finish selfcheck as their Homework

2. Go over the words in this unit .






Teaching contents:

Reading :Do you think you will have your own robot ?

Teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. If possible,draw a robot on the Bb or put up a picture of a robot.

while task加横杆吗?



1.In Figure 7, Task 1 acts as a decision, while Task 4 acts as a combined merge and fork.



Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? 时间:2010-9-

Teaching goals :

1. Words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

3. 学习过去进行时态。

4. 利用知识谈论过去发生的事情。

5. 复习过去式,学会讲故事。

6. 了解一些自然科学知识和社会科学知识。

Important and difficult points:

1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

2. 学习过去进行时态。

Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a .

1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .

2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .

3. Check the answers .

4. Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Look at the dialogue in the picture .

Explain : 过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .


I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .

3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses .

4. Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a .

1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements .

3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers .

SB Page 19 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .

3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers .

Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c .

1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

Homework :

1. Go over the words in this unit

2. 用介词或介词短语填空。

① They were talking the phone .

② I was the barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed .

④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday .

⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .


Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 20 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the e-mail by the Ss first .Number the pictures in the correct order .

3. Explain something .

4. Practice reading and listen to the tape .

SB Page 20 , 3b .

Cover the story .Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story . I think this activity is hard to most of the students .

If necessary , do it as homework .

SB Page 20 , Part 4 .

What were you doing at these times last Sunday ?

1. Read the sample dialogue in the box .

2. Look at the table .Read the times for the Ss .

3. Pairwork : Talk about what they were doing at different times .

4. Write down your answers .

5. Practice reading .

Step 3 Post-task

Make an interview .

Interview two classmates in your class and write down their answers .Begin like this :What were you doing at … ?

I was … .

Homework :

Cover the story in 3a .Try to retell the story .


Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 21 , 1c .

1. Look at the pictures .Please say something about the picture .

2. Read the sentences and explain the new words .

3. Match the sentences with the pictures .

4. Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 21 , 2a 2b .

1. Read the things in the chart below .They will help Ss to guess what you will heard .Hear six things in the chart .

2. Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen .

3. Play the recording a second time .Check the phrases they hear on the recording .

4. Listen again .Pay attention to the persons who did each thing in the chart above .Match the phrases with the persons .

5. Play the tape again and correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 21 , 2c .

Pairwork : Read the sample dialogue in the box .Talk about the people in activity 2a .S1 begins a sentence with the word “while” ,S2 complete the sentence .

① While John was walking to school , he saw a cat in a tree .

② While John was climbing the tree , a man saw him .

③ While the man was calling the police , a woman called the newspaper .

④ While the newspaper reporter was taking photos ,the cat went up the tree again .

Ss can say them out by themselves .

Homework :

SB Page 23 , Selfcheck , Parts 1and 2 .


Period 4

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetingsand free-talk .

2. Check the homework : Correct the answers .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 22 , Part 3 .

1. Read the instructions ,pointing to the article and the list of questions .

2. Scan the passage for the main idea .

T: Who found Linda’s dog ? (the police officer’s dog )

3. Read the questions by the Ss .Make sure they understand them .

4. Play the recording .Ss listen carefully .

5. Write answers to the questions .

6. Practice reading .

7. Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 22 , 4a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Look at the pictures .Discuss in groups .

3. Ask students to explain what is happening in each picture .

4. Complete the work on their own .Remind them to use times in their stories .

5. Share their stories .(If someone can’t finish it in class ,do it as homework .)

Step 5 Post-task

SB Page 22 , 4b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the times .

3. Pairwork : One is the police officer ,the other is the bicycle thief .Begin like this :

A: Where were you at … ?

B: I was in the park .

A: What were you doing there ?

B : … .

4. Show the role-plays to the class .

Homework :

1. Finish Selfcheck , Part 3 .

2. 运用过去进行时态when / while 来描述上个星期日两人不同的动作,写出五个正确的句子 。

Time Action

Linda Me

8:00 am read English play football

12:00 am have lunch read newspaper

2:00 pm have a rest play computer games

4:00 pm play basketball sleep

6:00 pm do homework watch TV


Period 5

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 24 , Groupwork .

1. Arrange the Ss in small groups .Ask them to look at the pictures and talk about the events . Encourage students to say how historical events affected their lives .

2. Tell the Ss to help each other with vocabulary they might need and don’t know .

Step 3 While-task

1. Reading strategy :The title can be helpful for you to understand a text .It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before reading .

2. Read the title ,which gives an indication of the content of the reading .Think of one question they think might be answered in the reading .

3. Play the recording , Ss listen .

4. Ask Ss to read the story out to the class .

5. Ask Ss to comment on whether their questions in the previewing stage were answered .


一直以来英语教案都是课堂英语教学呈现和传承的重要手段。下面我给大家分享一些 八年级 英语下册unit3教案,大家快来跟我一起欣赏吧。


Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

Teaching goals :

1. Words : barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

2. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

3. 学习过去进行时态。

4. 利用知识谈论过去发生的事情。

5. 复习过去式,学会讲 故事 。

6. 了解一些 自然科学知识 和社会科学知识。

Important and difficult points:

1. when , while 引导的时间状语从句。

2. 学习过去进行时态。

Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .


Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

3. Dictate the words in Unit 2 .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 18 , 1a .

1. Point to the sentences .Read the sentences .Explain what each one means .

2. Look at the picture .Point out the six people .Match the statements with the people in the picture .

3. Check the answers .

4. Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 18 , 1b .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .

2. Look at the dialogue in the picture .

Explain :

过去进行时态的构成: was / were + doing .


I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived .

3. Play the tape twice . Circle the correct responses .

4. Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

Talk about what people were doing when the UFO arrived .

Step 5 While-task

SB Page 19 , 2a .

1. Read the sentences .Make sure the Ss understand what they mean .

2. Play the tape twice .Order these statements .

3. Play the tape again ,correct the answers .

SB Page 19 , 2b .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Play the recording .Write “when” or “while” on each line .

3. Play the recording again ,correct their answers .

Notice: when / while

※ When comes before a quick action that happens only once .The word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

Step 6 Post-task

SB Page 19 , 2c .

1. Point ort the picture .Ask what each person is doing .

2. Groupwork : Ask “What was …doing when the UFO arrived ?”

3. Ask a group to say its conversation to the class .

Step 7 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

Homework :

1. Go over the words in this unit

2. 用介词或介词 短语 填空。

① They were talking the phone .

② I was the barber’s chair .

③ The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed .

④ I had a very unusual experience Sunday .

⑤ The alien visited the Museum Flight .



Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free-talk .

2. Check the homework .

Step 2 While-task

SB Page 20 , 3a .

1. Read the instructions .

2. Read the e-mail by the Ss first .Number the pictures in the correct order .

3. Explain something .

4. Practice reading and listen to the tape .

SB Page 20 , 3b .

Cover the story .Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story . I think this activity is hard to most of the students .

If necessary , do it as homework .

SB Page 20 , Part 4 .

What were you doing at these times last Sunday ?

1. Read the sample dialogue in the box .

2. Look at the table .Read the times for the Ss .

3. Pairwork : Talk about what they were doing at different times .

4. Write down your answers .

5. Practice reading .

Step 3 Post-task

Make an interview .

Interview two classmates in your class and write down their answers .Begin like this :What were you doing at … ?

I was … .

Homework :

Cover the story in 3a .Try to retell the story .


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