
http://www.itjxue.com  2015-08-07 20:59  来源:未知  点击次数: 


In this article, we’ll provide practical guidelines that you can easily follow. These guidelines have been crafted from usability testing, field testing, website tracking, eye tracking, Web analytics and actual complaints made to customer support personnel by disgruntled users.


Why Web Form Usability Is Important


The ISO 9241 standard defines website usability as the “effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments.” When using a website, users have a particular goal. If designed well, the website will meet that goal and align it with the goals of the organization behind the website. Standing between the user’s goal and the organization’s goals is very often a form, because, despite the advances in human-computer interaction, forms remain the predominant form of interaction for users on the Web. In fact, forms are often considered to be the last and most important stage of the journey to the completion of goals.

ISO 9241标准中对网站可用性的定义是:特定用户在特定环境下,能够快速、有效且满意地完成特定的目标。用户使用网站都是有目标的。 如果设计得好,网站不但会达到用户的目标,还会将其与自身公司的目标联系起来。介乎用户目标和公司目标之间的往往就是表单,因为,尽管人机交互发展迅速,表单仍然是用户与网站交互的主要方式。实际上,表单经常被认作是完成目标的最后也是最重要的一站。

Let’s clarify this last point by discussing the three main uses of forms. As Luke Wroblewski states in his book Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks, every form exists for one of three main reasons: commerce, community or productivity. The following table translates each of these reasons into the user and business objectives that lie behind them:

让我们通过讨论表单的三个主要作用来阐述下最后这一点。就像Luke Wroblewski在他的《web表单设计:点石成金的艺术》一书中说的一样,每个表单的存在必有如下三个原因之一:商务、社区或效率。下面的表单把这三个原因转化成了其背后的用户目标和公司目标:

Uses of forms, based on Luke Wroblewski’s Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks.

表单的作用,基于Luke Wroblewski的《web表单设计:点石成金的艺术》。

Thus, the relationship between forms and usability have two aspects:


1. Forms can make a website usable or unusable, because they stand in the way of the user achieving their goal;

1. 表单可以使网站好用或不好用,因为它们挡在用户达成目标的路上。

2. Forms need to be usable in order to help the user achieve that goal.

2. 为了帮助用户达成目标,表单必须要好用

This post will focus on the second point, because a usable form will naturally contribute to the overall usability of the website, hence the first aspect.


The Six Components Of Web Forms


Web forms are a necessity and often a pain point for both designers and users. Over time, users have formed expectations of how a form should look and behave. They typically expect Web forms to have the following six components:


1. Labels These tell users what the corresponding input fields mean.


2. Input Fields Input fields enable users to provide feedback. They include text fields, password fields, check boxes, radio buttons, sliders and more.


3. Actions These are links or buttons that, when pressed by the user, perform an action, such as submitting the form.


4. Help This provides assistance on how to fill out the form.


5. Messages Messages give feedback to the user based on their input. They can be positive (such as indicating that the form was submitted successfully) or negative (“The user name you have selected is already taken”).


6. Validation These measures ensure that the data submitted by the user conforms to acceptable parameters.


Skype’s registration form contains all six components.


